1. 1. Michael Jackson Black or white
2. 2. L.A. Style James Brown is dead
8. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama
3. 4. Rozalla Everybody's free
4. 5. East Side Beat Ride like the Wind
5. 6. Techno City Vamos Techno
6. 7. Midnight Shift Without you
9. 8. New Kids on the Block New Kids Megamix
7. 9. K.L.F. Justified and ancient
(---) 10. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me
(---) 11. U2 Mysterious Ways
(---) 12. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off
11. 13. Anon Nothing like your Love
12. 14. Dream Sequence Outside looking in ('91 Version)
15. 15. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this
16 Lisa Stansfield Change
17 Atahualpa Luna de sangre
18 Bryan Adams Everything I do I do it for you
19 Chimo Bayo Asi me gusta
20 Bizarre inc Such a feeling
2. 1. L.A. Style James Brown is dead
1. 2. Michael Jackson Black or white
3. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama
6. 4. Techno City Vamos Techno
4. 5. Rozalla Everybody's free
5. 6. East Side Beat Ride like the Wind
11. 7. U2 Mysterious Ways
7. 8. Midnight Shift Without you
9. 9. K.L.F. Justified and ancient
12. 10. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off
10. 11. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me
(---) 12. Terra Wan Puta madre
15. 13. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this
8. 14. New Kids on the Block New Kids Megamix
(---) 15. Snap Colour of Love
16 17 Lisa Stansfield Change
18 Terry Ronald Calm to rage
e 20 Somewhere over England Watching 1
12. 1. Terra Wan Puta madre 2
1. 2. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 14
2. 3. Michael Jackson Black or white 12
3. 4. Mecano Dalai Lama 5
5. 5. Rozalla Everybody's free 19
9. 6. K.L.F. Justified and ancient 7
7. 7. U2 Mysterious Ways 5
4. 8. Techno City Vamos Techno 7
6. 9. East Side Beat Ride like the Wind 13
13. 10. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 9
11. 11. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 3
15. 12. Snap Colour of Love 2
8. 13. Midnight Shift Without you 14
10. 14. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 3
14. 15. New Kids on the Block New Kids Megamix 8
e 16 Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 1
17 17 Lisa Stansfield Change 14
re 18 Bryan Adams (Everything I do) I do it for you 22
re 19 Guns´n´roses You could be mine 27
re 20 Prince Cream 15
3. 1. Michael Jackson Black or white 13
1. 2. Terra Wan Puta madre 3
4. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama 6
2. 4. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 15
10. 5. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 10
8. 6. Techno City Vamos Techno 8
6. 7. K.L.F. Justified and ancient 8
5. 8. Rozalla Everybody's free 20
12. 9. Snap Colour of Love 3
11. 10. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 4
14. 11. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 4
9. 12. East Side Beat Ride like the Wind 14
e 13. Skeet Machine feat. Matthew Tallon Es de p... Madre 1
e 14. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 1
7. 15. U2 Mysterious Ways 6
13 16 Midnight shift Without you 15
16 17 Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 2
15 18 New Kids on the Block New Kids Megamix 9
e 19 Data Drama The Rain 1
e 20 Terry Ronald Calm to rage 19
2. 1. Terra Wan Puta madre 4
1. 2. Michael Jackson Black or white 14
3. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama 7
4. 4. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 16
14. 5. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 2
5. 6. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 11
9. 7. Snap Colour of Love 4
10. 8. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 5
6. 9. Techno City Vamos Techno 9
11. 10. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 5
e 11. Rozalla Faith (in the Power of Love) 1
e 12. Object Theme from Terminator II 1
e 13. Antico What I gotta do 1
19 14. Data Drama The Rain 2
17 15. Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 3
16 16 Midnight shift Without you 16
12 17 East side beat Ride like the wind 15
8 18 Rozalla Everybody's free 21
7 19 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 9
13 20 Skeet Machine feat. Matthew Tallon Es de p... Madre 2
1. 1. Terra Wan Puta madre 5
5. 2. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 3
3. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama 8
2. 4. Michael Jackson Black or white 15
4. 5. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 17
6. 6. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 12
7. 7. Snap Colour of Love 5
14. 8. Data Drama The Rain 3
9. 9. Techno City Vamos Techno 10
12. 10. Object Theme from Terminator II 2
10. 11. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 6
8. 12. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 6
11. 13. Rozalla Faith (in the Power of Love) 2
15. 14. Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 4
e 15. U2 Mysterious Ways (remix) 1
12 16 East Side Beat Ride like the Wind 16
16 17 Midnight Shift Without you 17
19 18 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 10
