5-10 ene
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind´97 17
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 16
3 4 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 4
4 7 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 3
5 3 Rosana En navidad 6
6 5 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo remixes 6
7 9 U2 God will send his angels 6
8 re Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 7
9 10 B.S.O. You can leave your hat on 3
10 re Sting & Police Roxanne 2
12-17 ene
1 4 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 4
2 3 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 5
3 1 Elton John Candle in the wind´97 4** 18
4 2 Aqua Barbie girl 17
5 6 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo remixes 7
6 e Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida/Can´t stop thinking of you 1
7 e Pearl Jam Given to fly 1
8 7 U2 God will send his angels 7
9 re Bunbury Alicia expulsada al pais de las maravillas 3
10 9 B.S.O. You can leave your hat on 4
19-24 ene
1 1 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 5
2 e Midge Ure Breathe 1
3 2 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 6
4 3 Elton John Candle in the wind´97 4** 19
5 4 Aqua Barbie girl 18
6 7 Pearl Jam Given to fly 2
7 e Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 1
8 6 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida/Can´t stop thinking of you 2
9 5 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo remixes 8
10 9 Bunbury Alicia expulsada al pais de las maravillas 4
26-31 ene
1 1 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 6
2 3 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 7
3 5 Aqua Barbie girl 19
4 7 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 2
5 2 Midge Ure Breathe 2
6 4 Elton John Candle in the wind´97 4** 20
7 8 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida/Can´t stop thinking of you 3
8 e Espen Lind When Susannah cries 1
9 6 Pearl Jam Given to fly 3
10 e Aqua My oh my 1
2-7 feb
1 e Backstreet boys All I have to give 1
2 1 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 7
3 2 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 8
4 4 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 3
5 5 Midge Ure Breathe 3
6 3 Aqua Barbie girl 20
7 10 Aqua My oh my 2
8 e Smash mouth Walking on the sun 1
9 e Marilyn Manson Remix & Repent 1
10 8 Espen Lind When Susannah cries 2
9-14 feb
1 2 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 8
2 1 Backstreet boys All I have to give 2
3 e Madonna Frozen 1
4 3 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 9
5 8 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 2
6 7 Aqua My oh my 3
7 4 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 4
8 5 Midge Ure Breathe 4
9 9 Marilyn Manson Remix & Repent 2
10 10 Espen Lind When Susannah cries 3
16-21 feb
1 3 Madonna Frozen 2
2 2 Backstreet boys All I have to give 3
3 1 Natalie Imbruglia torn 9
4 7 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 5
5 5 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 3
6 4 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 10
7 6 Aqua My oh my 4
8 8 Midge Ure Breathe 5
9 9 Marilyn Manson Remix & Repent 3
10 e Celine Dion My heart will go on 1
23-28 feb
1 1 Madonna Frozen 3
2 3 Natalie Imbruglia torn 10
3 2 Backstreet boys All I have to give 4
4 e Janet Jackson Together again 1
5 4 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 6
6 10 Celine Dion My heart will go on 2
7 5 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 4
8 6 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 11
9 7 aqua My oh my 5
10 9 Marilyn Manson Remix & Repent 4
2-7 mar
1 1 Madonna Frozen 4
2 2 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 11
3 5 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 7
4 3 Backstreet boys All I have to give 5
5 7 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 5
6 6 Celine Dion My heart will go on 3
7 re Midge Ure Breathe 6
8 re Espen Lind When Susannah cries 4
9 8 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 12
10 9 Aqua My oh my 6
9-14 mar
1 e Mecano El club de los humildes 1
2 1 Madonna Frozen 5
3 2 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 12
4 4 Backstreet boys All I have to give 6
5 6 Celine Dion My heart will go on 4
6 3 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 8
7 7 Midge Ure Breathe 8
8 5 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 6
9 10 Aqua My oh my 7
10 8 Espen Lind When Susannah cries 5
16-21 mar
1 1 Mecano El club de los humildes 2
2 2 Madonna Frozen 6
3 3 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 13
4 5 Celine Dion My heart will go on 5
5 7 Midge Ure Breathe 9
6 6 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 9
7 4 Backstreet boys All I have to give 7
8 8 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 7
9 re Marilyn Manson Remix & Repent 5
10 9 Aqua My oh my 8
23-28 mar
1 2 Madonna Frozen 7
2 e Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 1
3 4 Celine Dion My heart will go on 6
4 3 Natalie Imbruglia torn 14
5 1 mecano El club de los humildes 3
6 6 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 10
7 e Iron maiden The angel and the gambler 1
8 8 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 8
9 re Janet Jackson Together again 2
10 e Jimmy Ray Are you Jimmy Ray 1
30 mar-4 abr
1 2 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 2
2 1 Madonna Frozen 8
3 3 Celine Dion My heart will go on 7
4 4 Natalie Imbruglia torn 15
5 7 Iron maiden The angel and the gambler 2
6 5 Mecano El club de los humildes 4
7 9 Janet Jackson Together again 3
8 10 Jimmy Ray Are you Jimmy Ray 2
9 8 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 9
10 6 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 11
6-11 abr
1 1 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 3
2 2 Madonna Frozen 9
3 3 Celine Dion My heart will go on 8
4 8 Jimmy Ray Are you Jimmy Ray 3
5 4 Natalie Imbruglia torn 16
6 6 Mecano El club de los humildes 5
7 9 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 10
8 7 Janet Jackson Together again 4
9 10 Bell Book & Candle Rescue me 12
10 e Usher You make me wanna 1
13-18 abr
1 3 Celine Dion My heart will go on 9
2 1 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 4
