Listas De Superventas

Mis enormes agradecimientos a Leonardo Ruiz Benito por su gran aportacion de listas de los años 60 y 70, sin cuya ayuda habria sido imposible realizar este blog; agradecer tambien a otros seguidores de las listas que han aportado lo suyo, especialmente a Jorge Villarroya, y como no a mi mismo por mi amor a las listas españolas y mi afan por sacarlas a la luz.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


2-7 enero
1 Ororo Zombie 2
2 K. Boy Generacion X 7
3 Committe Trance line 4
4 e C+C Music factory Take a toke 1
5 Digilove Touch me 2
6 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 4
7 Legend B. Lost in love 2
8 Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 10
9 Scorpia Hypnose 11
10 Cabasa Guitar 4
11 Cabballero Hymn 16
12 The King of house Semental 9
13 Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 4
14 Madonna Secret (remix) 11
15 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 8
16 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 9
17 Nexus 6 Tres chic EP 3
18 Boyz in attic Do you love me 4
19 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 16
20 Scooter Hyper hyper 8
9-14 enero
1 1 Ororo Zombie 3
2 2 K. Boy Generacion X 8
3 4 C+C Music factory Take a toke 2
4 7 Legend B. Lost in love 3
5 5 Digilove Touch me 3
6 3 Committe Trance line 5
7 e Dj Panda It´s a dream 1
8 e Nina The reason is you 1
9 e Joey Sensity world 1
10 6 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 5
11 8 Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 11
12 9 Scorpia hyp 12
13 17 Nexus 6 Tres chic EP 4
14 13 Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 5
15 12 The King of house Semental 10
16 re Bass bumpers Good fun 11
17 e Rednex Cotton eye Joe 1
18 14 Madonna Secret (remix) 12
19 20 Scooter Hyper hyper 9
20 16 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 10
16-21 enero
1 Ororo Zombie 4
2 e Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 1
3 C+C Music factory Take a toke 3
4 Nina The reason is you 2
5 K. Boy Generacion X 9
6 Legend B. Lost in love 4
7 Joey Sensity world 2
8 Digilove Touch me 4
9 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 2
10 Committe Trance line 6
11 Dj Panda It´s a dream 2
12 Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 12
13 Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 6
14 Scorpia Hypnose 13
15 Bass bumpers Good fun 12
16 The King of house Semental 11
17 Madonna Secret (remix) 13
18 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 6
19 e Fran-Dixontrol Back to eight 1
20 e Coro feat. Lyen Run away 1
23-28 enero
1 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 2
2 Ororo Zombie 5
3 Nina The reason is you 3
4 C+C Music factory Take a toke 4
5 joey Sensity world 3
6 Digilove Touch me 5
7 Legend B. Lost in love 5
8 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 3
9 Committe Trance line 7
10 e Tambourines Dance to the house 1
11 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 2
12 Guns n´roses wym 7
13 K. Boy Generacion X 10
14 Dj Panda It´s a dream 3
15 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 7
16 e Rod Heros Always 1
17 e Graphixx Never ending story 1
18 Nexus 6 Tres chic EP 5
19 Fran-Dixontrol Back to eight 2
20 Da Blitz Stay with me 2
30 ene-4 feb
1 Ororo Zombie 6
2 Cabballero danc 3
3 Joey Sensity world 4
4 nina The reason is you 4
5 C+C Music factory Take a toke 5
6 e Status No more Pressure 1
7 e Africa Bambaataa Feel the vibe 1
8 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 3
9 Digilove Touch me 6
10 Tambourines Dance to the house 2
11 e Newton Sky high 1
12 K. Boy Generacion X 11
13 e Dj Bobo Love is all around 1
14 Legend B. Lost in love 6
15 Dj Panda It´s a dream 4
16 Committe Trance line 8
17 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 4
18 e Castello Il sogno 1
19 Rod Heros Always 2
20 e Julio Posadas Vuela, vuela 1
6-11 feb
1 Ororo Zombie 7
2 Nina The reason is you 5
3 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 4
4 e Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 1
5 Status No more Pressure 2
6 C+C Music factory Take a toke 6
7 e X-Samar Amores extraños 1
8 e Scooter Move your ass 1
9 Tambourines Dance to the house 3
10 Africa Bambaataa Feel the vibe 2
11 K. Boy Generacion X 12
12 e 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 1
13 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 4
14 e Double vision Knockin 1
15 Legend B. Lost in love 7
16 e Renaissance No more I love you´s 1
17 Digilove Touch me 7
18 Dj Bobo Love is all around 2
19 Committe Trance line 9
20 Joey Sensity world 5
13-18 feb