18 19 Rozalla Everybody's free 22
20 20 Skeet Machine feat. Matthew Tallon Es de p... Madre 3
1. 1. Terra Wan Puta madre 6
2. 2. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 4
4. 3. Michael Jackson Black or white 16
3. 4. Mecano Dalai Lama 9
e 5. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 1
5. 6. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 18
6. 7. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 13
7. 8. Snap Colour of Love 6
re 9. U2 Mysterious Ways 7
10. 10. Object Theme from Terminator II 3
e 11. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 1
8. 12. Data Drama The Rain 4
9. 13. Techno City Vamos Techno 11
12. 14. George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 7
13. 15. Rozalla Faith (in the Power of Love) 3
18 16 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 11
11 17 R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 7
e 18 Hard Rain Diamonds 1
14 19 Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 5
2. 1. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 5
7. 2. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 14
5. 3. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 2
1. 4. Terra Wan Puta madre 7
8. 5. Snap Colour of Love 7
4. 6. Mecano Dalai Lama 10
6. 7. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 19
10. 8. Object Theme from Terminator II 4
11. 9. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 2
3. 10. Michael Jackson Black or white 12
17 11. R.T.Z. Dance your Ass off 8
18 12. Hard Rain Diamonds 2
12. 13. Data Drama The Rain 6
13. 14. Techno City Vamos Techno 12
15. 15. Rozalla Faith (in the Power of Love) 4
9 16 U2 Misterious ways 8
14 17 George Michael & Elton John Don't let the Sun go down on me 8
16 18 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 12
e 19 U2 One 1
19 20 Guns 'n' Roses Live and let die 6
1. 1. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 6
2. 2. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 15
3. 3. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 3
9. 4. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 3
6. 5. Mecano Dalai Lama 11
e 6. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 1
4. 7. Terra Wan Puta madre 8
8. 8. Object Theme from Terminator II 5
e 9. Sencillos Bonito es 1
e 10. Radio Futura Semilla negra 1
12. 11. Hard Rain Diamonds 3
5. 12. Snap Colour of Love 8
e 13. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 1
7. 14. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 20
10. 15. Michael Jackson Black or white 18
14 16 Techno city Vamos techno 13
16 17 U2 Misterious ways 9
13 18 Data Drama The Rain 6
19 19 U2 One 2
18 20 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 13
6. 1. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 2
1. 2. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 7
5. 3. Mecano Dalai Lama 12
10. 4. Radio Futura Semilla negra 2
3. 5. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 4
2. 6. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 16
4. 7. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 4
13. 8. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 2
8. 9. Object Theme from Terminator II 6
11. 10. Hard Rain Diamonds 4
12. 11. Snap Colour of Love 9
9. 12. Sencillos Bonito es 2
7. 13. Terra Wan Puta madre 9
15. 14. Michael Jackson Black or white 19
e 15. Double you Please don't go 1
18 16 Data Drama The Rain 7
14 17 L.A. Style James Brown is dead 21
re 18 Guns' n' roses Live and let die 7
19 19 U2 One 3
16 20 Techno city Vamos techno 14
1. 1. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 3
15 2. Double You Please don't go 2
4. 3. Radio Futura Semilla negra 3
8. 4. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 3
2. 5. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 8
7. 6. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 5
6. 7. 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 17
12. 8. Sencillos Bonito es 3
5. 9. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 5
3. 10. Mecano Dalai Lama 13
11. 11. Snap Colour of Love 10
9. 12. Object Theme from Terminator II 7
10. 13. Hard Rain Diamonds 5
16 14. Data Drama The Rain 8
17 15. L.A. Style James Brown is dead 22
19 16 U2 One 4
20 17 Techno city Vamos techno 15
e 18 Chyp-Notic I can't get enough 1
e 19 Chimo Bayo Quimica 1
re 20 K.L.F. Justified and ancient 14
1. 1. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 4
3. 2. Radio Futura Semilla negra 4
2. 3. Double You Please don't go 3
19 4. Chimo Bayo Quimica 2
6. 5. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 6
10. 6. Mecano Dalai Lama 14
5. 7. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 9
8. 8. Sencillos Bonito es 4
4. 9. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 4
9. 10. Michael Jackson Remember the Time 6
13. 11. Hard Rain Diamonds 6
e 12. Annie Lennox Why 1
12. 13. Object Theme from Terminator II 8
e 14. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 1
18 15. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough 2
7 16 2 Unlimited Get ready for this 18
11 17 Snap Colour of Love 11