3 2 Madonna Frozen 10
4 5 Natalie Imbruglia Torn 17
5 6 Mecano El club de los humildes 6
6 4 Jimmy Ray Are you Jimmy Ray 4
7 7 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 11
8 8 Janet Jackson Together again 5
9 e Golpes bajos Malos tiempos para la lirica 1
10 10 Usher You make me wanna 2
20-25 abr
1 1 Celine Dion My heart will go on 10
2 2 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 5
3 4 Natalie Imbruglia torn 18
4 3 Madonna Frozen 11
5 7 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 12
6 e Aqua Dr. Jones 1
7 5 Mecano El club de los humildes 7
8 re Iron maiden The angel and the gambler 3
9 6 Jimmy Ray Are you Jimmy Ray 5
10 10 usher You make me wanna 3
27 abr-2 may
1 e Madonna Ray of light 1
2 1 Celine Dion My heart will go on 11
3 2 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 6
4 3 Natalie Imbruglia torn 19
5 4 Madonna Frozen 12
6 6 aqua Dr. Jones 2
7 e Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 1
8 e Coro Raya Real y bailas? 1
9 5 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 13
10 7 mecano El club de los humildes 8
4-9 may
1 1 Madonna Ray of light 2
2 2 Celine Dion My heart will go on 12
3 10 Mecano El club de los humildes 9
4 3 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 7
5 e Garbage Push it 1
6 6 Aqua Dr. Jones 3
7 7 Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 2
8 5 Madonna Frozen 13
9 9 Smash mouth Walking on the sun 14
10 e Manolo Garcia Pajaros de barro 1
11-16 may
1 1 Madonna Ray of light 3
2 2 Celine Dion My heart will go on 13
3 3 mecano El club de los humildes 10
4 4 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 8
5 5 Garbage Push it 2
6 7 Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 3
7 6 Aqua Dr. Jones 4
8 8 Madonna Frozen 14
9 e Lenny Kravitz If you can´t say no 1
10 e Mariah Carey My all 1
18-23 may
1 e Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 1
2 1 Madonna Ray of light 2
3 2 Celine Dion My heart will go on 14
4 4 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 8
5 3 Mecano El club de los humildes 11
6 5 Garbage Push it 3
7 6 Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 4
8 e Ace of base Life is a flower 1
9 10 Mariah Carey My all 2
10 e Molotov Gimme tha power 1
25-30 may
1 1 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 2
2 4 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 9
3 2 Madonna Ray of light 3
4 3 Celine Dion My heart will go on 15
5 7 Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 5
6 10 Molotov Gimme tha power 2
7 5 Mecano El club de los humildes 12
8 6 Garbage Push it 4
9 re Aqua Dr. Jones 5
10 e Propellerheads History repeating 1
1-6 jun
1 e Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 1
2 1 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 3
3 6 Molotov Gimme tha power 3
4 e Bravo allstars Let the music heal your soul 1
5 2 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 10
6 4 Celine Dion My heart will go on 16
7 3 Madonna Ray of light 4
8 5 Natalie Imbruglia Big mistake 6
9 re Ace of base Life is a flower 2
10 re Mariah Carey my all 3
8-13 jun
1 1 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 2
2 2 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 4
3 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 4
4 5 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 11
5 e Undrop Train 1
6 4 Bravo allstars Let the music heal your soul 2
7 e Marcela Morelo Corazon salvaje 1
8 7 Madonna Ray of light 5
9 9 Ace of base Life is a flower 3
10 6 Celine Dion My heart will go on 17
15-20 jun
1 1 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 3
2 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 5
3 4 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 12
4 2 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 5
5 6 Bravo allstars Let the music heal your soul 3
6 7 mar Corazon salvaje 2
7 9 Ace of base Life is a flower 4
8 5 Undrop Train 2
9 8 Madonna Ray of light 6
10 e Monica Naranjo Pantera en libertad 1
22-27 jun
1 e Blue 4 U Happy world 1
2 1 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 4
3 2 Molotov Gimme tha power 6
4 3 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 13
5 5 Bravo allstars Let the music heal your soul 4
6 4 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 6
7 8 Undrop Train 3
8 9 Madonna Ray of light 7
9 6 Marcela Morelo Corazon salvaje 3
10 10 Monica Naranjo Pantera en libertad 2
29 jun-4 jul
1 1 Blue 4 U Happy world 2
2 2 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 5
3 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 7
4 7 Undrop Train 4
5 6 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 7
6 4 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 14
7 5 Bravo allstars Let the music heal your soul 5
8 e Des´Ree Life 1
9 10 Monica Naranjo Pantera en libertad 3
10 e Pablo Bicho Mami me gusto 1
6-11 jul
1 1 Blue 4 U Happy world 3
2 2 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 6
3 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 8
4 e 4 the cause Stand by me 1
5 e Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 1
6 4 Undrop Train 5
7 9 Monica Naranjo Pantera en libertad 4
8 6 Ricky Martin La copa de la vida 15
9 8 Des´Ree Life 2
10 5 Gloria Estefan Corazon prohibido 8
13-18 jul
1 1 Blue 4 U Happy world 4
2 2 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 7
3 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 9
4 4 4 the cause Stand by me 2
5 e Gloria Estefan Oye 1
6 5 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 2
7 9 Des´Ree Life 3
8 6 Undrop Train 6
9 e Ska-P España va bien 1
10 e Ricky Martin La bomba 1
20-25 jul
1 1 Blue 4 U Happy world 5
2 5 Gloria Estefan Oye 2
3 2 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 8
4 4 4 the cause Stand by me 3
5 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 10
6 10 Ricky Martin La bomba 2
7 7 Des´Ree Life 4
8 6 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 3
9 9 Ska-P España va bien 2
10 e Jamiroquai Deeper underground 1
27 jul-1 agos
1 2 Gloria Estefan Oye 3
2 1 Blue 4 U Happy world 6
3 3 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 9
4 5 Molotov Gimme tha power 11
5 4 4 the cause Stand by me 4
6 6 Ricky Martin La bomba 3
7 7 Des´Ree Life 5
8 8 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 4