1 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 2
2 Ororo Zombie 8
3 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 5
4 C+C Music factory Take a toke 7
5 Nina The reason is you 6
6 e Television Television 1
7 e Taleesa Let me be 1
8 Status No more Pressure 3
9 Scooter Move your ass 2
10 Legend B. Lost in love 8
11 X-Samar Amores extraños 2
12 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 2
13 Tambourines Dance to the house 4
14 Renaissance No more I love you´s 2
15 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 5
16 Double vision Knockin 2
17 Digilove Touch me 8
18 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 5
19 Dj Bobo Love is all around 3
20 Rod Heros Always 3
20-25 feb
1 Ororo Zombie 9
2 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 3
3 e Newton Strenline 1
4 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 6
5 C+C Music factory Take a toke 8
6 e Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 1
7 Nina The reason is you 7
8 Taleesa Let me be 2
9 Scooter Move your ass 3
10 X-Samar Amores extraños 3
11 Status No more Pressure 4
12 Legend B. Lost in love 9
13 Television Television 2
14 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 6
15 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 3
16 Renaissance No more I love you´s 3
17 Dj Bobo Love is all around 4
18 Double vision Knockin 3
19 Digilove Touch me 9
20 Africa Bambaataa Feel the vibe 3
27 feb-4 mar
1 Ororo Zombie 10
2 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 2
3 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 4
4 Newton Strenline 2
5 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 7
6 C+C Music factory Take a toke 9
7 Taleesa Let me be 3
8 Scooter Move your ass 4
9 Nina The reason is you 8
10 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 7
11 Renaissance No more I love you´s 4
12 Dj Bobo Love is all around 5
13 Status No more Pressure 5
14 X-Samar Amores extraños 4
15 Africa Bambaataa Feel the vibe 4
16 Legend B. Lost in love 10
17 Television Television 3
18 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 4
19 Digilove Touch me 10
20 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 6
6-11 mar
1 Ororo Zombie 11
2 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 3
3 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 5
4 e Corona Baby baby 1
5 e L. Junior Overness 1
6 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 8
7 Taleesa Let me be 4
8 Scooter Move your ass 5
9 C+C Music factory Take a toke 10
10 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 8
11 e Outhere brothers Boom boom 1
12 Newton Strenline 3
13 e 2 Unlimited Here I go 1
14 e Intrance Mosquito 1
15 Renaissance No more I love you´s 5
16 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 7
17 X-Samar Amores extraños 5
18 Television Television 4
19 Double vision Knockin 4
20 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 5
13-18 mar
1 Ororo Zombie 12
2 Corona Baby baby 2
3 e G.E.M. Quiero volar 1
4 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 4
5 e D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 1
6 Outhere brothers Boom boom 2
7 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 9
8 L. Junior Overness 2
9 Annie Lennox no more 6
10 C+C Music factory Take a toke 11
11 2 Unlimited Here I go 2
12 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 8
13 Newton Strenline 4
14 Double vision Knockin 5
15 Renaissance no more 6
16 Scooter Move your ass 6
17 Intrance Mosquito 2
18 Taleesa Let me be 5
19 e 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 1
20 Rednex Cotton eye Joe 9
20-25 mar
1 G.E.M. Quiero volar 2
2 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 5
3 corona Baby baby 3
4 D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 2
5 ororo Zombie 13
6 Outhere brothers Boom boom 3
7 2 Unlimited Here I go 3
8 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 2
9 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 7
10 Taleesa Let me be 6
11 Double vision Knockin 6
12 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 10
13 C+C Music factory Take a toke 12
14 e K. Boy & Demolition Basic 1
15 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 9
16 Intrance Mosquito 3
17 Newton Strenline 5
18 nina The reason is you 9
19 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 6
20 L. Junior Overness 3
27 mar-1 abr
1 G.E.M. Quiero volar 3
2 D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 3
3 corona Baby baby 4
4 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 6
5 e JX You belong to me 1
6 Outhere brothers Boom boom 4
7 Double vision Knockin 7
