4-9 ene
1 1 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 5
2 2 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 18
4 3 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 15
9 4 Whitney Houston I will always love you 4
13 5 Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 2
4 6 Moon Moonlight Shadow 7
5 7 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 6
8 8 Another Class Don't you 5
10 9 Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 13
7 10 Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 30
6 11 Double You Who's fooling who 4
15 12 Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 9
17 13 Felix don´t you want me? 19
14 14 Pepeto Pinocchio 10
16 15 Willie & Co If you leave me now 11
e 16 Supertrack The logical song 1
re 17 Snap Rhythm is a dancer 34
11 18 Black Machine Jazz Machine 7
re 19 Dr. Alban It´s my life 5
18 20 Madonna Erotica 11
11-16 ene
1 1 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 6
2 2 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 19
4 3 Whitney Houston I will always love you 5
5 4 Moon Moonlight Shadow 8
11 5 Double You Who's fooling who 5
13 6 Felix don´t you want me? 20
5 7 Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 3
8 8 Another Class don´t you 6
3 9 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 16
16 10 Supertrack The logical song 2
e 11 Chimo Bayo Bombas 1
7 12 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 7
12 13 Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 10
18 14 Black Machine Jazz Machine 8
17 15 Snap Rhythm is a dancer 35
9 16 Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 14
10 17 Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 31
e 18 Snap Exterminate 1
re 19 Prince My name is Prince 6
15 20 Willie & Co If you leave me now 12
18-23 ene
18 1 Snap Exterminate 2
1 2 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 7
11 3 Chimo Bayo Bombas 2
3 4 Whitney Houston I will always love you 6
7 5 Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 4
4 6 Moon Moonlight Shadow 9
8 7 Another Class don´t you 7
5 8 Double You Who's fooling who 6
10 9 Supertrack The logical song 3
2 10 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 20
e 11 Prayers Imagination 1
e 12 D.J. Space´C Forever young 1
e 13 Bass bumpers Move to the rhythm 1
13 14 Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 11
e 15 2 Unlimited No limit 1
12 16 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 8
9 17 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 17
14 18 Black Machine Jazz Machine 9
6 19 Felix Don´t you want me? 21
re 20 DLM We believe 13
25-30 ene
2 1 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 8
3 2 Chimo Bayo Bombas 3
15 3 2 Unlimited No limit 2
4 4 Whitney Houston I will always love you 7
1 5 Snap Exterminate 3
17 6 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 18
6 7 Moon Moonlight Shadow 10
10 8 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 21
e 9 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 1
16 10 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 9
7 11 Another Class Don't you 7
13 12 Bass bumpers Move to the rhythm 2
18 13 Black Machine Jazz Machine 10
14 14 Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 12
8 15 Double You Who's fooling who 7
9 16 Supertrack The logical song 4
19 17 Felix Don't you want me? 22
re 18 Willie & Co If you leave me now 8
11 19 Prayers Imagination 2
1-6 feb
1 1 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 9
4 2 Whitney Houston I will always love you 8
2 3 Chimo Bayo Bombas 4
3 4 2 Unlimited No limit 3
9 5 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 2
6 6 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 19
7 7 Moon Moonlight Shadow 11
e 8 Leika k Open sesame 1
10 9 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 10
13 10 Black Machine Jazz Machine 11
5 11 Snap Exterminate 4
15 12 Double You Who's fooling who 8
11 13 Another Class don't you 9
e 14 Steve Miller band The joker 1
8 15 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 22
e 16 Sarah Washington I will always love you 1
re 17 Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 5
12 18 Bass bumpers Move to the rhythm 3
re 19 Bobby Brown Humpin' around 13
8-13 feb
2 1 Whitney Houston I will always love you 9
4 2 2 Unlimited No limit 4
1 3 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 10
3 4 Chimo Bayo Bombas 5
5 5 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 3
6 6 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 20
8 7 Leika k Open sesame 2
14 8 Steve Miller band The joker 2
16 9 Sarah Washington I will always love you 2
9 10 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 11
7 11 Moon Moonlight Shadow 12
19 12 Bobby Brown Humpin' around 14
11 13 snap Exterminate 5
13 14 Another Class don't you 10