9 e Radio futura Semilla negra 1
10 10 Jamiroquai Deeper underground 2
3-8 agos
1 1 Gloria Estefan Oye 4
2 3 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 10
3 2 Blue 4 U Happy world 7
4 4 Molotov Gimme tha power 12
5 6 Ricky Martin La bomba 4
6 5 4 the cause Stand by me 5
7 7 Des´Ree Life 6
8 8 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 5
9 e Modern talking Brother Louie´98 1
10 10 Jamiroquai Deeper underground 3
10-15 agos
1 1 Gloria Estefan Oye 5
2 9 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 2
3 2 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 11
4 e Stardust Music sounds better with you 1
5 4 Molotov Gimme tha power 13
6 6 4 the cause Stand by me 6
7 3 Blue 4 U Happy world 8
8 8 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 6
9 5 Ricky Martin La bomba 5
10 7 Des´Ree Life 7
17-22 agos
1 1 Gloria Estefan Oye 6
2 2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 3
3 3 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 12
4 5 Molotov Gimme tha power 14
5 6 4 the cause Stand by me 7
6 9 Ricky Martin La bomba 6
7 10 Des´Ree life 8
8 8 Smash mouth Why can´t we be friends 7
9 4 Stardust Music sounds better with you 2
10 e Marcela Morelo La fuerza del engaño 1
24-29 agos
1 9 Stardust Music sounds better with you 3
2 2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 4
3 1 Gloria Estefan oye 7
4 4 Molotov Gimme tha power 15
5 3 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 13
6 5 4 the cause Stand by me 8
7 7 Des´Ree life 9
8 6 Ricky Martin La bomba 7
9 10 Marcela Morelo La fuerza del engaño 2
10 e Madonna Drowned world (Substitute for love) 1
31 agos-5 sept
1 10 Madonna Drowned world (Substitute for love) 2
2 4 Molotov Gimme tha power 16
3 3 Gloria Estefan oye 8
4 2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 5
5 6 4 the cause Stand by me 9
6 7 Des´Ree Life 10
7 5 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 14
8 1 Stardust Music sounds better with you 4
9 8 Ricky Martin La bomba 8
10 e Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 1
7-12 sept
1 e Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 1
2 3 Gloria Estefan oye 9
3 2 Molotov Gimme tha power 17
4 1 Madonna Drowned world (Substitute for love) 3
5 4 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 6
6 8 Stardust Music sounds better with you 5
7 re Marcela Morelo La fuerza del engaño 3
8 7 Alejandro Sanz Corazon partio (remezclas) 15
9 6 Des´Ree Life 11
10 5 4 the cause Stand by me 10
14-19 sept
1 1 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 2
2 6 Stardust Music sounds better with you 6
3 5 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 7
4 e Julio Iglesias La gota fria 1
5 2 Gloria Estefan oye 10
6 re Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 2
7 e Jennifer Paige Crush 1
8 9 Des´Ree life 12
9 7 Marcela Morelo La fuerza del engaño 4
10 3 Molotov Gimme tha power 18
21-26 sept
1 1 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 3
2 4 Julio Iglesias La gota fria 2
3 8 Des´Ree life 13
4 e Robbie Williams Millenium 1
5 5 Gloria Estefan oye 11
6 e Molotov Puto 1
7 6 Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 3
8 7 Jennifer Paige Crush 2
9 10 Molotov Gimme tha power 19
10 3 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 8
28 sept-3 oct
1 1 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 4
2 4 Robbie Williams Millenium 2
3 3 Des´Ree life 14
4 7 Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 4
5 6 Molotov Puto 2
6 2 Julio Iglesias La gota fria 3
7 e Aerosmith I don´t want to miss a thing 1
8 re Stardust Music sounds better with you 7
9 9 Molotov Gimme tha power 20
10 10 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 9
5-10 oct
1 e Rosana Contigo 1
2 1 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 5
3 3 Des´Ree life 15
4 7 Aerosmith I don´t want to miss a thing 2
5 5 Molotov Puto 3
6 2 Robbie Williams Millenium 3
7 4 Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 5
8 6 Julio Iglesias La gota fria 4
9 8 Stardust Music sounds better with you 8
10 re Gloria Estefan oye 12
12-17 oct
1 1 Rosana Contigo 2
2 2 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 6
3 3 Des´Ree life 16
4 e Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 1
5 re Molotov Gimme tha power 21
6 5 Molotov Puto 4
7 7 Mya & Pras Michel Ghetto Superstar 6
8 4 Aerosmith I don´t want to miss a thing 3
9 re Jennifer Paige Crush 3
10 6 Robbie Williams Millenium 4
19-24 oct
1 e George Michael Outside 1
2 1 Rosana Contigo 3
3 e U2 The sweetest thing 1
4 2 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 7
5 4 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 2
6 3 Des´Ree life 17
7 re Stardust Music sounds better with you 9
8 6 Molotov Puto 5
9 5 Molotov Gimme tha power 22
10 9 Jennifer Paige Crush 4
26-31 oct
1 1 George Michael Outside 2
2 3 U2 The sweetest thing 2
3 2 Rosana Contigo 4
4 5 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 3
5 e Monica Naranjo Las campanas del amor 1
6 6 Des´Ree life 18
7 10 Jennifer Paige Crush 5
8 re Robbie Williams Millenium 5
9 4 Depeche mode Only when I lose myself 8
10 8 Molotov Puto 6
2-7 nov
1 1 George Michael Outside 3
2 e Cher Believe 1
3 2 U2 The sweetest thing 3
4 e Manolo Garcia Zapatero 1
5 4 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 4
6 3 Rosana Contigo 5
7 6 Des´Ree life 19
8 7 Jennifer Paige Crush 6
9 5 Monica Naranjo Las campanas del amor 2
10 8 Robbie Williams Millenium 6
9-14 nov
1 2 Cher Believe 2
2 1 George Michael Outside 4
3 e Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 1
4 4 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 2
5 3 U2 The sweetest thing 4
6 5 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 5
7 6 Rosana Contigo 6
8 e Shakira Ciega sordomuda 1
9 7 Des´Ree life 20
10 re Molotov Puto 7
16-21 nov
1 1 Cher Believe 3
2 e Madonna The power of goodbye 1
3 4 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 3
4 3 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 2
5 2 George Michael Outside 5
6 e Ska-P Paramilitar 1
7 8 Shakira Ciega sordomuda 2
8 9 Des´Ree life 21
9 5 U2 The sweetest thing 5
10 6 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 6
23-28 nov
1 1 Cher Believe 6
2 e Des´Ree What´s your sign? 1
3 5 George Michael Outside 6
