Listas De Superventas

Mis enormes agradecimientos a Leonardo Ruiz Benito por su gran aportacion de listas de los años 60 y 70, sin cuya ayuda habria sido imposible realizar este blog; agradecer tambien a otros seguidores de las listas que han aportado lo suyo, especialmente a Jorge Villarroya, y como no a mi mismo por mi amor a las listas españolas y mi afan por sacarlas a la luz.

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


3-8 enero
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 11
2 7 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 3
3 5 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 2
4 2 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom shake the room 12
5 3 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 7
6 8 Melodie MC Dum da dum 7
7 re Kuadra Locomotiva 4
8 16 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 12
9 10 Terminal Poem without words 6
10 6 Culture beat Got to get it 12
11 4 Sandalo Te informo 6
12 18 Ramirez El gallinero 17
13 11 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 13
14 13 US3 Ridding 8
15 14 OBK Todavia, 4
16 9 Pet shop boys Go west 14
17 12 Robin-S Lov 4 lov 11
18 re Intermision Piece my heart 2
19 re D.J. Miko What´s up 9
20 e D.B. El hombre pastilla 1
10-15 enero
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 12
2 3 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 3
3 4 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom shake the room 13
4 6 Melodie MC Dum da dum 8
5 20 D.B. El hombre pastilla 2
6 5 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 8
7 2 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 4
8 10 Culture beat Got to get it 13
9 9 Terminal Poem without words 7
10 12 Ramirez El gallinero 18
11 17 Robin-S Lov 4 lov 12
12 11 Sandalo Te informo 7
13 16 Pet shop boys Go west 15
14 7 Kuadra Locomotiva 5
15 13 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 14
16 14 US3 Ridding 9
17 8 S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 13
18 re Paco Pil Viva la fiesta 24
19 re UB-40 Can´t help falling in love with you 26
20 re Robin-S Show me love 14
17-22 enero
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 13
2 2 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 4
3 e B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 1
4 7 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 5
5 9 Terminal Poem without words 8
6 4 Melodie MC Dum da dum 9
7 e E. System Matto matto 1
8 3 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom shake the room 14
9 5 D.B. El hombre pastilla 3
10 e Piropo Celestial flight 1
11 6 2 Unlimited Maximum overdrive 9
12 e I. Magic Zauberstab 1
13 e Damn El instructor 1
14 12 Sandalo Te informo 8
15 8 Culture beat Got to get it 14
16 15 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 15
17 13 Pet shop boys Go west 16
18 11 Robin-S Lov 4 lov 13
19 10 Ramirez El gallinero 19
20 14 Kuadra Locomotiva 6
24-29 enero
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 14
2 5 Terminal Poem without words 9
3 2 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 5
4 e Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 1
5 6 Melodie MC Dum da dum 10
6 9 D.B. El hombre pastilla 4
7 4 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 6
8 7 E. System Matto matto 2
9 3 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 2
10 e Corona The rhythm of the night 1
11 8 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom shake the room 15
12 10 Piropo Celestial flight 2
13 e Jam & Spoon Right in the night 1
14 13 Damn El instructor 2
15 19 Ramirez El gallinero 20
16 14 Sandalo Te informo 9
17 16 Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 16
18 re D.J. Miko What´s up 10
19 re Robin-S Show me love 15
20 re S. Secchi-Taleesa A brighter day 14
31 ene-5 feb
1 1 Whigfield Saturday night 15
2 e Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 1
3 4 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 2
4 2 terminal Poem without words 10
5 13 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 2
6 3 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 6
7 10 Corona The rhythm of the night 2
8 e Batura Fade to gray 1
9 7 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 7
10 9 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 3
11 6 D.B. El hombre pastilla 5
12 8 E. System Matto matto 3
13 11 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom shake the room 16
14 5 Melodie MC Dum da dum 11
15 16 Sandalo Te informo 10
16 12 Piropo Celestial flight 3
17 e K. Jaen House music 1
18 15 Ramirez El gallinero 21
19 re Robin-S Lov 4 lov 14
20 re Culture beat Got to get it 15
7-12 feb
1 5 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 3
2 1 Whigfield Saturday night 16
3 2 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 2
4 e Depeche mode In your room 1
5 3 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 3
6 4 Terminal Poem without words 11
7 8 Batura Fade to gray 2
8 7 Corona The rhythm of the night 3
9 14 Melodie MC Dum da dum 12