e 15 Asap Megasap mix 1
12 16 Double You who 9
17 17 Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 6
re 18 D.J. Space´C Forever young 3
18 19 Bass bumpers Move to the rhythm 4
e 20 1
15-20 feb
e 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 1
e 2 Viceversa No es verdad 1
9 3 Sarah Washington I will always love you 3
1 4 Whitney Houston I will always love you 10
2 5 2 Unlimited No limit 5
5 6 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 4
15 7 Asap Megasap mix 2
3 8 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 11
4 9 Chimo Bayo Bombas 6
7 10 Leika k Open sesame 3
18 11 D.J. Space´C Forever young 4
6 12 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 21
11 13 Moon Moonlight Shadow 13
13 14 Snap Exterminate 6
e 15 F & F Enola gay 1
8 16 Steve Miller band The joker 3
10 17 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 12
12 18 Bobby Brown Humpin' around 15
14 19 Another Class don't you 11
22-27 feb
5 1 2 Unlimited No limit 6
4 2 Whitney Houston I will always love you 11
1 3 Depeche Mode I feel you 2
8 4 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 12
2 5 Viceversa No es verdad 2
3 6 Sarah Washington I will always love you 4
10 7 Leika k Open sesame 4
9 8 Chimo Bayo Bombas 7
6 9 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 5
12 10 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 22
7 11 Asap Megasap mix 3
14 12 Snap Exterminate 7
e 13 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 1
16 14 Steve Miller Band The joker 4
17 15 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 13
20 16 B. Bompers Move to the rhythm 6
re 17 Dekko I will always love you 2
re 18 Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 32
re 19 Double you Who´s fooling who 10
15 20 F & F Enola gay 2
1-6 marzo
3 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 3
5 2 Viceversa No es verdad 3
1 3 2 Unlimited No limit 7
e 4 Captain Hollywood Only with you 1
2 5 Whitney Houston I will always love you 12
6 6 Sarah Washington I will always love you 5
4 7 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 13
re 8 D.J. Space´C Forever young 5
7 9 Leika k Open sesame 5
13 10 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 2
9 11 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 6
12 12 Snap Exterminate 8
8 13 Chimo Bayo Bombas 8
e 14 Valera Solo por un dia 1
e 15 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 1
11 16 Asap Megasap mix 4
re 17 Moon Moonlight Shadow 14
19 18 Double you Who´s fooling who 11
19 ? ?
20 ? ?
8-13 marzo
1 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 4
3 2 2 Unlimited No limit 8
2 3 Viceversa No es verdad 4
5 4 Whitney Houston I will always love you 13
4 5 Captain Hollywood Only with you 2
6 6 Sarah Washington I will always love you 6
9 7 Leika k Open sesame 6
7 8 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 14
10 9 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 3
12 10 Snap Exterminate 9
15 11 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 2
17 12 Moon Moonlight Shadow 15
13 13 Chimo Bayo Bombas 9
e 14 DC-3 Que descontrol 1
11 15 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 7
8 16 D.J. Space´C Forever young 6
16 17 Asap Megasap mix 5
re 18 Bob Marley Iron lion zion 14
e 19 Whitney Houston I'm every woman 1
14 20 Valera Solo por un dia 2
15-20 marzo
1 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 5
2 2 2 Unlimited No limit 9
5 3 Captain Hollywood Only with you 3
3 4 Viceversa No es verdad 5
19 5 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 2
14 6 DC-3 Que descontrol 2
7 7 Leika k Open sesame 7
4 8 Whitney Houston I will always love you 14
6 9 Sarah Washington I will always love you 7
9 10 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 4
11 11 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 3
12 12 Moon Moonlight Shadow 16
e 13 Dance 2 trance Power of America 1
18 14 Bob Marley Iron lion zion 15
8 15 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 15
20 16 Valera Solo por un dia 3
10 17 Snap Exterminate 10
e 18 Marchin Sube-sube 1
re 19 Another class don't you 12
16 20 D.J. Space´C Forever young 7
22-27 marzo
1 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 6
2 2 2 Unlimited No limit 10
18 3 Marchin Sube-sube 2
5 4 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 3
4 5 Viceversa No es verdad 6
6 6 DC-3 Que descontrol 3
11 7 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 4
12 8 Moon Moonlight Shadow 17
13 9 Dance 2 trance Power of American natives 2
3 10 Captain Hollywood Only with you 4
7 11 Leika k Open sesame 8
e 12 David Bowie Jump they say 1
9 13 Sarah Washington I will always love you 8
15 14 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 16
e 15 Michael Jackson Give in to me 1
17 16 Snap Exterminate 11
10 17 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 5