8 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 3
9 K. Boy & Demolition Basic 2
10 2 Unlimited Here I go 4
11 ororo zombie 14
12 C+C Music factory Take a toke 13
13 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 10
14 Taleesa Let me be 7
15 L. Junior Overness 4
16 Intrance Mosquito 4
17 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 8
18 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 11
19 e Terminal Enchantment 1
20 Dj Bobo Love is all around 6
3-8 abr
1 e Take that Back for good 1
2 G.E.M. Quiero volar 4
3 corona Baby baby 5
4 JX You belong to me 2
5 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 7
6 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 4
7 Terminal Enchantment 2
8 Outhere brothers Boom boom 5
9 2 Unlimited Here I go 5
10 K. Boy & Demolition Basic 3
11 Taleesa Let me be 8
12 Ororo Zombie 15
13 C+C Music factory Take a toke 14
14 D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 4
15 e Doctor J. Cerla Wonder 1
16 Annie Lennox No more I love you´s 9
17 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 11
18 Double vision Knockin 8
19 Dj Bobo Love is all around 7
20 Cabballero Dancing with tears in my eyes 12
10-15 abr
1 Jx You belong to me 3
2 G.E.M. Quiero volar 5
3 K. Boy & Demolition Basic 4
4 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 8
5 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 5
6 corona Baby baby 6
7 Outhere brothers Boom boom 6
8 L. Junior Overness 5
9 Intrance Mosquito 5
10 Ororo Zombie 16
11 Double vision Knockin 9
12 e Astral jay Urkle dance 1
13 D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 5
14 Newton Strenline 6
15 Terminal Enchantment 3
16 4 Pleasure Johnny and Mary 7
17 2 Unlimited Here I go 6
18 Taleesa Let me be 9
19 Nina The reason is you 10
20 e Juan Perro A un perro flaco 1
17-22 abr
1 e Scatman John Scatman 1
2 G.E.M. Quiero volar 6
3 Jx You belong to me 4
4 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 6
5 Outhere brothers Boom boom 7
6 Ororo Zombie 17
7 K. Boy & Demolition basic 5
8 e Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 1
9 corona Baby baby 7
10 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 9
11 Taleesa Let me be 10
12 Terminal Enchantment 4
13 Astral jay Urkle dance 2
14 e Just Luis American pie 1
15 2 Unlimited here I go 7
16 Juan Perro A un perro flaco 2
17 Intrance Mosquito 6
18 L. Junior Overness 6
19 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 12
20 e Nicki French For all we know 1
24-29 abr
1 Scatman John Scatman 2
2 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 2
3 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 7
4 G.E.M. Quiero volar 7
5 Jx You belong to me 5
6 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 10
7 K. Boy & Demolition basic 6
8 Just Luis American pie 2
9 ororo zombie 18
10 Corona Baby baby 8
11 2 Unlimited Here I go 8
12 Terminal Enchantment 5
13 e Misjahroon Darr vibes 1
14 Outhere brothers Boom boom 8
15 D. Harry D´bop don´t stop 6
16 Nicki French For all we know 2
17 Coro feat. Lyen Run away 13
18 Astral jay Urkle dance 3
19 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 9
20 e 740 boyz Shinny shake 1
1-6 mayo
1 Scatman John Scatman 3
2 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 3
3 e Degbelia Nowhere girl 1
4 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 8
5 740 boyz Shinny shake 2
6 corona Baby baby 9
7 Just Luis American pie 3
8 G.E.M. Quiero volar 8
9 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 11
10 Jx You belong to me 6
11 2 Unlimited Here I go 9
12 Misjahroon Darr vibes 2
13 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 10
14 Nicki French For all we know 3
15 e Dr. Kucho Technology 1
16 K. Boy & Demolition Basic 7
17 Terminal Enchantment 6
18 ororo Zombie 19
19 Outhere brothers Boom boom 9
20 Taleesa Let me be 11
8-13 mayo
1 Scatman John Scatman 4
2 Degbelia Nowhere girl 2
3 740 boyz Shinny shake 3
4 corona Baby baby 10
5 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 4
6 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 9
7 G.E.M. Quiero volar 9
8 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 12
9 Jx You belong to me 7
10 Take that Back for good 2
11 e 3rd Nation I believe 1
12 2 Unlimited Here I go 10
13 e MN8 I´ve got a little 1
14 Just Luis American pie 4
15 e Whigfield Think of you 1
16 e Trance line Creative 1
17 Outhere brothers boom boom 10
18 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 11
19 C+C music factory Take a toke 15
20 Ororo Zombie 20
15-20 mayo
1 Scatman John Scatman 5
2 e Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 1