16 18 U2 One 5
14 19 Data Drama The Rain 9
15 20 L.A. Style James Brown is dead 23
4. 1. Chimo Bayo Quimica 3
3. 2. Double You Please don't go 4
2. 3. Radio Futura Semilla negra 5
1. 4. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 5
14. 5. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 2
5. 6. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 7
e 7. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone 1
9. 8. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 5
8. 9. Sencillos Bonito es 5
7. 10. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 10
12. 11. Annie Lennox Why 2
13. 12. Object Theme from Terminator II 9
6. 13. Mecano Dalai Lama 15
19 14. Data Drama The Rain 10
11. 15. Hard Rain Diamonds 7
10 16 Michael Jackson Remember the Time 7
e 17 Nirvana Come as you are 1
e 18 Army of Lovers Crucified 1
e 19 Guns´n´roses November rain 1
17 20 Snap Colour of Love 12
1. 1. Chimo Bayo Quimica 4
2. 2. Double You Please don't go 5
5. 3. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 3
7. 4. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone 2
3. 5. Radio Futura Semilla negra 6
8. 6. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 6
6. 7. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 8
4. 8. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 6
9. 9. Sencillos Bonito es 6
14. 10. Data Drama The Rain 11
e 11. Opus III It's a fine Day 1
10. 12. Nirvana Smells like Teen Spirit 11
15. 13. Hard Rain Diamonds 8
11. 14. Annie Lennox Why 3
re 15. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough 3
12 16 Object Theme from Terminator II 10
e 17 Shanice I love your Smile 1
18 18 Army of Lovers Crucified 2
e 19 Vengadores Ke pasa 1
13 20 Mecano Dalai Lama 16
1. 1. Chimo Bayo Quimica 5
2. 2. Double You Please don't go 6
11. 3. Opus III It's a fine Day 2
3. 4. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 4
4. 5. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone 3
5. 6. Radio Futura Semilla negra 7
7. 7. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 9
19 8. Vengadores Ke pasa 2
6. 9. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 7
17 10. Shanice I love your Smile 2
16 11. Object Theme from Terminator II 11
9. 12. Sencillos Bonito es 7
10. 13. Data Drama The Rain 12
8. 14. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 7
15. 15. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough 4
18 16 Army of Lovers Crucified 3
13 17 Hard rain Diamonds 9
14 18 Annie Lennox Why 4
e 19 Willy Morales Last Train to London 1
12 20 Nirvana Smells like teen spirit 12
2. 1. Double You Please don't go 7
1. 2. Chimo Bayo Quimica 6
5. 3. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone 4
3. 4. Opus III It's a fine Day 3
4. 5. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 5
6. 6. Radio Futura Semilla negra 8
7. 7. Rozalla Are you ready to fly 10
8. 8. Vengadores Ke pasa 3
12. 9. Sencillos Bonito es 8
13. 10. Data Drama The Rain 13
9. 11. O.B.K. Dejame comerte 8
14. 12. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch 8
19 13. Willy Morales Last Train to London 2
15. 14. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough 5
16 15. Army of Lovers Crucified 4
17 16 Hard rain Diamonds 10
10 17 Shanice I love your Smile 3
e 18 Black machine How gee 1
20 19 Nirvana Smells like teen spirit 13
? 20 U2 One 6
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
4. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
3. 3. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
5. 4. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
2. 5. Chimo Bayo Quimica
6. 6. Radio Futura Semilla negra
(---) 7. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
7. 8. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
9. 9. Sencillos Bonito es
(---) 10. M.A.S.I. Apache
(---) 11. Clivilles & Cole A deeper Love
15. 12. Army of Lovers Crucified
12. 13. Bruce Springsteen Human Touch
RE 14. Annie Lennox Why
10. 15. Data Drama The Rain
16 Nirvana Come as you are
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
2. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
5. 3. Chimo Bayo Quimica
3. 4. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
4. 5. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
7. 6. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
6. 7. Radio Futura Semilla negra
15. 8. Data Drama The Rain
8. 9. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
12. 10. Army of Lovers Crucified
RE 11. Vengadores Ke pasa
10. 12. M.A.S.I. Apache
RE 13. Willy Morales Last Train to London
11. 14. Clivilles & Cole A deeper Love
9. 15. Sencillos Bonito es
20 Annie Lennox Why
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
2. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
5. 3. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
3. 4. Chimo Bayo Quimica
4. 5. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
6. 6. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
13. 7. Willy Morales Last Train to London
10. 8. Army of Lovers Crucified
12. 9. M.A.S.I. Apache
9. 10. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