8 18 Whitney Houston I will always love you 15
re 19 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 8
re 20 Not real presence chiki chika 23
29 mar-3 abr
1 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 7
2 2 2 Unlimited No limit 11
4 3 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 4
11 4 Leika k Open sesame 9
3 5 Marchin Sube-sube 3
15 6 Michael Jackson Give in to me 2
7 7 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 5
5 8 Viceversa No es verdad 7
12 9 David Bowie Jump they say 2
9 10 Dance 2 trance Power of American natives 3
6 11 DC-3 Que descontrol 4
e 12 Santuario No volveras 1
10 13 Captain Hollywood Only with you 5
13 14 Sarah Washington I will always love you 9
16 15 Snap Exterminate 12
8 16 Moon Moonlight Shadow 18
14 17 Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 17
e 18 Berlin Siete besos 1
re 19 Another class don't you 13
17 20 Sting If I ever lose my faith in you 6
5-10 abril
1 1 Depeche Mode I feel you 8
2 2 2 Unlimited No limit 12
4 3 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 5
5 4 Marchin Sube-sube 4
7 5 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 6
11 6 DC-3 Que descontrol 5
4 7 Leika k Open sesame 10
6 8 Michael Jackson Give in to me 3
8 9 Viceversa No es verdad 8
10 10 Dance 2 trance Power of American natives 4
13 11 Captain Hollywood Only with you 6
9 12 David Bowie Jump they say 3
14 13 Sarah Washington I will always love you 10
16 14 Moon Moonlight Shadow 19
15 15 Snap Exterminate 13
e 16 Varios Tur-mix 1
18 17 Berlin Siete besos 2
12 18 Santuario No volveras 2
re 19 Zapato veloz Tractor amarillo 9
re 20 Not real presence chiki chika 24
12-17 abril
2 1 2 Unlimited No limit 13
1 2 Depeche Mode I feel you 9
4 3 Marchin Sube-sube 5
17 4 Berlin Siete besos 3
e 5 Lady vampire Love song for a vampire 1
3 6 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 6
7 7 Leika k Open sesame 11
11 8 Captain Hollywood Only with you 7
13 9 Sarah Washington I will always love you 11
6 10 DC-3 Que descontrol 6
5 11 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 7
8 12 Michael Jackson Give in to me 4
9 13 Viceversa No es verdad 9
e 14 Aerosmith Living on the edge 1
12 15 David Bowie Jump they say 4
re 16 Whitney Houston I will always love you 16
10 17 Dance 2 trance Power of American natives 5
16 18 Varios Tur-mix 2
18 19 Santuario No volveras 3
e 20 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 1
19-24 abril
1 1 2 Unlimited No limit 14
2 2 Depeche Mode I feel you 10
20 3 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 2
1 4 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 8
3 5 Marchin Sube-sube 6
e 6 Ace of base All that she wants 1
6 7 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 7
10 8 DC-3 Que descontrol 7
e 9 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 1
7 10 Leika k Open sesame 12
12 11 Michael Jackson Give in to me 5
8 12 Captain Hollywood Only with you 8
15 13 David Bowie Jump they say 5
16 14 Whitney Houston I will always love you 17
18 15 Varios Tur-mix 3
5 16 Lady vampire Love song for a vampire 2
e 17 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 1
14 18 Aerosmith Living on the edge 2
4 19 Berlin Siete besos 4
20 ? ?
26 abr-1 mayo
e 1 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 1
1 2 2 Unlimited No limit 15
3 3 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 3
6 4 Ace of base All that she wants 2
9 5 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 2
10 6 Leika k Open sesame 13
17 7 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 2
5 8 Marchin Sube-sube 7
2 9 Depeche Mode I feel you 11
12 10 Captain Hollywood Only with you 9
4 11 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 9
18 12 Aerosmith Living on the edge 3
15 13 Lady vampire Love song for a vampire 3
e 14 Sly One day 1
19 15 Berlin Siete besos 5
7 16 Whitney Houston I'm every woman 8
13 17 David Bowie Jump they say 6
16 18 Varios Tur-mix 4
re 19 Viceversa No es verdad 10
11 20 Michael Jackson Give in to me 6
3-8 mayo
4 1 Ace of base All that she wants 3
2 2 2 Unlimited No limit 16
1 3 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 2
3 4 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 4
9 5 Depeche Mode I feel you 12
7 6 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 3
e 7 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 1
8 8 Marchin Sube-sube 8
16 9 Whitney Houston I´m every woman 9
14 10 sly One day 2
re 11 Santuario No volveras 4
19 12 Viceversa No es verdad 11
5 13 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 3
re 14 DC-3 Que descontrol 8
11 15 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 10
20 16 Michael Jackson Give in to me 7
17 17 David Bowie Jump they say 7
6 18 Leika k Open sesame 14
re 19 Dance 2 trance Power of American natives 7
20 ? ?