3 Whigfield Think of you 2
4 e Celvin Rotane I believe 1
5 740 boyz Shinny shake 4
6 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 5
7 MN8 I´ve got a little 2
8 Corona Baby baby 11
9 G.E.M. Quiero volar 10
10 e Dj Silvan Blast 1
11 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 10
12 Just Luis American pie 5
13 Trance line Creative 2
14 JX You belong to me 8
15 Take that Back for good 3
16 Dr. Kucho Technology 2
17 Ini Kamoze Here comes the hotstepper 13
18 3rd Nation I believe 2
19 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 12
20 2 Unlimited here I go 11
22-27 mayo
1 Scatman John Scatman 6
2 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 2
3 740 boyz Shinny shake 5
4 Whigfield Think of you 3
5 Dr. Kucho Technology 3
6 Corona Baby baby 12
7 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 11
8 Celvin Rotane I believe 2
9 Just Luis American pie 6
10 G.E.M. Quiero volar 11
11 e Andrew Sixty The time of my life 1
12 e Datura/Usura Infinity 1
13 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 6
14 e 2 Colours Music of my life 1
15 MN8 I´ve got a little 3
16 Trance line Creative 3
17 e Winx Don´t laugh 1
18 Dj Silvan Blast 2
19 e Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 1
20 e Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 1
29 may-3 junio
1 e Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 1
2 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 2
3 Scatman John Scatman 7
4 e Machito Ponce Short dick man 1
5 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 3
6 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 2
7 740 boyz Shinny shake 6
8 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 12
9 Celvin Rotane I believe 3
10 Whigfield Think of you 4
11 Corona Baby baby 13
12 Just Luis American pie 7
13 Datura/Usura Infinity 2
14 jx You belong to me 9
15 Dj Silvan Blast 3
16 2 Colours Music of my life 2
17 Andrew Sixty The time of my life 2
18 G.E.M. Quiero volar 12
19 e Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP vol.2 1
20 e Doctor J. Cerla Wonder 1
5-10 junio
1 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 2
2 Machito Ponce Short dick man 2
3 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 3
4 Scatman John Scatman 8
5 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 3
6 Whigfield Think of you 5
7 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 4
8 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 13
9 e Scanners Pure 1
10 740 boyz Shinny shake 7
11 Winx Don´t laugh 2
12 Celvin Rotane I believe 4
13 Just Luis American pie 8
14 Doctor J. Cerla Wonder 3
15 e Netzwerk Memories 1
16 e La Bouche Be my lover 1
17 corona Baby baby 14
18 Dance floor virus Message in a bottle 7
19 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP vol.2 2
20 Datura/Usura Infinity 3
12-17 junio
1 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 3
2 Machito Ponce Short dick man 3
3 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 4
4 Scatman John Scatman 9
5 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 4
6 Whigfield Think of you 6
7 Scanners pure 2
8 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 5
9 Winx Don´t laugh 3
10 e Taleesa Burning up 1
11 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 14
12 740 boyz Shinny shake 8
13 Celvin Rotane I believe 5
14 Doctor J. Cerla Wonder 4
15 e The King of the house The bird 1
16 e Max-a-million Fat boy 1
17 G.E.M. Quiero volar 13
18 Datura/Usura Infinity 4
19 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP vol.2 3
20 Corona Baby baby 15
19-24 junio
1 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 4
2 Machito Ponce Short dick man 4
3 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 5
4 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 5
5 Scatman John Scatman 10
6 Scanners Pure 3
7 The King of the house The bird 2
8 Taleesa Burning up 2
9 Whigfield Think of you 7
10 e Scatman John Scatman´s world 1
11 740 boyz Shinny shake 9
12 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 6
13 e Sensity world Get it up 1
14 e 2 Unlimited Nothing like the rain 1
15 Celvin Rotane I believe 6
16 Datura/Usura Infinity 5
17 winx Don´t laugh 4
18 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 15
19 Max-a-million Fat boy 2
20 Dj Cerla & Moratto Wonder 5
26 jun-1 jul
1 Scatman John Scatman´s world 2
2 Machito Ponce Short dick man 5
3 Sensity world Get it up 2
4 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 5
5 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 6
6 The King of the house The bird 3
7 Scanners Pure 4
8 Whigfield Think of you 8