10 6 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 7
11 10 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 4
12 17 K. Jaen House music 2
13 9 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 8
14 16 Piropo Celestial flight 4
15 15 Sandalo Te informo 11
16 12 E. System Matto matto 4
17 20 Culture beat Got to get it 16
18 11 D.B. El hombre pastilla 6
19 e U2 Stay 1
20 re Frankie goes to Hollywood Relax 17
14-19 feb
1 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 4
2 Whigfield Saturday night 17
3 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 4
4 Depeche mode In your room 2
5 e Double you Heart of glass 1
6 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 3
7 Batura Fade to gray 3
8 Corona The rhythm of the night 4
9 Terminal Poem without words 12
10 Melodie MC Dum da dum 13
11 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 5
12 e Eleonore Jump to me 1
13 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 9
14 e K.U. Right in the night 1
15 K. Jaen House music 3
16 Culture beat Got to get it 17
17 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 8
18 re I. Magic Zauberstab 2
19 Sandalo Te informo 12
20 D.B. El hombre pastilla 7
21-26 feb
1 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 5
2 Whigfield Saturday night 10
3 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 5
4 e D.J. Roman A pitar 1
5 e Culture beat Anything 1
6 Depeche mode In your room 3
7 Double you Heart of glass 2
8 terminal Poem without words 13
9 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 6
10 Eleonore Jump to me 2
11 K. Jaen House music 4
12 K.U. Right in the night 2
13 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 4
14 Batura Fade to gray 4
15 Corona The rhythm of the night 5
16 Melodie MC Dum da dum 14
17 e Future beat It´s my party 1
18 Hocus Pocus Here´s Johnnie 10
19 Sandalo Te informo 13
20 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 9
28 feb- 5 mar
1 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 6
2 e Ace of base The sign 1
3 Whigfield Saturday night 11
4 Culture beat Anything 2
5 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 6
6 terminal Poem without words 14
7 D.J. Roman a pitar 2
8 Corona The rhythm of the night 5
9 Double you Heart of glass 3
10 e S. Massimo Anytime and anywhere 1
11 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 5
12 Sandalo Te informo 14
13 Depeche mode In your room 4
14 B. Roland Nuclear sun-mix 7
15 re U2 Stay 2
16 K. Jaen House music 5
17 Future beat It´s my party 2
18 Melodie MC Dum da dum 15
19 Batura Fade to gray 5
20 e Spanic Sister golden air 1
7-12 mar
1 Ace of base The sign 2
2 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 7
3 Whigfield Saturday night 20
4 Terminal Poem without words 15
5 D.J. Roman A pitar 3
6 Culture beat Anything 3
7 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 7
8 K.U. Right in the night 3
9 Double you Heart of glass 4
10 e Casseopaya Overdose 1
11 e Whigfield Another day 1
12 Corona The rhythm of the night 7
13 S. Massimo Anytime and anywhere 2
14 e Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 1
15 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 6
16 Depeche mode In your room 5
17 K. Jaen House music 6
18 D.J. Satanic El exorcista vol 2 10
19 e 2 Unlimited Let the beat control your body 1
20 Sandalo Te informo 15
14-19 marzo
1 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 8
2 Ace of base The sign 3
3 Whigfield Saturday night 21
4 Spanic Sister golden hair 2
5 D.J. Roman A pitar 4
6 e Sandalo elegibo 1
7 e Aretha Franklin A deeper love 1
8 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 8
9 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 2
10 Terminal Poem without words 16
11 Culture beat Anything 4
12 Corona The rhythm of the night 8
13 K.U. Right in the night 4
14 e 2 Unlimited Let the beat control your body 1
15 Double you Heart of glass 5
16 Whigfield Another day 2
17 Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Yo home to Bel Air 7
18 S. Massimo Anytime and anywhere 3
19 re Melodie MC Dum da dum 16
20 e D. Harrow You and the sun 1
21-26 marzo
1 e Paco Pil Dimension divertida 1
2 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 9
3 Ace of base The sign 4
4 Spanic Sister golden hair 3
5 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 3
6 Whigfield Saturday night 14
7 D. Harrow You and the sun 2
8 D.J. Roman A pitar 5
9 Sandalo elegibo 2
10 Aretha Franklin A deeper love 2
11 Culture beat Anything 5
12 e Skoria Mi olla descontrola 1
13 Corona The rhythm of the night 9
14 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 9
15 e Haddaway Look my heart 1
16 K.U. Right in the night 5
17 e Roxette Sleeping in my car 1
18 terminal Poem without words 17
19 Whigfield Another day 3
20 re Casseopaya Overdose 2
28 marzo-2 abril
1 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 2
2 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 10
3 Ace of base The sign 5
4 D.J. Roman a pitar 6
5 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 4