4 2 Madonna The power of goodbye 2
5 4 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 3
6 3 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 4
7 7 Shakira Ciega sordomuda 3
8 10 Azucar moreno Ole (remixes) 7
9 e Five Everybody get up 1
10 9 U2 The sweetest thing 6
30 nov-5 dic
1 1 Cher Believe 7
2 2 Des´Ree What´s your sign? 2
3 9 Five Everybody get up 2
4 3 George Michael Outside 7
5 5 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 4
6 e Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston When you believe 1
7 4 Madonna The power of goodbye 3
8 6 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 5
9 e Faithless God is a DJ 1
10 e Whirpool productions From disco to disco 1
7-12 dic
1 1 Cher Believe 8
2 2 Des´Ree What´s your sign? 3
3 6 Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston When you believe 2
4 5 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 5
5 3 Five Everybody get up 3
6 4 George Michael Outside 8
7 8 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 6
8 e C.C. Catch Soul survivor´98 1
9 7 Madonna The power of goodbye 4
10 9 Faithless God is a DJ 2
14-19 dic
1 1 Cher Believe 9
2 2 Des´Ree What´s your sign? 4
3 3 Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston When you believe 3
4 4 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 6
5 6 George Michael Outside 9
6 e Siempre asi Diez y cuarto 1
7 9 Madonna The power of goodbye 5
8 7 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 7
9 5 Five Everybody get up 4
10 10 Faithless God is a DJ 3
21-26 dic
1 2 Des´Ree What´s your sign? 5
2 3 Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston When you believe 4
3 1 cher Believe 10
4 4 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 7
5 6 Siempre asi Diez y cuarto 2
6 5 George Michael Outside 10
7 9 five Everybody get up 5
8 8 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 8
9 e Spice girls Goodbye 1
10 7 Madonna The power of goodbye 6
28 dic-2 ene'99
1 3 Cher Believe 11
2 1 Des´Ree What´s your sign? 6
3 2 Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston When you believe 5
4 5 Siempre asi Diez y cuarto 3
5 4 Gloria Estefan Cuba libre 8
6 7 Five Everybody get up 6
7 8 Manolo Garcia Zapatero 9
8 9 Spice girls Goodbye 2
9 6 George Michael Outside 11
10 re Faithless God is a DJ 4
5-10 ene
1 1 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 7
2 5 Spice girls Spice up your life 13
3 2 Sash Stay 15
4 4 Gala Come into my life 10
5 7 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that 13
6 6 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 4
7 15 Rebeca Todos los chicos son iguales 2
8 3 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix) 12
9 8 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 6
10 e Greensleeves Mangas verdes (remixes) 1
11 e Object one Emergency 1
12 13 Nostrum Brainchild´97 2
13 11 Now Let´s make love 7
14 e 666 Alarma 1
15 re Janet Jackson Got ´til it´s gone 4
12-17 ene
1 9 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 7
2 e Absolom Secret 1
3 1 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 8
4 8 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix) 13
5 3 Sash Stay 16
6 6 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 5
7 5 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that 14
8 4 Gala Come into my life 11
9 11 Object one Emergency 2
10 14 666 Alarma 2
11 2 Spice girls Spice up your life 14
12 7 Rebeca Todos los chicos son iguales 3
13 10 Greensleeves Mangas verdes (remixes) 2
14 13 now Let´s make love 8
15 e Ocho Next generation 1
19-24 ene
1 3 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 9
2 1 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 8
3 6 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 6
4 8 Gala Come into my life 12
5 2 Absolom Secret 2
6 5 Sash Stay 17
7 e Happy nation Girls just wanna have fun 1
8 12 Rebeca Todos los chicos son iguales 4
9 e Camisra Let me show you 1
10 7 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that 15
11 15 Ocho Next generation 2
12 4 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix) 14
13 14 now Let´s make love 9
14 e DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 1
15 e Trans-Pose Set up 1
26-31 ene
1 5 Absolom Secret 3
2 1 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 10
3 2 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 9
4 e Zombie Rescue me 1
5 6 Sash Stay 18
6 14 DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 2
7 3 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 7
8 4 gala Come into my life 13
9 7 Happy nation Girls just wanna have fun 2
10 e Sharada house gang Gipsy boy 1
11 13 now Let´s make love 10
12 e Suite Torn 1
13 e The Rolling stones Saint of me 1
14 e Nalin & Kane Takin´ about 1
15 9 Camisra Let me show you 2
2-7 feb
1 e Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 1
2 e Lutricia McNeal My side of town 1
3 2 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 11
4 1 Absolom secret 4
5 8 gala Come into my life 14
6 3 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 10
7 5 Sash stay 19
8 7 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 8
9 e Brooklyn bounce The music´s got me 1
10 6 DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 3
11 12 suite torn 2
12 e DJ Borr X & DJ Cumpli In time 1
13 13 The Rolling stones Saint of me 2
14 e Bamboo Bamboogie 1
15 e Cocooma The yellow base 1
9-14 feb
1 1 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 2
2 5 Gala Come into my life 15
3 4 Absolom Secret 5
4 3 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 12
5 2 Lutricia McNeal My side of town 2
6 6 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 11
7 10 DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 4
8 e Awesome Rumours 1
9 e Jerry Daley Golden child 1
10 12 DJ Borr X & DJ Cumpli In time 2
11 7 Sash stay 20
12 e Byron Stingly Let make me feel 1
13 e Gala Everyone has inside 1
14 8 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul It´s raining men 9
15 e Koala Australia 1
16-21 feb
1 1 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 3
2 e Fraktal 4 The promised land 1
3 2 gala Come into my life 16
4 12 Byron Stingly Let make me feel 2
5 4 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 13
6 3 Absolom Secret 6
7 e Gary D Bang 1