10-15 mayo
e 1 Dire Straits Encores 1
1 2 Ace of base All that she wants 4
3 3 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 3
e 4 Snow Informer 1
2 5 2 Unlimited No limit 17
7 6 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 2
e 7 Bass bumpers Running 1
6 8 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 4
e 9 Farmlopez La kabra 1
8 10 Marchin Sube-sube 9
13 11 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 4
4 12 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 5
e 13 Jordy Alison 1
10 14 Sly One day 3
re 15 Berlin Siete besos 6
5 16 Depeche Mode I feel you 13
e 17 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 1
e 18 Zentral Que idea 1
e 19 0 Put level Left right 1
14 20 DC-3 Que descontrol 8
17-22 mayo
1 1 Dire Straits Encores 2
2 2 Ace of base All that she wants 5
3 3 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 4
4 4 Snow Informer 2
11 5 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 5
17 6 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 2
6 7 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 3
5 8 2 Unlimited No limit 18
9 9 Farmlopez La kabra 2
10 10 Marchin Sube-sube 10
8 11 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 5
15 12 Berlin Siete besos 7
12 13 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 6
13 14 Jordy Alison 2
16 15 Depeche Mode I feel you 14
re 16 Whitney Houston I'm every woman 10
7 17 Bass bumpers Running 2
re 18 Santuario No volveras 5
e 19 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 1
re 20 Annie Lennox Love song for a vampire 11
24-29 mayo
e 1 Heroes del silencio Nuestros nombres 1
1 2 Dire Straits Encores 3
4 3 Snow Informer 3
2 4 Ace of base All that she wants 6
3 5 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 5
re 6 Zentral Que idea 2
e 7 OBK Dicen 1
6 8 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 3
19 9 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 2
7 10 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 4
8 11 2 Unlimited No limit 19
12 12 Berlin Siete besos 8
6 13 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 6
13 14 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 7
10 15 Marchin Sube-sube 11
9 16 Farmlopez ? 3
11 17 Azuquita ? 6
e 18 DJ Satanic El exorcista 1
19 ? ?
20 ? ?
31may-5 junio
2 1 Dire Straits Encores 4
4 2 Ace of base All that she wants 7
1 3 Heroes del silencio Nuestros nombres 2
3 4 Snow Informer 4
5 5 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 6
6 6 Zentral Que idea 3
11 7 2 Unlimited No limit 20
e 8 U96 Love sees no colour 1
9 9 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 3
13 10 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 7
8 11 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 4
e 12 Haddaway What is love-remix 1
14 13 Eros Ramazzotti Cosas de la vida 8
16 14 Farmlopez La kabra 4
20 15 Dance 2 trance Power of american natives 9
7 16 OBK Dicen 2
10 17 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 5
17 18 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 7
re 19 Jordy Alison 3
15 20 Marchin Sube-sube 12
7-12 junio
1 1 Dire Straits Encores 5
2 2 Ace of base All that she wants 8
4 3 Snow Informer 5
12 4 Haddaway What is love-remix 2
3 5 Heroes del silencio Nuestros nombres 3
5 6 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 7
8 7 U96 Love sees no colour 2
16 8 OBK Dicen 3
6 9 Zentral Que idea 4
7 10 2 Unlimited No limit 21
9 11 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 4
10 12 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 8
e 13 Guns´n´roses Civil war 1
e 14 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 1
14 15 Farmlopez La kabra 5
e 16 Viceversa Ella 1
17 17 Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes 6
18 18 Azuquita Asi me gusta a mi 8
re 19 Bass bumpers Running 4
re 20 Leika k Open Sesame 15
14-19 junio
e 1 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 1
1 2 Dire Straits Encores 6
2 3 Ace of base All that she wants 9
3 4 Snow Informer 6
4 5 Haddaway What is love-remix 3
6 6 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 8
8 7 obk Dicen 4
5 8 Heroes del silencio Nuestros nombres 4
7 9 U96 Love sees no colour 3
14 10 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 2
16 11 Viceversa Ella 2
9 12 Zentral Que idea 6
13 13 Guns´n´roses Civil war 2
15 14 Farmlopez La kabra 6
11 15 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 5
12 16 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 9
19 17 Bass bumpers Running 5
re 18 Dance 2 trance Power of american natives 10
re 19 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 6
10 20 2 Unlimited No limit 22
21-26 junio
2 1 Dire Straits Encores 7
1 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 2
3 3 Ace of base All that she wants 10
4 4 Snow Informer 7
5 5 Haddaway What is love-remix 4
e 6 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 1
6 7 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 9
13 8 Guns´n´roses Civil war 3
11 9 Viceversa Ella 3
7 10 OBK Dicen 5
9 11 U96 Love sees no colour 4
10 12 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 3
12 13 Zentral Que idea 6
8 14 Heroes del silencio Nuestros nombres 5
15 15 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 6
14 16 Farmlopez La kabra 7
e 17 Pet shop boys Can you forgive her? 1
e 18 Los del Rio Macarena 1
20 19 2 Unlimited No limit 23
17 20 Bass bumpers Running 6
28 jun-3 jul
1 1 Dire Straits Encores 8
8 2 gusn Civil war 4
4 3 Snow Informer 8