7. 11. Radio Futura Semilla negra
15. 12. Sencillos Bonito es
14. 13. Clivilles & Cole A deeper Love
RE 14. Shanice I love your Smile
11. 15. Vengadores Ke pasa
e 19 The Cure High 1
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
2. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
3. 3. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
4. 4. Chimo Bayo Quimica
5. 5. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
6. 6. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
RE 7. O.B.K. Dejame comerte
10. 8. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
14. 9. Shanice I love your Smile
13. 10. Clivilles & Cole A deeper Love
8. 11. Army of Lovers Crucified
15. 12. Vengadores Ke pasa
7. 13. Willy Morales Last Train to London
9. 14. M.A.S.I. Apache
12. 15. Sencillos Bonito es
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
2. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
6. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
3. 4. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
4. 5. Chimo Bayo Quimica
5. 6. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
15. 7. Sencillos Bonito es
(---) 8. Interactive Dildo
(---) 9. Michael Jackson In the Closet
8. 10. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
9. 11. Shanice I love your Smile
7. 12. O.B.K. Dejame comerte
11. 13. Army of Lovers Crucified
(---) 14. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
RE 15. Data Drama The Rain
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
2. 2. Opus III It's a fine Day
3. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
4. 4. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
5. 5. Chimo Bayo Quimica
6. 6. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
8. 7. Interactive Dildo
RE 8. M.A.S.I. Apache
(---) 9. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
13. 10. Army of Lovers Crucified
9. 11. Michael Jackson In the Closet
12. 12. O.B.K. Dejame comerte
RE 13. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
(---) 14. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
10. 15. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
1. 1. Double You Please don't go
3. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
2. 3. Opus III It's a fine Day
9. 4. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
4. 5. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
14. 6. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
6. 7. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
5. 8. Chimo Bayo Quimica
7. 9. Interactive Dildo
RE 10. Clivilles & Cole A deeper Love
11. 11. Michael Jackson In the Closet
13. 12. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
12. 13. O.B.K. Dejame comerte
(---) 14. Rozalla Love Breakdown
10. 15. Army of Lovers Crucified
(---) 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
1. 2. Double You Please don't go
2. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
3. 4. Opus III It's a fine Day
5. 5. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
4. 6. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
6. 7. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
8. 8. Chimo Bayo Quimica
7. 9. 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
9. 10. Interactive Dildo
15. 11. Army of Lovers Crucified
(---) 12. Black Machine How Gee
12. 13. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
RE 14. Rozalla Are you ready to fly
11. 15. Michael Jackson In the Closet
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
3. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
2. 3. Double You Please don't go
4. 4. Opus III It's a fine Day
(---) 5. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
7. 6. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
5. 7. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
RE 8. Rozalla Love Breakdown
6. 9. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
11. 10. Army of Lovers Crucified
(---) 11. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
10. 12. Interactive Dildo
8. 13. Chimo Bayo Quimica
RE 14. O.B.K. Dejame comerte
(---) 15. O.B.K. Historias de amor
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
2. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
3. 3. Double You Please don't go
4. 4. Opus III It's a fine Day
8. 5. Rozalla Love Breakdown
5. 6. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
9. 7. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
7. 8. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
6. 9. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
RE 10. Black Machine How Gee
12. 11. Interactive Dildo
13. 12. Chimo Bayo Quimica
10. 13. Army of Lovers Crucified
15. 14. O.B.K. Historias de amor
RE 15. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
3. 2. Double You Please don't go
2. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
14. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
4. 5. Opus III It's a fine Day
6. 6. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
9. 7. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
5. 8. Rozalla Love Breakdown
8. 9. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