6 Whigfield Saturday night 23
7 Culture beat Anything 6
8 Spanic Sister golden hair 4
9 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 2
10 2 Unlimited Let the beat control your body 3
11 Aretha Franklin A deeper love 3
12 Sandalo elegibo 3
13 D. Harrow You and the sun 3
14 Corona The rhythm of the night 10
15 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 10
16 Roxette Sleeping in my car 2
17 Whigfield Another day 4
18 Haddaway Look my heart 2
19 Depeche mode In your room 6
20 Casseopaya Overdose 3
4-9 abril
1 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 3
2 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 11
3 Corona The rhythm of the night 11
4 Ace of base The sign 6
5 Spanic Sister golden hair 5
6 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 5
7 D.J. Roman A pitar 7
8 Whigfield Saturday night 24
9 Whigfield Another day 5
10 Aretha Franklin A deeper love 4
11 Culture beat Anything 7
12 roxette Sleeping in my car 3
13 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 11
14 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 3
15 Terminal Poem without words 18
16 Casseopaya Overdose 4
17 Haddaway Look my heart 3
18 2 Unlimited Let the beat control your body 4
19 Sandalo elegibo 4
20 D. Harrow You and the sun 4
11-16 abril
1 Spanic Sister golden hair 6
2 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 4
3 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 12
4 Ace of base The sign 7
5 Corona The rhythm of the night 12
6 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 6
7 e Capella Move on baby 1
8 Roxette Sleeping in my car 4
9 Whigfield Another day 6
10 Whigfield Saturday night 25
11 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 4
12 Haddaway Look my heart 4
13 Aretha Franklin A deeper love 5
14 e Twenty 4 seven Take me away 1
15 D.J. Roman A pitar 8
16 sandalo elegibo 5
17 e Anticapella Move your body 1
18 e King of house Usa 1
19 Casseopaya Overdose 5
20 Terminal Poem without words 19
18-23 abril
1 Spanic Sister golden hair 7
2 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 5
3 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 13
4 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 7
5 Corona The rhythm of the night 13
6 e Ice MC Think about the way 1
7 Ace of base The sign 8
8 e Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 1
9 Whigfield Another day 7
10 Twenty 4 seven Take me away 2
11 Haddaway Look my heart 5
12 Capella Move on baby 2
13 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 5
14 D.J. Roman A pitar 9
15 Chimo Bayo La tia Enriqueta 12
16 Anticapella Move your body 2
17 Future beat It´s my party 3
18 Whigfield Saturday night 26
19 2 Unlimited Let the beat control your body 5
20 Roxette Sleeping in my car 5
25-30 abril
1 Spanic Sister golden hair 8
2 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 2
3 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 14
4 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 8
5 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 6
6 Ice MC Think about the way 2
7 e Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 1
8 Corona The rhythm of the night 14
9 e Jam & Spoon Right in the night (flamenco) 1
10 Ace of base The sign 9
11 e Doop Doop 1
12 e Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 1
13 Whigfield Another day 8
14 e Metallica One 1
15 Haddaway Look my heart 6
16 Anticapella Move your body 3
17 Twenty 4 seven Take me away 3
18 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 6
19 Capella Move on baby 3
20 Future beat It´s my party 4
2-7 mayo
1 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 2
2 Spanic Sister golden hair 9
3 Jam & Spoon right in the night 15
4 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 3
5 Doop doop 2
6 Ice MC Think about the way 3
7 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 9
8 Corona The rhythm of the night 15
9 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 7
10 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 2
11 e Africa Bambaataa Pupunanny 1
12 e Erasure Always 1
13 Whigfield Another day 9
14 Jam & Spoon Right in the night (flamenco) 2
15 Ace of base The sign 10
16 Aretha Franklin A deeper love 6
17 Capella Move on baby 4
18 Twenty 4 seven Take me away 4
19 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 7
20 Anticapella Move your body 4
9-14 mayo
1 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 3
2 Spanic Sister golden hair 10
3 Doop doop 3
4 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 16
5 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 4
6 Corona The rhythm of the night 16
7 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 3
8 Ice MC Think about the way 4
9 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 10
10 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 8
11 Jam & Spoon Right in the night (flamenco) 3
12 Ace of base The sign 11
13 Africa Bambaataa Pupunanny 2
14 Erasure Always 2
15 Haddaway Look my heart 7