2 4 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 3
3 5 Ace of base All that she wants 11
5 6 Haddaway What is love-remix 5
9 7 Viceversa Ella 4
7 8 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 10
6 9 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 2
11 10 U96 Love sees no colour 5
10 11 OBK Dicen 6
12 12 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 4
13 13 Zentral Que idea 7
15 14 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 7
re 15 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 10
re 16 Dance 2 trance Power of american natives 11
re 17 Santuario No volveras 6
re 18 Jesus Vazquez Y yo te bese 6
20 19 Bass bumpers Running 7
16 20 Farmlopez La kabra 8
5-10 julio
1 1 Dire Straits Encores 9
4 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 4
5 3 Ace of base All that she wants 12
6 4 Haddaway What is love-remix 6
2 5 Guns´n´roses Civil war 5
3 6 Snow Informer 9
9 7 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 3
10 8 U96 Love sees no colour 6
e 9 D.J. Dero Batucada 1
7 10 Viceversa Ella 5
8 11 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 11
e 12 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 1
12 13 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 5
13 14 Zentral Que idea 8
11 15 OBK Dicen 7
14 16 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 8
16 17 Dance 2 trance Power of american natives 12
e 18 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 1
15 19 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 11
re 20 Los del Rio Macarena 2
12-17 julio
3 1 Ace of base All that she wants 13
4 2 Haddaway What is love-remix 7
2 3 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 5
1 4 Dire Straits Encores 10
6 5 Snow Informer 10
7 6 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 4
8 7 U96 Love sees no colour 7
10 8 Viceversa Ella 6
11 9 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 12
9 10 D.J. Dero Batucada 2
13 11 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 6
12 12 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 2
14 13 Zentral Que idea 9
17 14 Dance 2 trance Power of american natives 13
16 15 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 9
5 16 Guns´n´roses Civil war 6
15 17 OBK Dicen 8
e 18 Loco mia Te lo voy a dar 1
19 19 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 12
18 20 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 2
19-24 julio
3 1 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 6
2 2 Haddaway What is love-remix 8
4 3 Dire Straits Encores 11
1 4 Ace of base All that she wants 14
7 5 U96 Love sees no colour 8
5 6 Snow Informer 11
8 7 Viceversa Ella 7
6 8 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 5
9 9 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 13
10 10 D.J. Dero Batucada 3
20 11 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 3
e 12 Santuario La puerta del placer 1
e 13 Ray No siempre duele recordar 1
15 14 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 10
e 15 Varios Meneito 1
e 16 P. Problems Imagine 1
12 17 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 3
13 18 Zentral Que idea 10
11 19 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 7
e 20 T. Pressing No hay nada grabado 1
26-31 jul
2 1 Haddaway What is love-remix 9
1 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 7
4 3 Ace of base All that she wants 15
3 4 Dire Straits Encores 12
11 5 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 4
8 6 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 6
19 7 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 8
7 8 Viceversa Ella 8
12 9 Santuario La puerta del placer 2
9 10 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 14
5 11 U96 Love sees no colour 9
6 12 Snow Informer 12
re 13 OBK Dicen 9
15 14 Varios Meneito 2
13 15 Ray No siempre duele recordar 2
17 16 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 4
20 17 T. Pressing No hay nada grabado 2
10 18 D.J. Dero Batucada 4
18 19 Zentral Que idea 11
re 20 Farmlopez La Kabra 9
2-7 agosto
1 1 Haddaway What is love-remix 10
2 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 8
3 3 Ace of base All that she wants 16
4 4 Dire Straits Encores 13
8 5 Viceversa ella 9
18 6 D.J. Dero Batucada 5
7 7 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 9
5 8 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 5
11 9 U96 Love sees no colour 10
16 10 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 5
6 11 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 7
10 12 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 15
re 13 P. Problems Image 2
13 14 OBK Dicen 10
12 15 Snow Informer 13
14 16 Varios Meneito 3
20 17 Farmlopez La Kabra 10
re 18 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 11
19 19 Zentral Que idea 12
20 ? ?
9-14 agosto
1 1 Haddaway What is love-remix 11
2 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 9
3 3 Ace of base All that she wants 17
6 4 D.J. Dero Batucada 6
9 5 U96 Love sees no colour 11
4 6 Dire Straits Encores 14
11 7 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 8
5 8 Viceversa Ella 10
12 9 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 16
7 10 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 10
8 11 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 6
13 12 P. Problems Image 3
15 13 Snow Informer 14
e 14 Culture beat Mr. Vain 1
14 15 OBK Dicen 11
10 16 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 6
re 17 2 Unlimited No limits 24
16 18 Varios Meneito 4
19 Zentral Que idea 13
20 ? ?