8 e Dj Caprio Hymn to the sea 1
9 8 Awesome Rumours 2
10 6 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3 12
11 7 DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 5
12 re ocho Next generation 3
13 9 Jerry Daley Golden child 2
14 e Forkman Forkpower EP 1
15 e Xavi Escolano Heaven 1
23-28 feb
1 1 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 4
2 e John Wesley I can love forever 1
3 5 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 14
4 2 Fraktal 4 The promised land 2
5 3 gala Come into my life 17
6 6 Absolom Secret 7
7 15 Xavi Escolano Heaven 2
8 e Mission My heart will go on 1
9 11 DJ Sammy & Carisma Golden child 6
10 re Lutricia McNeal my side of town 3
11 7 Gary D Bang 2
12 13 Jerry Daley Golden child 3
13 e DJ Quicksilver Planet love 1
14 e 666 Diablo 1
15 e Dr. Alban Long time ago 1
2-7 mar
1 e Propellerheads History repeating 1
2 2 John Wesley I can love forever 2
3 5 gala Come into my life 18
4 1 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 5
5 7 Xavi Escolano Heaven 3
6 4 Fraktal 4 The promised land 3
7 10 Lutricia McNeal My side of town 4
8 6 Absolom Secret 8
9 3 Prodigy Smack my bitch up 15
10 8 Mission My heart will go on 2
11 14 666 Diablo 2
12 13 DJ Quicksilver Planet love 2
13 re Dj Caprio Hymn to the sea 2
14 re Awesome Rumours 3
15 15 Dr. Alban Long time ago 2
9-14 mar
1 3 Gala Come into my life 19
2 6 Fraktal 4 The promised land 4
3 1 Propellerheads History repeating 3
4 4 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 7
5 e Strike I have peace 1
6 e Euphoria Angelical verses 1
7 2 John Wesley I can love forever 3
8 8 Absolom secret 9
9 e Jason Nevins Vs The Crew We want some pussy 1
10 e tom Novy Vs Eniac Superstar 1
11 e K´Zero Death of Titanic 1
12 5 Xavi Escolano Heaven 4
13 e Kai Tracid Your own reality 1
14 e Natascha Hagen My heart will go on 1
15 12 DJ Quicksilver Planet love 3
16-21 mar
1 e O.R.G.A.N. To the world 1
2 2 Fraktal 4 The promised land 5
3 1 gala Come into my life 20
4 5 Strike I have peace 2
5 6 Euphoria Angelical verses 2
6 e Barbarian Teology civilization 1
7 e Jog Future "rmx" 98 1
8 e 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 1
9 9 Jason Nevins Vs The Crew We want some pussy 2
10 8 Absolom Secret 10
11 4 Ana Torroja Como sueñan las sirenas (remixes) 8
12 12 Xavi Escolano Heaven 5
13 e Wanted Nº3 Limited adition 1
14 14 Natascha Hagen My heart will go on 2
15 e 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 1
23-28 mar
1 e Alexia Gimme love 1
2 1 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 2
3 15 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 2
4 5 Euphoria Angelical verses 3
5 2 Fraktal 4 The promised land 6
6 e Svenson Let me take you on a trip 1
7 7 jog Future "rmx" 98 2
8 10 Absolom Secret 11
9 e Janet Jackson I get lonely 1
10 e Sash La primavera 1
11 e Emphasis Broken dreams 1
12 8 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 2
13 re Kai Tracid Your own reality 2
14 13 Wanted Nº3 Limited adition 2
15 6 Barbarian Teology civilization 2
30 mar-4 abr
1 1 Alexia Gimme love 2
2 2 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 3
3 3 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 3
4 e Corona Walking on music 1
5 9 Janet Jackson I get lonely 2
6 10 Sash La primavera 2
7 e Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 1
8 5 Fraktal 4 The promised land 7
9 13 Kai Tracid Your own reality 3
10 8 Absolom Secret 12
11 re strike I have peace 3
12 e Skudero meets Gollum Infectius flight 1
13 6 Svenson Let me take you on a trip 2
14 re gala Come into my life 21
15 4 Euphoria Angelical verses 4
6-11 abr
1 1 Alexia Gimme love 3
2 2 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 4
3 7 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 2
4 6 Sash La primavera 3
5 e Will Smith Gettin´ Jiggy witt it 1
6 3 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 4
7 4 Corona Walking on music 2
8 14 gala Come into my life 22
9 10 Absolom Secret 13
10 e Ultra Nate Found a cure 1
11 5 Janet Jackson I get lonely 3
12 e Lutricia McNeal Washington 1
13 e Sheryl Lee Ralph Evolution 1
14 9 Kai Tracid Your own reality 4
15 15 Euphoria Angelical verses 5
13-18 abr
1 1 Alexia Gimme love 4
2 2 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 5
3 10 Ultra Nate Found a cure 2
4 4 Sash La primavera 4
5 6 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 5
6 5 Will Smith Gettin´ Jiggy witt it 2
7 3 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 3
8 14 Kai Tracid Your own reality 5
9 e Prophecy Real time 1
10 7 Corona Walking on music 3
11 e Culture beat Pay no mind 1
12 9 Absolom secret 14
13 e Kylie Minogue Breathe 1
14 e Arkimed Sequence 1
15 15 Euphoria Angelical verses 6
20-25 abr
1 1 Alexia Gimme love 5
2 3 Ultra Nate Found a cure 3
3 2 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 6
4 7 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 4
5 e No smoking Brimful of asha 1
6 4 Sash La primavera 5
7 12 Absolom Secret 15
8 5 2 Eivissa Tu tu tu ta oh la la 6
9 10 Corona Walking on music 4
10 14 Arkimed Sequence 2
11 15 Euphoria Angelical verses 7
12 re 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 3
13 6 Will Smith Gettin´ Jiggy witt it 3
14 re Barbarian Teology civilization 3
15 re Svenson Let me take you on a trip 3
27 abr-2 may
1 e Area The spirit of Area 1
2 3 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 7
3 1 Alexia Gimme love 6
4 4 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 5
5 2 Ultra Nate Found a cure 4
6 re Jog Future "rmx" 98 3
7 5 No smoking Brimful of asha 2
8 7 Absolom Secret 16
9 13 Will Smith Gettin´ Jiggy witt it 4
10 e DJ Disco Dirty disco dubs 1
11 e Whigfield Givin´ all my love 1
12 6 Sash La primavera 6
13 8 2 Eivissa move your body 7
14 re Kylie Minogue Breathe 2
15 re Kai Tracid Your own reality 5
4-9 may
1 4 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 6
2 3 Alexia Gimme love 7
3 2 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 8
4 11 Whigfield Givin´ all my love 2
5 7 No smoking Brimful of asha 3
6 1 Area The spirit of Area 2
7 5 Ultra Nate Found a cure 5
8 re Svenson Let me take you on a trip 4
9 8 Absolom Secret 17
10 e Future breeze Another day 1
11 13 2 Eivissa move your body 8
12 e Technologics El club de los humildes 1
13 e sistema 3 jumping 1