10. 10. Black Machine How Gee
RE 11. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
12. 12. Chimo Bayo Quimica
(---) 13. Nirvana Lithium
11. 14. Interactive Dildo
7. 15. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
3. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
2. 3. Double You Please don't go
4. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
6. 5. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
5. 6. Opus III It's a fine Day
7. 7. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
9. 8. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
10. 9. Black Machine How Gee
11. 10. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
8. 11. Rozalla Love Breakdown
12. 12. Chimo Bayo Quimica
13. 13. Nirvana Lithium
RE 14. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
15. 15. Varios Wembley '92 (Blanco y Negro)
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
3. 2. Double You Please don't go
4. 3. O.B.K. Historias de amor
RE 4. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
2. 5. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
9. 6. Black Machine How Gee
8. 7. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
5. 8. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
(---) 9. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare
7. 10. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
(---) 11. Anon Stay
10. 12. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
6. 13. Opus III It's a fine Day
12. 14. Chimo Bayo Quimica
RE 15. Interactive Dildo
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
3. 2. O.B.K. Historias de amor
2. 3. Double You Please don't go
4. 4. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
5. 5. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
7. 6. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
9. 7. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare
8. 8. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
6. 9. Black Machine How Gee
13. 10. Opus III It's a fine Day
10. 11. 2 Unlimited Workaholic
14. 12. Chimo Bayo Quimica
11. 13. Anon Stay
RE 14. Nirvana Lithium
12. 15. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
1. 1. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
4. 2. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
2. 3. O.B.K. Historias de amor
5. 4. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
3. 5. Double You Please don't go
(---) 6. Madonna This used to be my Playground
6. 7. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
9. 8. Black Machine How Gee
13. 9. Anon Stay
8. 10. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
(---) 11. Black Machine Funky Funky People
7. 12. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare
15. 13. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
10. 14. Opus III It's a fine Day
RE 15. Interactive Dildo
e 19 Michael Jackson Who is it 1
2. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
3. 2. O.B.K. Historias de amor
4. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
5. 4. Double You Please don't go
1. 5. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
7. 6. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
6. 7. Madonna This used to be my Playground
10. 8. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
14. 9. Opus III It's a fine Day
13. 10. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
9. 11. Anon Stay
RE 12. Chimo Bayo Quimica
RE 13. Chyp-Notic I can't get enough
8. 14. Black Machine How Gee
12. 15. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare
16 Los Albañiles Me pica
1. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
3. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
5. 3. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
2. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
(---) 5. Double You We all need Love
4. 6. Double You Please don't go
6. 7. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
(---) 8. Amsterdam Terminator Poing
7. 9. Madonna This used to be my Playground
8. 10. Londonbeat You bring on the Sun
(---) 11. Vernon Wrapped around your Finger
14. 12. Black Machine How Gee
RE 13. Interactive Dildo
11. 14. Anon Stay
RE 15. Black Machine Funky Funky People
1. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
3. 2. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
2. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
4. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
(---) 5. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes
6. 6. Double You Please don't go
(---) 7. Bobby Brown Humpin' around
5. 8. Double You We all need Love
8. 9. Amsterdam Terminator Poing
9. 10. Madonna This used to be my Playground
20 Jose Carreras & Sarah Brightman Para siempre
1. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
4. 2. O.B.K. Historias de amor
3. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
2. 4. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
7. 5. Bobby Brown Humpin' around
8. 6. Double You We all need Love
e 7. Felix Don't you want me
5. 8. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes
6. 9. Double You Please don't go
10. 10. Madonna This used to be my Playground
9. 11. Amsterdam Terminator Poing
11. 12. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
RE 13. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
RE 14. Black Machine Funky Funky People
13. 15. Anon Stay
18 Black Machine How gee
19 A.S.A.P. Ke no pare
1. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 10
3. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 20
2. 3. O.B.K. Historias de amor 12
4. 4. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 13
6. 5. Double You We all need Love 4
5. 6. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 3
8. 7. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 3
7. 8. Felix Don't you want me 2
19 9. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare 8
9. 10. Double You Please don't go 27
12. 11. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 26
11. 12. Amsterdam Terminator Poing 4
13. 13. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa 12
18 14. Black Machine How gee 16
10. 15. Madonna This used to be my Playground 6
e 16 Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 1
e 17 Londonbeat You bring on the sun 12
14 18 Black machine Funky funky people 6
re 19 Interactive Dildo 14
re 20 Vernon Wrapped around your finger 2
2. 1. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 21
1. 2. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 11
8. 3. Felix Don't you want me 3
3. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor 13
4. 5. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 14
16 6. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 2
5. 7. Double You We all need Love 5
6. 8. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 4
7. 9. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 4
13 10. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa 13
15. 11. Madonna This used to be my Playground 7
12. 12. Amsterdam Terminator Poing 5
10. 13. Double You Please don't go 28
9 14. A.S.A.P. Ke no pare 9
e 15. 2 Unlimited The magic Friend 1
11 16 O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 26
e 17 Mecano El fallo positivo 1
18 18 Black machine Funky funky people 7
e 19 Prince Sexy MF 1
20 Black machine How gee 17
2. 1. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 12
1. 2. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 22
4. 3. O.B.K. Historias de amor 14
3. 4. Felix Don't you want me 4
7. 5. Double You We all need Love 6
5. 6. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 15
6. 7. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 3
8. 8. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 5
13. 9. Double You Please don't go 29
10. 10. Army of Lovers Obsession 14
9. 11. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 5
16 12. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa 27
15. 13. 2 Unlimited The magic Friend 2
11. 14. Madonna This used to be my Playground 8
12. 15. Amsterdam Terminator Poing 6
18 16 Black machine Funky funky people 8
re 17 Londonbeat You bring on the sun 13
14 18 A.S.A.P. Ke no pare 10
20 19 Black machine How gee 18
19 20 Prince Sexy MF 2
28 sept-3 oct
2. 1. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
1. 2. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
7. 3. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night
3. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
4. 5. Felix Don't you want me
6. 6. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
(---) 7. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika
5. 8. Double You We all need Love
13. 9. 2 Unlimited The magic Friend
(---) 10. Mecano El fallo positivo
15. 11. Amsterdam Terminator Poing
11. 12. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes
8. 13. Bobby Brown Humpin' around
12. 14. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
9. 15. Double You Please don't go
5-10 oct
5. 1. Felix Don't you want me
2. 2. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo
1. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer
4. 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor
3. 5. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night
8. 6. Double You We all need Love
6. 7. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir
7. 8. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika
9. 9. 2 Unlimited The magic Friend
14. 10. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa
12. 11. Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes
15. 12. Double You Please don't go
13. 13. Bobby Brown Humpin' around
RE 14. O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar
10. 15. Mecano El fallo positivo
16 Madonna This used to be my Playground
17 Amsterdam Terminator Poing
18 DLM We believe 2
12-17 oct
1. 1. Felix Don't you want me 7
5. 2. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 6
3. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 25
2. 4. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 15
4. 5. O.B.K. Historias de amor 17
7. 6. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 18
15. 7. Mecano El fallo positivo 4