16-21 agosto
1 1 Haddaway What is love-remix 12
2 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 10
20 3 Haddaway Life 2
14 4 Culture beat Mr. Vain 2
8 5 Viceversa Ella 11
4 6 D.J. Dero Batucada 7
e 7 C´n´movie Give it up 1
3 8 Ace of base All that she wants 18
6 9 Dire Straits Encores 15
5 10 U96 Love sees no colour 12
7 11 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 9
11 12 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 7
9 13 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 17
10 14 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 11
e 15 2 Unlimited Faces 1
re 16 Santuario La puerta del placer 3
re 17 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 12
13 18 Snow Informer 15
e 19 F. Connection I don't like reggae 1
re 20 Los del Rio Macarena 3
23-28 agosto
2 1 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 11
1 2 Haddaway What is love-remix 13
3 3 Haddaway life 3
5 4 Viceversa Ella 12
4 5 Culture beat Mr. Vain 3
8 6 Ace of base All that she wants 19
14 7 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 12
6 8 D.J. Dero Batucada 8
12 9 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 8
9 10 Dire Straits Encores 16
13 11 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 18
7 12 C´n´movie Give it up 2
10 13 U96 Love sees no colour 13
11 14 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 10
17 15 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 13
16 16 Santuario La puerta del placer 4
e 17 OBK Robarle al tiempo 1
re 18 P. Problems Image 4
18 19 Snow Informer 16
20 ? ?
30 agos-4 sept
1 1 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 12
3 2 Haddaway Life 4
17 3 OBK Robarle al tiempo 2
5 4 Culture beat Mr. Vain 4
9 5 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 9
8 6 D.J. Dero Batucada 9
2 7 Haddaway What is love-remix 14
4 8 Viceversa ella 13
10 9 Dire Straits Encores 17
12 10 C´n´movie Give it up 3
11 11 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 19
6 12 Ace of base All that she wants 20
4 13 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 11
re 14 2 Unlimited Faces 2
re 15 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 7
7 16 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 13
13 17 U96 Love sees no colour 14
e 18 Robin S Show me love 1
re 19 Los del Rio Macarena 4
16 20 Santuario La puerta del placer 5
6-11 sept
2 1 Haddaway life 5
1 2 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 13
8 3 Viceversa ella 14
4 4 Culture beat Mr. Vain 5
3 5 OBK Robarle al tiempo 3
5 6 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 10
e 7 Ramirez El gallinero 1
6 8 D.J. Dero Batucada 10
16 9 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 14
7 10 Haddaway What is love-remix 15
14 11 2 Unlimited Faces 3
12 12 Ace of base All that she wants 21
9 13 Dire Straits Encores 18
11 14 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 20
10 15 C´n´movie Give it up 4
17 16 U96 Love sees no colour 15
13 17 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 12
re 18 P. Problems Image 5
re 19 Co.ro feat Taleesa There´s something 14
20 ? ? ??
13-18 sept
7 1 Ramirez El gallinero 2
1 2 Haddaway Life 6
4 3 Culture beat Mr. Vain 6
6 4 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 11
5 5 obk Robarle al tiempo 4
3 6 Viceversa Ella 15
2 7 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 14
11 8 2 Unlimited Faces 4
10 9 Haddaway What is love-remix 16
15 10 C´n´movie Give it up 5
8 11 D.J. Dero Batucada 11
e 12 T.N.N. La cucamarcha 1
12 13 Ace of base All that she wants 22
9 14 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 15
13 15 Dire Straits Encores 19
re 16 Robin S Show me love 2
17 17 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 13
re 18 F. Connection I don't like reggae 2
re 19 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 8
20 ? ?
20-25 sept
1 1 Ramirez El gallinero 3
2 2 Haddaway life 7
3 3 Culture beat Mr. Vain 7
4 4 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 12
7 5 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 15
14 6 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 16
6 7 Viceversa ella 16
8 8 2 Unlimited Faces 5
10 9 C´n´movie Give it up 6
5 10 OBK Robarle al tiempo 5
12 11 T.N.N. La cucamarcha 2
11 12 D.J. Dero Batucada 12
15 13 Dire Straits Encores 20
9 14 Haddaway What is love-remix 17
re 15 Dr. Dj Cerla Rotterdam´93 14
re 16 2 Unlimited Tribal dance 21
19 17 Farmlopez La vaca-el patio 9
13 18 Ace of base All that she wants 23
20 19 P. Problems Image 7
e 20 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 1
27 sept-2 oct
1 1 Ramirez El gallinero 4
2 2 Haddaway life 8
6 3 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 17
8 4 2 Unlimited Faces 6
5 5 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 16
4 6 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 13
7 7 Viceversa ella 17
re 8 Robin S Show me love 3
3 9 Culture beat Mr. Vain 8
10 10 OBK Robarle al tiempo 6
20 11 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 2
12 12 D.J. Dero Batucada 13
re 13 U96 Love sees no colour 16
14 14 Haddaway What is love-remix 18
9 15 C´n´movie Give it up 7
13 16 Dire Straits Encores 21
11 17 T.N.N. La cucamarcha 3
re 18 Varios Meneito 5
re 19 Co.ro feat Taleesa There's something 15
20 ? ?