9 Scatman John scatman 11
10 Taleesa Burning up 3
11 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 6
12 La Bouche Be my lover 2
13 2 Colours Music of my life 3
14 e Bass bumpers Keep on pushing 1
15 740 boyz Shinny shake 10
16 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 7
17 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 16
18 Max-a-million Fat boy 3
19 Celvin Rotane i bele 7
20 e Dance floor virus Don´t stand so close to me 1
3-8 julio
1 Scatman John Scatman´s world 3
2 Sensity world Get it up 3
3 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 7
4 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 8
5 Whigfield Think of you 9
6 Dance floor virus Don´t stand so close to me 2
7 Machito Ponce Short dick man 6
8 e Nacho Division Federico 1
9 The King of the house The bird 4
10 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 7
11 Winx Don´t laugh 5
12 e Juan Perro En la selva 1
13 Taleesa Burning up 4
14 Scanners pure 5
15 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 6
16 740 boyz Shinny shake 11
17 La Bouche Be my lover 3
18 Dj Cerla & Moratto Wonder 6
19 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 17
20 Max-a-million Fat boy 4
10-15 julio
1 Scatman John Scatman´s world 4
2 e Pizzaman Sex on the streets 1
3 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 9
4 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 7
5 e Corona Try me out 1
6 e Summer beer Cada dia la locura 1
7 Machito Ponce Short dick man 7
8 Sensity world Get it up 4
9 The King of the house the bird 5
10 Whigfield Think of you 10
11 e Double vision All right 1
12 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 8
13 Dance floor virus Don´t stand so close to me 3
14 Winx Don´t laugh 6
15 Bass bumpers Keep on pushing 2
16 Scanners pure 6
17 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 8
18 Max-a-million Fat boy 5
19 20 Fingers feat Rou... lick it 18
20 e Committee Welcome 1
17-22 julio
1 Scatman John Scatman´s world 5
2 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 10
3 Machito Ponce Short dick man 7
4 Corona Try me out 2
5 Sensity world Get it up 5
6 Summer beer Cada dia la locura 2
7 Whigfield Think of you 11
8 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 8
9 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 9
10 The King of the house the bird 6
11 Cherry Coke No hagas el indio, haz el cheroky 9
12 Double vision All right 2
13 winx Don´t laugh 7
14 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 2
15 Dance floor virus Don´t stand so close to me 4
16 Bass bumpers Keep on pushing 3
17 Scanners pure 7
18 Dj Cerla & Moratto Wonder 7
19 Just Luis American pie 9
20 e K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 1
24-29 julio
1 Sensity world Get it up 6
2 Scatman John Scatman´s world 6
3 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 11
4 Double vision All right 3
5 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 3
6 e K. Boy & Demolition Basic 2 1
7 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 2
8 Corona Try me out 3
9 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 10
10 Summer beer Cada dia la locura 3
11 e Dagon Boom chaka 1
12 Taleesa Burning up 5
13 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 9
14 20 Fingers feat Rou... Lick it 19
15 Whigfield Think of you 12
16 The King of the house the bird 7
17 Machito Ponce Short dick man 8
18 La Bouche Be my lover 4
19 Scanners pure 8
20 e Piropo Out life our nature 1
31 jul-5 agos
1 e Take that Never forget 1
2 Scatman John Scatman´s world 7
3 Sensity world Get it up 7
4 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 12
5 Double vision All right 4
6 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 4
7 La Bouche Be my lover 5
8 corona Try me out 4
9 Machito Ponce Short dick man 10
10 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 3
11 Summer beer Cada dia la locura 4
12 The King of the house the bird 8
13 e Rebeca Mas que un engaño 1
14 dagon Boom chaka 2
15 Scanners pure 9
16 Piropo Out life our nature 2
17 Whigfield Think of you 13
18 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 10
19 K. Boy & Demolition Basic 2 2
20 Bass bumpers Keep on pushing 4
7-12 agos
1 Take that Never forget 2
2 Sensity world Get it up 8
3 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 13
4 Double vision All right 5
5 Scatman John Scatman´s world 8
6 Machito Ponce Short dick man 11
7 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 11
8 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 5
9 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 4
10 corona Try me out 5