16 e Real 2 real I like to move it 1
17 e Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting All for love 1
18 Whigfield Another day 10
19 Capella Move on baby 5
20 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 8
16-21 mayo
1 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 4
2 Spanic Sister golden hair 11
3 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 11
4 doop doop 4
5 Jam & Spoon right in the night 17
6 Ice MC Think about the way 5
7 Real 2 real I like to move it 2
8 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 5
9 Erasure Always 3
10 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 4
11 Ace of base The sign 12
12 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 9
13 Corona The rhythm of the night 17
14 Capella Move on baby 6
15 Africa Bambaataa Pupunanny 3
16 Whigfield Another day 11
17 Fun club Come softly to me 1
18 Metallica One 2
19 Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart & Sting All for love 2
20 Skoria Mi olla descontrola 9
23-28 mayo
1 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 5
2 Spanic Sister golden hair 12
3 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 12
4 e Big mountain Baby I love your way 1
5 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 6
6 Doop Doop 5
7 Jam & Spoon right in the night 18
8 Erasure Always 4
9 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 5
10 Real 2 real I like to move it 3
11 Ice MC Think about the way 6
12 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 10
13 e Tony Dibart The real thing 1
14 Corona The rhythm of the night 18
15 Capella Move on baby 7
16 Twenty 4 seven Take me away 5
17 Whigfield Another day 12
18 Ace of base The sign 13
19 Haddaway Look my heart 8
20 Jam & Spoon Right in the night (flamenco) 4
30 may-4 jun
1 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 7
2 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 6
3 Spanic Sister golden hair 13
4 Big mountain Baby I love your way 2
5 Doop doop 6
6 e Jens Loops & ting (remixes) 1
7 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 13
8 Jam & Spoon right in the night 19
9 e 2 Unlimited The real thing 1
10 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 6
11 Erasure Always 5
12 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 11
13 Real 2 real I like to move it 4
14 Ice MC Think about the way 7
15 Fun club Come softly to me 2
16 Tony Dibart The real thing 2
17 Ace of base The sign 14
18 Corona The rhythm of the night 19
19 e Status Break the silence 1
20 e Bandido Featuring Piropo I drove all nite 1
5-11 junio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 3
2 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 7
3 Spanic Sister golden hair 14
4 Bandido Featuring Piropo I drove all nite 2
5 2 Unlimited the r 2
6 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 2
7 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 8
8 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 7
9 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 14
10 Fun club Come softly to me 3
11 doop doop 7
12 Status Break the silence 2
13 Jam & Spoon right in the night 20
14 Real 2 real I like to move it 5
15 Whigfield Another day 13
16 Ice MC Think about the way 8
17 Tony Dibart The real thing 3
18 Erasure Always 6
19 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 12
20 Corona The rhythm of the night 20
13-18 junio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 4
2 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 8
3 2 Unlimited The real thing 3
4 Bandido Featuring Piropo I drove all nite 3
5 Spanic Sister golden hair 15
6 doop doop 8
7 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 15
8 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 8
9 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 9
10 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 3
11 Fun club Come softly to me 4
12 Whigfield Another day 14
13 ece m Think about the way 9
14 Erasure Always 7
15 Jam & Spoon right 21
16 Real 2 real I like to move it 6
17 Ace of base The sign 15
18 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 13
19 e G.E.M. I feel you tonight 1
20 Tony Dibart The real thing 4
20-25 junio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 5
2 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 9
3 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 9
4 2 Unlimited The real thing 4
5 jens Loops & tings (remixes) 4
6 doop doop 9
7 e Beer´s song hey baby 1
8 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 4
9 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 16
10 Whigfield Another day 15
11 e Rene-Gaston Vallee De Larmes 1
12 Spanic Sister golden hair 16
13 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 10
14 Real 2 real I like to move it 7
15 Jam & Spoon Right in the night 22
16 Fun club Come softly to me 5
17 e Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 1
18 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 2
19 Paco Pil Dimension divertida 14
20 e Dr. Alban Away from home 1