4-9 octubre
11 1 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 3
2 2 Haddaway Life 9
1 3 Ramirez El gallinero 5
8 4 Robin S Show me love 4
3 5 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 18
6 6 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 14
9 7 Culture beat Mr. Vain 9
5 8 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 17
4 9 2 Unlimited Faces 7
14 10 Haddaway What is love-remix 19
e 11 Pet shop boys Go west 1
7 12 Viceversa ella 18
12 13 D.J. Dero Batucada 14
15 14 C´n´movie Give it up 8
16 15 Dire Straits Encores 22
10 16 OBK Robarle al tiempo 7
e 17 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 1
19 18 Co.ro feat Taleesa There's something 16
re 19 Ace of base Wheel of fortune 14
20 ? ?
11-16 octubre
1 1 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 4
4 2 Robin S Show me love 5
e 3 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 1
11 4 Pet shop boys Go west 2
2 5 Haddaway Life 10
7 6 Culture beat Mr. Vain 10
6 7 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 15
3 8 Ramirez El gallinero 6
9 9 2 Unlimited Faces 8
5 10 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 19
12 11 Viceversa Ella 19
17 12 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 2
10 13 Haddaway What is love-remix 20
e 14 DLM Virtual reality 1
e 15 Depeche mode Condemnation 1
15 16 Dire Straits Encores 23
13 17 D.J. Dero Batucada 15
14 18 C´n´movie Give it up 9
8 19 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 18
16 20 OBK Robarle al tiempo 8
18-23 octubre
1 1 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 5
3 2 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 2
5 3 Haddaway life 11
8 4 Ramirez El gallinero 7
4 5 Pet shop boys Go west 3
2 6 Robin S Show me love 6
e 7 Robin S Lov 4 love 1
e 8 Culture beat Got to get it 1
15 9 Depeche mode Condemnation 2
7 10 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 16
6 11 Culture beat Mr. Vain 11
e 12 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 1
e 13 Urban cookie The key, the secret 1
e 14 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 1
17 15 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 3
13 16 D.J. Dero Batucada 16
9 17 2 Unlimited Faces 9
10 18 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 20
e 19 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 1
e 20 Terminal Poem without words 1
25-30 octubre
19 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 2
1 2 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 6
2 3 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 3
8 4 Culture beat Got to get it 2
4 5 Ramirez El gallinero 8
14 6 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 2
3 7 Haddaway life 12
6 8 Robin S Show me love 7
10 9 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 17
5 10 Pet shop boys Go west 4
12 11 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 2
7 12 Robin S Lov 4 love 2
13 13 Urban cookie The key, the secret 2
17 14 2 Unlimited Faces 10
15 15 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 4
16 16 D.J. Dero Batucada 17
11 17 Culture beat Mr. Vain 12
e 18 Whigfield Saturday night 1
re 19 OBK Robarle al tiempo 9
20 ? ?
1-6 nov
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 3
4 2 Culture beat Got to get it 3
3 3 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 4
5 4 Ramirez El gallinero 9
2 5 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 7
6 6 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 3
10 7 Pet shop boys Go west 5
8 8 Robin S Show me love 8
11 9 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 3
17 10 Culture beat Mr. Vain 13
7 11 Haddaway life 13
9 12 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 18
13 13 Urban cookie The key, the secret 3
12 14 Robin S Lov 4 love 3
14 15 2 Unlimited faces 11
18 16 Whigfield Saturday night 2
e 17 Dj Miko What´s up 1
e 18 Captain Hollywood Impossible 1
re 19 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 21
15 20 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 5
8-12 nov
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 4
2 2 Culture beat Got to get it 4
16 3 Whigfield Saturday night 3
3 4 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 5
4 5 Ramirez El gallinero 10
7 6 Pet shop boys Go west 6
8 7 Robin S Show me love 9
17 8 Dj Miko What´s up 2
18 9 Captain Hollywood Impossible 2
9 10 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 4
6 11 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 4
12 12 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 19
5 13 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 8
14 14 Robin S Lov 4 love 4
11 15 Haddaway Life 14
e 16 D. Maestro Loco 1
re 17 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 19
19 18 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 22
10 19 Culture beat Mr. Vain 14
13 20 Urban cookie The key, the secret 4
15-20 nov
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 5
4 2 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 6
3 3 Whigfield Saturday night 4
2 4 Culture beat Got to get it 5
5 5 Ramirez El gallinero 11
6 6 Pet shop boys Go west 7
8 7 Dj Miko What´s up 3
13 8 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 9
19 9 Culture beat Mr. Vain 15