11 La Bouche Be my lover 6
12 e Proyecto uno El tiburon 1
13 Dagon Boom chaka 3
14 Piropo Out life our nature 3
15 The King of the house the bird 9
16 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 11
17 Bass bumpers Keep on pushing 5
18 Celvin Rotane i bel 8
19 Whigfield Think of you 14
20 Rebeca Mas que un engaño 2
14-19 agos
1 Proyecto uno El tiburon 2
2 Take that Never forget 3
3 Machito Ponce Short dick man 12
4 Scatman John Scatman´s world 9
5 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 14
6 dagon Boom chaka 4
7 Sensity world Get it up 9
8 e Viceversa Ni tu ni nadie 1
9 Double vision All right 6
10 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 6
11 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 12
12 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 5
13 e Whigfield Big time 1
14 corona Try me out 6
15 Whigfield Think of you 15
16 Celvin Rotane i beli 9
17 e 2 in a room Ahora (now) 1
18 e Scooter Endless summer 1
19 rebeca Mas que un engaño 3
20 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 12
21-26 agos
1 Proyecto uno El tiburon 3
2 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 15
3 Take that Never forget 4
4 Scatman John Scatman´s world 10
5 Machito Ponce Short dick man 13
6 Sensity world Get it up 10
7 Corona Try me out 7
8 Viceversa Ni tu ni nadie 2
9 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 13
10 Double vision All right 7
11 e 2 Fabiola Play this song 1
12 dagon Boom chaka 5
13 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 6
14 The King of the house the bird 10
15 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 7
16 Scanners Pure 10
17 Piropo Out life our nature 4
18 Whigfield Big time 2
19 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 13
20 Scooter Endless summer 2
28 agos-2 sept
1 2 Fabiola Play this song 2
2 e EX3 Extres 1
3 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 8
4 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 16
5 Proyecto uno El tiburon 4
6 Scatman John Scatman´s world 11
7 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 14
8 Viceversa Ni tu ni nadie 3
9 Machito Ponce Short dick man 14
10 Double vision All right 8
11 e 2 Colors I feel alive 1
12 Sensity world Get it up 11
13 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 7
14 2 in a room Ahora (now) 2
15 Scanners pure 11
16 corona Try me out 8
17 e Sueño latino Viciosa 1
18 Whigfield Big time 3
19 Take that Never forget 5
20 Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson Scream 14
4-9 sept
1 2 Fabiola Play this song 3
2 e PG2 Hey-hey 1
3 Proyecto uno El tiburon 5
4 Sensity world Get it up 12
5 EX3 Extres 2
6 Double vision All right 9
7 dagon Boom chaka 6
8 Scatman John Scatman´s world 12
9 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 15
10 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 17
11 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 9
12 2 in a room Ahora (now) 3
13 The King of the house the bird 11
14 Whigfield Think of you 16
15 Sueño latino Viciosa 2
16 Whigfield Big time 4
17 e Playahitty 1, 2, 3! Train with me 1
18 e Tito Puente Jr. & The Latin rhythm Oye como va 1
19 corona Try me out 9
20 Celvin Rotane I believe 10
11-16 sept
1 2 Fabiola Play this song 4
2 EX3 Extres 3
3 Proyecto uno El tiburon 6
4 Double vision All right 10
5 e Lenny Kravitz Rock and roll is dead 1
6 PG2 Hey-hey 2
7 dagon Boom chaka 7
8 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 10
9 Sensity world Get it up 13
10 2 in a room Ahora (now) 4
11 corona Try me out 10
12 Scatman John Scatman´s world 13
13 Tito Puente Jr. & The Latin rhythm Oye como va 2
14 Whigfield Big time 5
15 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 16
16 e The Buckheads The bomb 1
17 2 Colors I feel alive 2
18 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 18
19 Take that Never forget 6
20 Sueño latino Viciosa 3
18-23 sept
1 EX3 Extres 4
2 2 Fabiola Play this song 5
3 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 11
4 Proyecto uno El tiburon 7
5 PG2 Hey-hey 3
6 Double vision All right 11
7 Sensity world Get it up 14
8 2 in a room Ahora (now) 5
9 The King of the house the bird 12
10 Tito Puente Jr. & The Latin rhythm Oye como va 3
11 dagon Boom chaka 8
12 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 19
13 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 17
14 Corona Try me out 11
15 Lenny Kravitz Rock and roll is dead 2
16 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 8
17 Scatman John Scatman´s world 14
18 Whigfield Big time 6
19 Sueño latino Viciosa 4
20 2 Colors I feel alive 3
25-30 sep
1 EX3 Extres 5