8. 8. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 3
6. 9. Double You We all need Love 9
16 10. Madonna This used to be my Playground 11
13. 11. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 8
19 12. Prince Sexy MF 5
e 13. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 1
10. 14. Mecano Una rosa es una rosa 17
12. 15. Double You Please don't go 32
17 16 Amsterdam Terminator Poing 9
11 17 Sonia Davis Bette Davis eyes 8
14 18 O.B.K. De que me sirve llorar 30
18 19 DLM We believe 3
19-24 oct
1. 1. Felix Don't you want me 8
2. 2. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 7
3. 3. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 26
5 4. O.B.K. Historias de amor 18
4 5. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 16
6. 6. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 19
7. 7. Mecano El fallo positivo 5
9. 8. Double You We all need Love 10
13. 9. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 2
19 10. DLM We believe 4
e 11. Dis-Cover We don't talk anymore 1
10. 12. Madonna This used to be my Playground 12
8. 13. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 4
11. 14. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 9
RE 15. Vernon Wrapped around your Finger 3
12 16 Prince Sexy MF 5
17 17 Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 9
20 18 2 Unlimited The magic Friend 6
e 19 Madonna Erotica 1
15 20 Double You Please don't go 33
26-31 oct
2. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 8
1. 2. Felix Don't you want me 9
e 3. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 1
19 4. Madonna Erotica 2
11 5. Dis-Cover We don't talk anymore 2
3 6. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 27
6. 7. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 20
5 8. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 17
10. 9. DLM We believe 5
8. 10. Double You We all need Love 11
7. 11. Mecano El fallo positivo 6
4 12. O.B.K. Historias de amor 19
9. 13. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 3
13. 14. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 5
15. 15. Vernon Wrapped around your Finger 4
18 16 2 Unlimited The magic Friend 7
14 17 Bobby Brown Humpin' around 10
17 18 Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 10
12 19 Madonna This used to be my Playground 13
2-7 nov
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 9
2. 2. Felix Don't you want me 10
3. 3. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 2
4. 4. Madonna Erotica 3
6. 5. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 28
10. 6. Double You We all need Love 12
12. 7. O.B.K. Historias de amor 20
e 8. Pepeto Pinocchio 1
8. 9. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 18
13. 10. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 4
5. 11. Dis-Cover We don't talk anymore 3
7. 12. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 21
9. 13. DLM We believe 6
e 14. Prince My Name is Prince 1
17 15. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 11
11 16 Mecano El fallo positivo 7
14 17 Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 6
16 18 2 Unlimited The magic Friend 8
19 19 Madonna This used to be my Playground 14
18 20 Sonia Davis Bette Davis Eyes 11
9-14 nov
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 1
2. 2. Felix Don't you want me 11
3. 3. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 3
8. 4. Pepeto Pinocchio 2
e 5. A.S.A.P. Muevelo 1
17 6. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 7
4. 7. Madonna Erotica 4
6. 8. Double You We all need Love 13
5. 9. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 29
9. 10. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 19
e 11. Lee Marrow Do you want me 1
14. 12. Prince My Name is Prince 2
11. 13. Dis-Cover We don't talk anymore 4
13. 14. DLM We believe 7
12. 15. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 22
10 16 Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 5
7 17 O.B.K. Historias de amor 21
e 18 Ray Quiero verte 1
re 19 Amsterdam terminator Poing 10
e 20 Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 1
16-21 nov
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 11
6. 2. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 8
2. 3. Felix Don't you want me 12
7. 4. Madonna Erotica 4
3. 5. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 5
12. 6. Prince My Name is Prince 3
5. 7. A.S.A.P. Muevelo 2
4. 8. Pepeto Pinocchio 3
20 9. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 2
9. 10. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 30
15. 11. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 23
17 12. O.B.K. Historias de amor 22
16 13. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 6
10. 14. Ellegibo Una historia de Ifa-Ejigbo 20
re 15. Bobby Brown Humpin' around 12
13 16 Dis-Cover We don't talk anymore 5
14 17 DLM We believe 8
8 18 Double You We all need Love 14
e 19 Bass Bumpers The Music's got me 1
re 20 Mecano El fallo positivo 8
23-28 nov
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 12
e 2. Moon Moonlight Shadow 1
2. 3. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 9