26 jun-2 jul
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 6
2 e Take that No si aquí no hay amor 1
3 doop doop 10
4 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 10
5 2 Unlimited The real thing 5
6 Whigfield Another day 16
7 Jam & Spoon right in the night 23
8 Spanic Sister golden hair 17
9 Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 2
10 bandi I drove all nite 5
11 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 17
12 Dr. Alban Away from home 2
13 Real 2 real I like to move it 8
14 Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 11
15 Silenzi Hooked on a feeling 10
16 jens Loops & tings (remixes) 5
17 Beer´s song hey baby 2
18 Ice MC Think about the way 10
19 Erasure Always 8
20 Rene-Gaston Vallee De Larmes 2
4-9 julio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 7
2 Beer´s song hey baby 13
3 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 6
4 Real 2 real I like to move it 9
5 doop Doop 11
6 Dr. Alban Away from home 3
7 Take that No si aquí no hay amor 2
8 e Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 1
9 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 11
10 Rene-Gaston Vallee De Larmes 3
11 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 6
12 Erasure Always 9
13 Whigfield Another day 17
14 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 18
15 e Ramirez Bomba 1
16 Jam & Spoon right in the night 24
17 2 Unlimited The real thing 6
18 Fun club Come softly to me 6
19 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 3
20 Ice MC Think about the way 11
11-16 julio
1 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 2
2 Big mountain Baby I love your way 8
3 Beer´s song hey baby 4
4 e Johnny Kass Dame mas 1
5 Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 3
6 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 7
7 Real 2 real I like to move it 10
8 Dr. Alban Away from home 4
9 e Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 1
10 Ramirez Bomba 2
11 Fun club Come softly to me 7
12 doop doop 12
13 Take that No si aquí no hay amor 3
14 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 12
15 Status Break the silence 3
16 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 4
17 Rene-Gaston Vallee De Larmes 4
18 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 7
19 2 Unlimited The real thing 7
20 Spanic Sister golden hair 18
18-23 julio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 9
2 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 3
3 Beer´s song hey baby 5
4 Johnny Kass Dame mas 2
5 Dr. Alban Away from home 5
6 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 2
7 Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 4
8 Real 2 real I like to move it 11
9 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 8
10 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 8
11 2 Unlimited The real thing 8
12 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 5
13 Tony Wilson Hooked on a feeling 13
14 Fun club Come softly to me 8
15 status Break the silence 4
16 Take that no si aquí 4
17 Rene-Gaston Vallee De Larmes 5
18 Capella move on baby 8
19 Erasure Always 10
20 Ice MC Think about the way 12
25-30 julio
1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 10
2 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 9
3 Johnny Kass Dame mas 3
4 Beer´s song hey baby 6
5 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 4
6 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 9
7 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 3
8 Dr. Alban Away from home 6
9 e B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 1
10 e The 3 tenors The 3 tenors 1
11 Status Break the silence 5
12 e Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 1
13 e Marusha Over the rainbow 1
14 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 6
15 Tony Dibart the ral 5
16 Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 5
17 Real 2 real I like to move it 12
18 Ramirez bomba 3
19 Spanic Sister golden hair 19
20 Ice MC Think about the way 13
1-6 agosto
1 1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 11
2 2 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 10
3 e Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 1
4 13 Marusha Over the rainbow 2
5 3 Johnny Kass Dame mas 4
6 8 Dr. Alban Away from home 7
7 11 Status Break the silence 6
8 4 Beer´s song hey baby 7
9 12 Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 2
10 9 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 2
11 5 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 5
12 e Estrella band hey baby 1
13 10 The 3 tenors The 3 tenors 2
14 16 Blue swede Hooked on a feeling 6
15 6 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 10
16 19 Spanic Sister golden hair 20
17 7 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 4
18 17 Real 2 real I like to move it 13
19 re Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 19
20 re Prince The most beautiful girl in the world 12
8-13 agosto
1 3 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 2