2 2 Fabiola Play this song 6
3 e New limit Scream 1
4 2 in a room Ahora (now) 6
5 PG2 Hey-hey 4
6 The King of the house the bird 13
7 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 12
8 e Tom Wilson Technocat 1
9 Sueño latino Viciosa 5
10 Aldus Haza Hey-a-wa 18
11 e Alexia Me and you 1
12 The Buckheads The bomb 2
13 Sensity world Get it up 15
14 Proyecto uno El tiburon 8
15 Tito Puente Jr. & The Latin rhythm Oye como va 4
16 Double vision All right 12
17 Nightcrawlers Push the feeling on 20
18 dagon Boom chaka 9
19 Scatman John Scatman´s world 15
20 piropo Out life our nature 5
2-7 oct
1 e Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 1
2 New limit Scream 2
3 e N-Trance Staying alive 1
4 EX3 Extres 6
5 2 Fabiola Play this song 7
6 Alexia Me and you 2
7 e Mr Jack Only house 1
8 e Simply red Fairground (remix) 1
9 Tom Wilson Technocat 2
10 Sueño latino Viciosa 5
11 2 in a room Ahora (now) 7
12 corona Try me out 12
13 e Umboza Cry India 1
14 PG2 Hey-hey 5
15 The Buckheads the bomb 3
16 The King of the house the bird 14
17 Double vision All right 13
18 Netzwerk Memories 2
19 K.U. Minerva Hoy sin ti 9
20 Pizzaman Sex on the streets 13
9-14 oct
1 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 2
2 New limit Scream 3
3 EX3 Extres 7
4 e The Vibe EP Vibeman 1
5 N-Trance Staying alive 2
6 Simply red Fairground (remix) 2
7 e Shaggy Boombastic 1
8 2 Fabiola Play this song 8
9 Alexia Me and you 3
10 2 in a room Ahora (now) 8
11 Tom Wilson Technocat 3
12 e rebeca Corazon corazon 1
13 e 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 1
14 Umboza Cry India 2
15 PG2 Hey-hey 6
16 Corona Try me out 13
17 Mr Jack Only house 2
18 Double vision All right 14
19 Sueño latino Viciosa 7
20 e Debra K. Shy guy 1
16-21 oct
1 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 3
2 New limit Scream 4
3 Shaggy Boombastic 2
4 N-Trance Staying alive 3
5 The Vibe EP Vibeman 2
6 rebeca Corazon corazon 2
7 2 Fabiola Play this song 9
8 EX3 Extres 8
9 Simply red Fairground (remix) 3
10 2 in a room Ahora (now) 9
11 Alexia Me and you 4
12 e Alex party Wrap me up 1
13 e Wink Higher state of C. 1
14 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 2
15 Double vision All right 15
16 Umboza Cry India 3
17 e Control Move 1
18 e Molella feat. Outhere brothers If you wanna party 1
19 Tom Wilson Technocat 4
20 PG2 Hey-hey 7
23-28 oct
1 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 4
2 New limit Scream 5
3 Shaggy boom 3
4 N-Trance Staying alive 4
5 2 Fabiola Play this song 10
6 EX3 Extres 9
7 The Vibe EP Vibeman 3
8 rebeca Corazon corazon 3
9 wink Higher state of C. 2
10 2 in a room Ahora (now) 10
11 Control move 2
12 e Bosstune My thang 1
13 e Raffi Sentimiento 1
14 Simply red Fairground (remix) 4
15 alexia Me and you 5
16 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 3
17 e A. J. Marxx You are in the army now 1
18 Molella feat. Outhere brothers If you wanna party 2
19 Umboza Cry India 4
20 Netzwerk Memories 3
30 oct-4 nov
1 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 5
2 New limit Scream 6
3 Shaggy Boombastic 4
4 Bosstune My thang 2
5 2 Fabiola Play this song 11
6 N-Trance Staying alive 5
7 The Vibe EP Vibeman 4
8 EX3 Extres 10
9 wink Higher state of C. 3
10 rebeca Corazon corazon 4
11 Control move 3
12 e Mission You are not alone 1
13 Alex party Wrap me up 2
14 2 in a room Ahora (now) 11
15 e Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 1
16 e No merci Missing 1
17 Umboza Cry India 5
18 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 4
19 Simply red Fairground (remix) 5
20 alexia Me and you 6
6-11 nov
1 e Whitney Houston Exhale (shoop shoop) 1
2 New limit Scream 7
3 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 6
4 Shaggy Boombastic 5
5 Bosstune My thang 3
6 2 Fabiola Play this song 12
7 EX3 Extres 11
8 N-Trance Staying alive 6
9 e Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 1
10 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 2
11 e 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 1
12 e Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 1
13 wink Higher state of C. 4
14 The Vibe EP Vibeman 5
15 Control move 4
16 Simply red Fairground (remix) 6
17 Mission You are not alone 2
18 No merci Missing 2
19 rebeca Corazon corazon 5
20 Raffi Sentimiento 2
13-18 nov
1 Whitney Houston Exhale (shoop shoop) 2
2 New limit Scream 8
3 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 7
4 Shaggy Boombastic 6
5 EX3 Extres 12
6 Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 2
7 e Whigfield Last christmas 1
8 N-Trance Staying alive 7
9 2 Fabiola Play this song 13