14 e Philly beat feat. Sophia Voulez vous 1
15 6 jog Future "rmx" 98 4
11-16 may
1 1 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 7
2 2 Alexia Gimme love 8
3 e Pastis & Buenri Adrenalin 1
4 5 No smoking Brimful of asha 4
5 7 Ultra Nate Found a cure 6
6 3 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 9
7 4 Whigfield Givin´ all my love 3
8 6 area The spirit of Area 3
9 e Sand & Papo El alacran 1
10 re sash La primavera 5
11 re corona Walking on music 7
12 10 Future breeze Another day 2
13 e Dr. Alban Feel the rhythm 1
14 e Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s tricky 1
15 14 Philly beat feat. Sophia Voulez vous 2
18-23 may
1 1 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 8
2 e Gala Suddenly 1
3 3 Pastis & Buenri Adrenalin 2
4 e Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 1
5 5 Ultra Nate Found a cure 7
6 8 area The spirit of Area 4
7 e B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 1
8 2 Alexia Gimme love 9
9 re sistema 3 jumping 2
10 re 2 Eivissa move your body 9
11 6 O.R.G.A.N. To the world 10
12 10 Sash La primavera 6
13 re 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 4
14 e Eddie Amador House music 1
15 e Mousse-T Horny´98 1
25-30 may
1 2 Gala Suddenly 2
2 1 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 9
3 13 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 5
4 3 Pastis & Buenri Adrenalin 3
5 15 Mousse-T Horny´98 2
6 5 Ultra Nate Found a cure 8
7 8 Alexia Gimme love 10
8 7 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 2
9 4 Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 2
10 e The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 1
11 e X-que vol.4 x-que? Vol.4 1
12 6 area The spirit of Area 5
13 re Philly beat feat. Sophia Voulez vous 3
14 14 Eddie Amador House music 2
15 e Fiocco Spread the word around 1
1-6 jun
1 1 Gala Suddenly 3
2 2 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 10
3 7 Alexia Gimme love 11
4 8 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 3
5 3 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 6
6 5 Mousse-T Horny´98 3
7 6 Ultra Nate Found a cure 9
8 13 Philly beat feat. Sophia Voulez vous 4
9 10 The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 2
10 4 Pastis & Buenri Adrenalin 4
11 15 Fiocco Spread the word around 2
12 14 Eddie Amador House music 3
13 12 area The spirit of Area 6
14 e Bacon Popper Free 1
15 e The Woolpackers Line dance party 1
8-13 jun
1 e Dana International Diva 1
2 2 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 11
3 1 gala Suddenly 4
4 6 Mousse-T Horny´98 4
5 e Ilegales del Caribe El taqui taqui 1
6 4 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 4
7 9 The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 3
8 3 Alexia Gimme love 12
9 5 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 7
10 14 Bacon Popper free 2
11 11 Fiocco Spread the word around 3
12 e Josmar Es super fort 1
13 7 Ultra Nate Found a cure 10
14 re Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 3
15 12 Eddie Amador House music 4
15-20 jun
1 1 Dana International diva 2
2 3 gala Suddenly 5
3 8 Alexia Gimme love 13
4 4 Mousse-T Horny´98 5
5 6 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 5
6 14 Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 4
7 9 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 8
8 7 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 4
9 11 Fiocco Spread the word around 4
10 5 Ilegales del Caribe El taqui taqui 2
11 2 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 12
12 15 Eddie Amador House music 5
13 e Lutricia McNeal Stranded 1
14 e Domino Baila baila conmigo 1
15 e CJ Lewis roadblock 1
22-27 jun
1 1 Dana International Diva 3
2 13 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 2
3 4 Mousse-T Horny´98 6
4 2 gala Suddenly 6
5 5 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 6
6 15 CJ Lewis roadblock 2
7 12 Eddie Amador House music 6
8 e kadoc Clap your hands 1
9 8 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel 5
10 6 Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 5
11 re Bacon Popper free 3
12 e Supa T Be true 1
13 e 2 Unlimited Edge of heaven 1
14 11 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 13
15 7 2 Unlimited Wanna get up 9
29 jun-4 jul
1 1 Dana International Diva 4
2 3 Mousse-T Horny´98 7
3 4 gala Suddenly 3
4 2 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 3
5 7 Eddie Amador House music 7
6 9 The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 6
7 6 CJ Lewis roadblock 3
8 re Domino Baila baila conmigo 2
9 re Ultra Nate Found a cure 11
10 11 Bacon Popper Free 4
11 5 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 7
12 12 Supa T Be true 2
13 14 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 14
14 10 Los Umbrellos No tengo dinero 6
15 8 kadoc Clap your hands 8
6-11 jul
1 1 Dana International Diva 5
2 e Alexia The music I like 1
3 3 Gala Suddenly 4
4 2 Mousse-T Horny´98 8
5 5 Eddie Amador House music 8
6 11 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 8
7 4 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 4
8 6 The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 7
9 13 Modern talking You´re my hear, you´re my soul 15
10 10 Bacon Popper Free 5
11 e Dario G Carnaval de Paris 1
12 9 Ultra Nate Found a cure 12
13 e DJ Neil Rain (I want) 1
14 15 kadoc Clap your hands 9
15 8 Domino Baila baila conmigo 3
13-18 jul
1 1 Dana International Diva 6
2 4 Mousse-T Horny´98 9
3 7 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 5
4 8 The Tamperer feat. Maya Feel it 8
5 2 Alexia The music I like 2
6 e King Africa El camaleon 1
7 5 Eddie Amador House music 9
8 3 gala Suddenly 5
9 6 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 9
10 14 kadoc Clap your hands 10
11 11 Dario G Carnaval de Paris 2
12 re CJ Lewis roadblock 4
13 e EX3 Into your mind 1
14 10 Bacon Popper Free 6
15 re 2 Unlimited Edge of heaven 2
20-25 jul
1 1 Dana International diva 7
2 3 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 6
3 4 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 9
4 5 Alexia The music I like 3
5 2 Mousse-T Horny´98 10
6 7 Eddie Amador House music 10
7 e Bad boys blue You´re a woman´98 1
8 e Sash Mysterious times 1
9 e Vengaboys Up & Down 1
10 6 King Africa El camaleon 2