3. 4. Felix Don't you want me 13
13. 5. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 7
5. 6. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 5
4. 7. Madonna Erotica 6
6. 8. Prince My Name is Prince 4
11 9. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 24
19 10. Bass Bumpers The Music's got me 2
8. 11. Pepeto Pinocchio 4
17 12. DLM We believe 9
9. 13. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 3
10. 14. Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 31
7. 15. A.S.A.P. Muevelo 3
18 16 Double You We all need Love 15
e 17 Dr. Alban It's my Life 1
e 18 Black Machine Jazz Machine 1
14 19 Ellegibo Una historia de Ellegibo 21
12 20 O.B.K. Historias de amor 23
30 nov-4 dic
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 13
2. 2. Moon Moonlight Shadow 2
3. 3. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 10
6. 4. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 6
4. 5. Felix Don't you want me 14
18 6. Black Machine Jazz Machine 2
11 7. Pepeto Pinocchio 5
7. 8. Madonna Erotica 7
12 9. DLM We believe 10
13. 10. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 4
17 11. Dr. Alban It's my Life 2
15. 12. A.S.A.P. Muevelo 4
5. 13. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 8
8. 14. Prince My Name is Prince 5
19 15. Ellegibo Una historia de Ellegibo 22
14 16 Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 32
e 17 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 1
16 18 Double You We all need Love 16
10 19 Bass Bumpers The Music's got me 3
9 20 Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 25
7-12 dic
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 14
2. 2. Moon Moonlight Shadow 3
e 3. Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 1
3. 4. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 11
4. 5. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 7
5. 6. Felix Don't you want me 15
e 7. Varios Navidades Heavy House - Enfasis 1
6. 8. Black Machine Jazz Machine 3
17 9. O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 2
7. 10. Pepeto Pinocchio 6
20 11. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 26
10. 12. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 5
8. 13. Madonna Erotica 8
e 14. Another Class Don't you 1
9. 15. DLM We believe 11
13 16 Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 9
12 17 A.S.A.P. Muevelo 5
11 18 Dr. Alban It's my Life 3
16 19 Snap Rhythm is a Dancer 33
re 20 O.B.K. Historias de amor 24
14-19 dic
1. 1. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 15
3. 2. Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 2
e 3. Whitney Houston I will always love you 1
2. 4. Moon Moonlight Shadow 4
4. 5. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 12
e 6. Double You Who's fooling who 1
14. 7. Another Class Don't you 2
8. 8. Black Machine Jazz Machine 4
5. 9. Willie & Co. If you leave me now 8
6 10. Felix Don´t you want me? 16
e 11. Quique Tejada Tecno Christmas (Megamix) ByN 1
15 12. DLM We believe 12
10. 13. Pepeto Pinocchio 7
12. 14. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 6
16 15. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 10
11 16 Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 27
9 17 O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 3
17 18 A.S.A.P. Muevelo 6
13 19 Madonna Erotica 9
21-26 dic
2. 1. Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 3
1. 2. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 16
4. 3. Moon Moonlight Shadow 5
5. 4. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 13
10 5. Felix Don't you want me 17
7. 6. Another Class Don't you 3
8. 7. Black Machine Jazz Machine 5
17 8. O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 4
3 9. Whitney Houston I will always love you 2
11 10. Quique Tejada Tecno Christmas (Megamix) ByN 2
6 11. Double You Who's fooling who 2
14. 12. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 7
15 13. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 11
16 14. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 28
13. 15. Pepeto Pinocchio 8
9 16 Willie & Co. If you leave me now 9
re 17 Double You We all need Love 17
20 18 Varios Navidades Heavy House - Enfasis 3
18 19 A.S.A.P. Muevelo 7
re 20 Dr. Alban It's my Life 4
28 dic-2 ene
1. 1. Jordy Dur dur d'etre Bebe 4
2. 2. Co.Ro feat. Taleesa Because the Night 17
4. 3. Not Real Presence Chiki Chika 14
3. 4. Moon Moonlight Shadow 6
8. 5. O.B.K. La princesa de mis suenos 5
11. 6. Double You Who's fooling who 3
14. 7. Xuxa Sensacion de vivir 29
6. 8. Another Class Don't you 4
9. 9. Whitney Houston I will always love you 3
13. 10. Los Manolos Amigos para siempre 12
7. 11. Black Machine Jazz Machine 6
10. 12. Quique Tejada Tecno Christmas (Megamix) ByN 3
e 13. Ace of Funk Super Mario Land 1
15. 14. Pepeto Pinocchio 9
12. 15. Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion 8
16 16 Willie & Co. If you leave me now 10
5 17 Felix Don't you want me 18
re 18 Madonna Erotica 10
re 19 O.B.K. Historias de amor 25
17 20 Double You We all need Love 18
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