10 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 3
11 Bosstune My thang 4
12 Simply red Fairground (remix) 7
13 wink Higher state of C. 5
14 Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 2
15 Mission You are not alone 3
16 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 2
17 e Franktal 2 Bie reise 1
18 No merci Missing 3
19 Umboza Cry India 6
20 e Diana King Ain´t nobody 1
20-25 nov
1 e Ricardo F. Chasis 1
2 Whitney Houston Exhale (shoop shoop) 3
3 Franktal 2 Bie reise 2
4 e Viva Nirvana 1
5 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 8
6 Whigfield Last christmas 2
7 EX3 Extres 13
8 2 Fabiola Play this song 14
9 New limit Scream 9
10 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 4
11 Shaggy Boombastic 7
12 Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 3
13 Bosstune My thang 5
14 Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 3
15 N-Trance Staying alive 8
16 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 5
17 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 3
18 e Celvin Rotane Push me to the limit 1
19 e Spectrum Tell me when 1
20 The Vibe EP Vibeman 6
27 nov-1 dic
1 e Corona I don´t wanna be a star 1
2 Franktal 2 Bie reise 3
3 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 6
4 viva Nirvana 2
5 e Double you Because I´m losing you 1
6 alex party Wrap me up 3
7 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 9
8 New limit Scream 10
9 Whigfield Last christmas 3
10 Shaggy Boombastic 8
11 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 5
12 2 Fabiola Play this song 15
13 EX3 Extres 14
14 Mission You are not alone 4
15 Ricardo F. Chasis 2
16 wink Higher state of C. 6
17 Spectrum Tell me when 2
18 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 4
19 Alexia Me and you 8
20 Celvin Rotane Push me to the limit 2
4-9 dic
1 Viva Nirvana 3
2 corona I don´t wanna be a star 2
3 Franktal 2 Bie reise 4
4 Double you Because I´m losing you 2
5 Whigfield Last christmas 6
6 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 7
7 alex party Wrap me up 4
8 2 Fabiola Play this song 16
9 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 10
10 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 6
11 Ricardo F. Chasis 3
12 Celvin Rotane Push me to the limit 3
13 N-Trance Staying alive 9
14 EX3 Extres 15
15 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 5
16 alexia Me and you 9
17 Simply red Fairground (remix) 8
18 Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 4
19 Shaggy Boombastic 9
20 Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 4
11-16 dic
1 Viva Nirvana 4
2 Corona I don´t wanna be a star 3
3 Double you Because I´m losing you 3
4 Whigfield Last christmas 5
5 Franktal 2 Bie reise 5
6 e Ace of base Lucky love 1
7 2 Fabiola Play this song 17
8 e Michael Jackson Earth song 1
9 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 8
10 Ricardo F. chasis 4
11 EX3 Extres 16
12 alex party Wrap me up 5
13 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 11
14 alexia Me and you 9
15 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 7
16 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 6
17 Celvin Rotane Push me to the limit 4
18 e Commander Tom Are am eye 1
19 Shaggy Boombastic 10
20 Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 5
18-23 dic
1 Corona I don´t wanna be a star 4
2 Viva Nirvana 5
3 Double you Because I´m losing you 4
4 Franktal 2 Bie reise 6
5 alex Me and you 10
6 Whigfield Last christmas 6
7 2 Fabiola Play this song 18
8 Commander Tom Are am eye 2
9 2 Unlimited Do what´s good for me 9
10 Ace of base Lucky love 2
11 e Fun factory Doh wah diddy 1
12 alex party Wrap me up 6
13 Sin with Sebastian Shut up (and sleep with me) 12
14 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 8
15 e The Beatles Free as a bird 1
16 Ricardo F. Chasis 5
17 EX3 Extres 17
18 Whitney Houston exhale (shoop shoop) 4
19 Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 5
20 Michael Jackson Earth song 2
25-30 dic
1 Alexia Me and you 11
2 Franktal 2 Bie reise 7
3 viva Nirvana 6
4 corona I don´t wanna be a star 5
5 Fun factory Doh wah diddy 2
6 Double you Because I´m losing you 5
7 Commander Tom Are am eye 3
8 2 Fabiola Play this song 19
9 Whigfield Last christmas 7
10 Mighty dub kats Magic carpet ride 9
11 EX3 Extres 18
12 20 fingers feat. Katrina Sex machine 7
13 alex party Wrap me up 7
14 Spectrum Tell me when 3
15 Beat & Peter V.A.N.G. 6
16 Central rock C.E.N.T.R.A.L. 6
17 Ricardo F. Chasis 6
18 2 Unlimited so wha 10
19 Celvin Rotane Push me to the limit 5
20 Michael Jackson Earth song 3

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