11 9 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 7
12 8 gala Suddenly 6
13 e Funky connection Funky idea 1
14 re DJ Neil Rain (I want) 2
15 10 kadoc Clap your hands 5
27 jul-1 agos
1 2 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 7
2 1 Dana International diva 8
3 8 Sash Mysterious times 2
4 9 Vengaboys Up & Down 2
5 4 Alexia The music I like 4
6 5 Mousse-T Horny´98 11
7 3 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 10
8 12 gala Suddenly 7
9 6 Eddie Amador House music 11
10 e Will Smith Just the two of us 1
11 re 2 Unlimited Edge of heaven 3
12 7 Bad boys blue You´re a woman´98 2
13 10 King Africa El camaleon 3
14 15 kadoc Clap your hands 6
15 13 Funky connection Funky idea 2
3-8 agos
1 2 Dana International Diva 9
2 3 sash Mysterious times 3
3 1 Lutricia McNeal Stranded 8
4 6 Mousse-T Horny´98 12
5 4 Vengaboys Up & Down 3
6 e Dennis Edwards Don´t look any further 1
7 5 Alexia The music I like 5
8 11 2 Unlimited Edge of heaven 4
9 9 Eddie Amador House music 12
10 7 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 11
11 e Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 1
12 re B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 8
13 8 Gala Suddenly 8
14 14 kadoc Clap your hands 7
15 10 Will Smith Just the two of us 2
10-15 agos
1 1 Dana International Diva 10
2 2 Sash Mysterious times 4
3 5 Vengaboys Up & Down 4
4 e Partision No me gustan 1
5 11 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 2
6 4 Mousse-T Horny´98 13
7 7 Alexia The music I like 6
8 9 Eddie Amador House music 13
9 12 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 9
10 10 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 12
11 15 Will Smith Just the two of us 3
12 e Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 1
13 re DJ Neil Rain (I want) 3
14 13 gala Suddenly 9
15 6 Dennis Edwards Don´t look any further 2
17-22 agos
1 3 Vengaboys Up & Down 5
2 1 Dana International Diva 11
3 2 sash Mysterious times 5
4 12 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 2
5 5 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 3
6 7 Alexia The music I like 7
7 6 Mousse-T Horny´98 14
8 9 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 10
9 re Lutricia McNeal Stranded 9
10 14 gala Suddenly 10
11 re Funky connection Funky idea 2
12 re 2 Unlimited Edge of heaven 13
13 15 Dennis Edwards Don´t look any further 3
14 4 Partision No me gustan 2
15 8 Eddie Amador House music 14
24-29 agos
1 3 Sash Mysterious times 6
2 e DJ Kun Ponle sabor 1
3 1 Vengaboys Up & Down 6
4 15 Eddie Amador House music 15
5 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 3
6 2 Dana International diva 12
7 6 Alexia The music I like 8
8 5 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 4
9 7 Mousse-T Horny´98 15
10 e D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Pump up the jam 1
11 14 Partision No me gustan 3
12 8 B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 11
13 10 gala Suddenly 11
14 re Bad boys blue You´re a woman´98 3
15 e Storm Storm 1
31 agos-5 sept
1 1 Sash Mysterious times 7
2 3 Vengaboys Up & Down 7
3 2 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 2
4 5 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 4
5 15 Storm Storm 2
6 8 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 5
7 9 Mousse-T Horny´98 16
8 4 Eddie Amador House music 16
9 10 D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Pump up the jam 2
10 e Lovestation Teardrops 1
11 re The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 13
12 7 Alexia The music I like 9
13 re Funky connection Funky idea 3
14 re Will Smith Just the two of us 4
15 11 Partision No me gustan 4
7-12 sept
1 2 Vengaboys Up & Down 8
2 1 sash Mysterious times 8
3 11 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 14
4 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 5
5 5 Storm stom 3
6 3 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 3
7 8 Eddie Amador House music 17
8 7 Mousse-T Horny´98 17
9 e Kai Tracid Dance for eternity 1
10 6 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 6
11 12 Alexia The music I like 10
12 re Dana International diva 13
13 9 D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Pump up the jam 3
14 e absolom Where 1
15 re B.B Team The Ibiza´s angel 12
14-19 sept
1 1 Vengaboys Up & Down 9
2 2 saas Mysterious times 9
3 re Lovestation Teardrops 2
4 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 6
5 e Vengaboys We like to party 1
6 re Will Smith Just the two of us 5
7 14 absolom Where 2
8 3 The Tamperer feat. Maya feel it 15
9 5 Storm stom 4
10 13 D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Pump up the jam 4
11 6 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 4
12 8 Mousse-T Horny´98 18
13 10 Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 7
14 e DJ Richard & Johnny Bass Let´s cry 1
15 7 Eddie Amador House music 18
21-26 sept
1 5 Vengaboys We like to party 2
2 1 Vengaboys Up & Down 10
3 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 7
4 2 sash Mysterious times 10
5 10 D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Pump up the jam 5
6 11 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 5
7 e 2 Unlimited Never surrender 1
8 14 DJ Richard & Johnny Bass Let´s cry 2
9 9 Storm Storm 5
10 e Sweetbox Shout (Let it all out) 1
11 e The last velocity All mixes 1
12 3 Lovestation Teardrops 3
13 e N.Y.C.C. Highway to hell 1
14 12 Mousse-T Horny´98 19
15 7 absolom Where 3
28 sept-3 oct
1 1 Vengaboys We like to party 3
2 3 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 8
3 2 Vengaboys Up & Down 11
4 4 Sash Mysterious times 11
5 7 2 Unlimited Never surrender 2
6 9 Storm Storm 6
7 15 absolom Where 4
8 6 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 6
9 e Shah Secret love 1
10 12 Lovestation Teardrops 4
11 13 N.Y.C.C. Highway to hell 2
12 10 Sweetbox Shout (Let it all out) 2
13 8 DJ Richard & Johnny Bass Let´s cry 3
14 re Ultra Nate New kind of medicine 8
15 e Brooklyn bounce Respect 1
5-10 oct
1 1 Vengaboys We like to party 4
2 2 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 9
3 3 Vengaboys Up & Down 12
4 4 sash Mysterious times 12
5 8 DJ Kun Ponle sabor 7
6 5 2 Unlimited Never surrender 3
7 12 Sweetbox Shout (Let it all out) 3
8 e Legato Small town boy 1
9 13 DJ Richard & Johnny Bass Let´s cry 4