7 10 Robin S Show me love 10
15 11 Haddaway life 15
10 12 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 5
e 13 To hold you To hold you 1
14 14 Robin S Lov 4 love 5
9 15 Captain Hollywood Impossible 3
e 16 US 3 Ridding 1
17 17 George Michael & Queen Five live EP 20
re 18 Los del Rio Macarena 5
18 19 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 23
20 20 Urban cookie The key, the secret 5
22-27 nov
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 6
3 2 Whigfield Saturday night 5
4 3 Culture beat Got to get it 6
2 4 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 7
7 5 Dj Miko What´s up 4
6 6 Pet shop boys go west 8
8 7 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 10
e 8 Melodie MC Dum da dum 1
12 9 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 6
18 10 Los del Rio Macarena 6
9 11 Culture beat Mr. Vain 16
e 12 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 1
5 13 Ramirez El gallinero 12
15 14 Captain Hollywood Impossible 4
re 15 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 20
16 16 US 3 Ridding 3
10 17 Robin S Show me love 11
e 18 Guns n´roses Ain´t it fun 1
19 19 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 24
11 20 Haddaway Life 16
29 nov-4 dic
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 7
2 2 Whigfield Saturday night 6
3 3 Culture beat Got to get it 7
8 4 Melodie MC Dum da dum 2
5 5 Dj Miko what´s up 5
12 6 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 2
e 7 Intramision Piece my heart 1
e 8 Sandalo Te informo 1
6 9 Pet shop boys Go west 9
4 10 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 8
7 11 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 11
re 12 Robin S Lov 4 love 6
13 13 Ramirez El gallinero 13
18 14 Guns n´roses Ain´t it fun 2
10 15 Los del Rio Macarena 7
9 16 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 7
20 17 Haddaway Life 17
16 18 US 3 Ridding 3
17 19 Robin S Show me love 12
15 20 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 21
6-11 dic
1 1 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 8
6 2 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 3
2 3 Whigfield Saturday night 7
4 4 Melodie MC Dum da dum 3
5 5 Dj Miko What´s up 6
3 6 Culture beat Got to get it 8
12 7 Robin S Lov 4 love 7
8 8 Sandalo Te informo 2
9 9 Pet shop boys Go west 10
10 10 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 9
11 11 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 12
13 12 Ramirez El gallinero 14
e 13 Kuadra Locomotiva 1
18 14 US 3 Ridding 4
16 15 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 8
re 16 Terminal Poem without words 2
14 17 Guns n´roses Ain´t it fun 3
re 18 Captain Hollywood Impossible 5
re 19 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 5
20 20 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 22
13-18 dic
3 1 Whigfield Saturday night 8
2 2 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 4
1 3 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 9
4 4 Melodie MC Dum da dum 4
8 5 Sandalo Te informo 3
e 6 OBK Todavia 1
6 7 Culture beat Got to get it 9
16 8 Terminal Poem without words 3
5 9 Dj Miko what´s up 7
18 10 Captain Hollywood Impossible 6
15 11 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 9
7 12 Robin S Lov 4 love 8
re 13 Culture beat Mr. Vain 17
13 14 Kuadra Locomotiva 2
10 15 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 10
9 16 Pet shop boys Go west 11
re 17 Dr. Dj Cerla Mi boca 6
19 18 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 6
20 19 Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 23
14 20 US 3 Ridding 5
20-25 dic
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 9
5 2 Sandalo Te informo 4
4 3 Melodie MC Dum da dum 5
3 4 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 10
2 5 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 5
7 6 Culture beat Got to get it 10
12 7 Robin S Lov 4 love 9
15 8 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 11
6 9 OBK Todavia 2
11 10 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 10
20 11 US 3 Ridding 6
re 12 Ramirez El gallinero 15
re 13 Urban cookie the key, the secret 6
re 14 kuadra Locomotiva 3
14 15 Pet shop boys go west 12
16 16 Hocus pocus Here´s Johnnie 1
e 17 Robin S Show me love 13
re 18 D.J. Miko what´s up 8
re 19 Freddie Mercury Living on my own 13
8 20 Terminal Poem without words 4
27 dic-1 ene 94
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 10
4 2 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom Shake the room 11
5 3 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 6
2 4 Sandalo Te informo 5
e 5 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 1
6 6 Culture beat Got to get it 11
16 7 Hocus pocus Here´s Johnnie 2
3 8 Melodie MC Dum da dum 6
15 9 Pet shop boys Go west 13
20 10 Terminal Poem without words 5
8 11 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 12
7 12 Robin S Lov 4 love 10
11 13 US 3 Ridding 7
9 14 OBK Todavia 3
re 15 UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 25
10 16 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 11
re 17 Viceversa Un amigo de verdad 7
12 18 Ramirez El gallinero 16
re 19 Los del Rio Macarena 8
13 20 Urban cookie the key, the secret 7
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