10 7 absolom Where 5
11 6 storm Storm 7
12 e Nexus 3.0 Now gimme a bit 1
13 e Object one Connecting people 1
14 e Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 1
15 10 Lovestation Teardrops 5
12-17 oct
1 1 Vengaboys We like to party 5
2 2 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 10
3 4 sash Mysterious times 13
4 3 Vengaboys Up & Down 13
5 14 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 2
6 13 Object one Connecting people 2
7 6 2 Unlimited Never surrender 4
9 e O.M.D. The OMD remixes 1
10 e Martinique feat. Crissy Cee Pata pata 1
19-24 oct
1 1 Vengaboys We like to party 6
2 5 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 3
3 2 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 11
4 3 sash Mysterious times 14
5 4 Vengaboys Up & Down 14
6 e Love Inc Broken bones 1
7 6 Object one Connecting people 3
8 9 O.M.D. The OMD remixes 2
9 e Alda Real good time 1
10 e King´s of Abbys vol.II Don´t stop 1
11 10 Martinique feat. Crissy Cee Pata pata 2
12 e DJ Skudero Elements 1
13 7 2 Unlimited Never surrender 5
14 re Shah Secret love 2
15 re absolom Where 6
26-31 oct
1 1 Vengaboys We like to party 7
2 2 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 4
3 3 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 12
4 4 sash Mysterious times 15
5 5 Vengaboys Up & Down 15
6 6 Love Inc Broken bones 2
7 7 Object one Connecting people 4
8 8 O.M.D. The OMD remixes 3
9 12 DJ Skudero Elements 2
10 11 Martinique feat. Crissy Cee Pata pata 3
11 15 absolom Where 7
12 re Brooklyn bounce Contact 2
13 9 Alda Real good time 2
14 13 2 Unlimited Never surrender 6
15 re Storm Storm 9
2-7 nov
1 2 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 5
2 1 Vengaboys We like to party 8
3 3 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 13
4 6 Love Inc Broken bones 3
5 5 Vengaboys Up & Down 16
6 e shah All or nothing 1
7 4 sash Mysterious times 16
8 e Bad boys blue Save your love´98 1
9 9 DJ Skudero Elements 3
10 e Korpus Feel the joy 1
11 13 alda Real good time 3
12 14 2 Unlimited Never surrender 7
13 10 Martinique feat. Crissy Cee Pata pata 4
14 8 O.M.D. The OMD remixes 4
15 7 Object one Connecting people 5
9-14 nov
1 2 Vengaboys We like to party 9
2 1 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 6
3 4 love inc Broken bones 4
4 3 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 14
5 9 DJ Skudero Elements 4
6 e gala Megamix 1
7 re loves tear 7
8 8 Bad boys blue Save your love´98 2
9 e DJ Tonka She know you 1
10 15 Object one Connecting people 6
11 5 Vengaboys Up & Down 17
12 7 sash Mysterious times 17
13 e Alexia Keep on movin´ 1
14 10 Korpus Feel the joy 2
15 11 alda Real good time 4
16-21 nov
1 5 DJ Skudero Elements 5
2 e sash Movemania 1
3 1 Vengaboys We like to party 10
4 2 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 7
5 e Will Smith Miami 1
6 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 15
7 3 Love Inc Broken bones 5
8 13 Alexia Keep on movin´ 2
9 e Groovy 69 Lovestation 1
10 7 loves tear 8
11 11 Vengaboys Up & Down 18
12 e The Prophets Amazon-E 1
13 e Three drives on a vynil Greece 2000 1
14 e The cat Miaow 1
15 9 DJ Tonka She know you 2
23-28 nov
1 2 sash Movemania 2
2 1 DJ Skudero Elements 6
3 e Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 1
4 6 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 16
5 3 Vengaboys We like to party 11
6 e Dsigual Back order k-remix 1
7 8 alexia Keep on movin´ 3
8 e Xavi Metralla Diabolica 1
9 9 Groovy 69 Lovestation 2
10 15 DJ Tonka She know you 3
11 4 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 8
12 7 love inc Broken bones 6
13 14 The cat Miaow 2
14 re Fraktal 4 The promised land 8
15 5 Will Smith miami 2
30 nov-5 dic
1 12 love inc Broken bones 7
2 2 DJ Skudero Elements 7
3 3 Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 2
4 e Tina Cousins Pray 1
5 1 sash Movemania 3
6 7 Alexia Keep on movin´ 4
7 8 Xavi Metralla Diabolica 2
8 10 DJ Tonka She know you 4
9 6 Dsigual Back order k-remix 2
10 re gala Megamix 2
11 5 Vengaboys We like to party 12
12 4 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 17
13 13 The cat Miaow 3
14 11 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 9
15 re Eddie Amador House music 19
7-12 dic
1 5 sash Movemania 4
2 3 Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 3
3 1 Love Inc Broken bones 8
4 2 DJ Skudero Elements 8
5 7 Xavi Metralla Diabolica 3
6 6 alexia Keep on movin´ 5
7 re Will Smith Miami 3
8 13 The cat miaow 4
9 4 Tina Cousins Pray 2
10 e Ultra Nate Pressure 1
11 12 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 18
12 9 Dsigual Back order k-remix 3
13 8 DJ Tonka She know you 5
14 e Latin aspect Estrangera 1
15 10 gala Megmix 3
14-19 dic
1 2 Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 4
2 1 sash Movemania 5
3 7 Will Smith miami 4
4 9 Tina Cousins pray 3
5 10 Ultra Nate Pressure 2
6 e dsgual vol.4 dsigual vol.4 1
7 15 gala megamix 4
8 5 Xavi Metralla Diabolica 4
9 11 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 19
10 14 Latin aspect Estrangera 2
11 re Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 10
12 12 Dsigual Back order k-remix 4
13 re Vengaboys We like to party 13
14 13 DJ Tonka She know you 6
15 4 DJ Skudero Elements 9
21-26 dic
1 1 Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 5
2 2 sash Movemania 6
3 4 Tina Cousins pray 4
4 3 Will Smith miami 5
5 8 Xavi Metralla Diabolica 5
6 6 dsigual vol.4 dsigual vol.4 2
7 5 Ultra Nate Pressure 3
8 9 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 20
9 7 gala megamix 5
10 14 DJ Tonka She know you 7
11 re love inc Broken bones 9
12 10 Latin aspect Estrangera 3
13 re alexia Keep on movin´ 6
14 re The cat miaow 5
15 11 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 11
28 dic-2 ene'99
1 1 Stars on 54 If you could read my mind 6
2 3 Tina Cousins Pray 5
3 e Free Kanashimi O M. 1
4 2 sash Movemania 7
5 4 Will Smith miami 6
6 8 Groovy 69 Stardust medley with Dust 21
7 12 Latin aspect Estrangera 4
8 7 Ultra Nate Pressure 4
9 14 The cat miaow 6
10 10 DJ Tonka She know you 8
11 5 Xavi Metralla Diabolica 6
12 11 love inc Broken bones 10
13 re DJ Skudero Elements 10
14 6 dsigual vol.4 dsigual vol.4 3
15 15 Lutricia McNeal Someone loves you honey 12
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