2 2 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 11
3 1 Big mountain Baby I love your way 12
4 7 Status Break the silence 7
5 e Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 1
6 4 Marusha Over the rainbow 3
7 6 Dr. Alban Away from home 8
8 5 Johnny Kass Dame mas 5
9 15 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 11
10 9 Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 3
11 8 Beer´s song hey baby 8
12 12 Estrella band hey baby 2
13 re Ice MC Think about the way 14
14 16 Spanic Sister golden hair 21
15 10 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 3
16 e Bedrock´s band The Flinstones 1
17 13 The 3 tenors The 3 tenors 3
18 19 Dr. Alban Look who´s talking 20
19 17 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 5
20 11 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 6
15-20 agosto
1 1 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 3
2 3 Big mountain Baby I love your way 13
3 2 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 12
4 5 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 2
5 6 Marusha Over the rainbow 4
6 10 Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 4
7 15 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 4
8 11 Beer´s song hey baby 9
9 8 Johnny Kass Dame mas 6
10 e Lover´s 7 seconds 1
11 7 Dr. Alban Away from home 9
12 4 status Break the silence 8
13 re Real 2 real I like to move it 14
14 12 Estrella band hey baby 3
15 13 Ice MC Think about the way 15
16 9 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 12
17 16 Bedrock´s band The Flinstones 2
18 20 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 7
19 19 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 6
20 re G.E.M. I feel you tonight 7
22-27 agosto
1 1 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 4
2 2 Big mountain Baby I love your way 14
3 3 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 13
4 8 Beer´s song hey baby 10
5 5 Marusha Over the rainbow 5
6 4 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 3
7 12 Status Break the silence 9
8 11 Dr. Alban Away from home 10
9 15 Ice MC Think about the way 16
10 13 Real 2 real I like to move it 15
11 9 Johnny Kass Dame mas 7
12 7 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 5
13 6 Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 5
14 16 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 13
15 10 Lover´s 7 seconds 2
16 20 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 8
17 18 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 8
18 19 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 7
19 17 Bedrock´s band The Flinstones 3
20 14 Estrella band hey baby 4
29 agos-3 sept
1 1 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 5
2 2 Big mountain Baby I love your way 15
3 6 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 4
4 3 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 14
5 5 Marusha Over the rainbow 6
6 7 Status Break the silence 10
7 8 Dr. Alban Away from home 11
8 4 Beer´s song hey baby 11
9 14 Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 14
10 9 Ice MC Think about the way 17
11 17 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 9
12 11 Johnny Kass Dame mas 8
13 20 Estrella band hey baby 5
14 12 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 6
15 e G.E.M. Harden my heart 1
16 e Bitty McLean It keeps rainin´ 1
17 13 Juan Luis Guerra La cosquilla 6
18 16 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 9
19 18 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 8
20 19 Bedrock´s band The Flinstones 4
5-10 sept
1 e The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 1
2 18 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 10
3 4 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 15
4 2 Big mountain Baby te quiero a ti 16
5 1 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 6
6 5 Marusha Over the rainbow 7
7 3 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 5
8 6 Status Break the silence 11
9 re Lover´s 7 seconds 3
10 e Ice MC It´s a rainy day 1
11 7 Dr. Alban Away from home 12
12 e Time out Harden my heart (remix) 1
13 12 Johnny Kass Dame mas 9
14 8 Beer´s song hey baby 12
15 e Differents Wooden heart 1
16 e The Grid Swamp thing 1
17 11 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 10
18 19 Twenty 4 seven Leave them alone 9
19 14 B.C. 52´s (Meet the) Flinstones 7
20 16 Bitty McLean It keeps rainin´ 2
12-17 sept
1 1 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 2
2 e D.J. Miki Dance piu 1
3 2 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 11
4 10 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 2
5 3 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 16
6 9 Lover´s 7 seconds 4
7 12 Time out Harden my heart (remix) 2
8 7 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 6
9 5 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 7
10 4 Big mountain Baby te quiero a ti 17
11 6 Marusha Over the rainbow 8
12 8 status Break the silence 12
13 16 The Grid Swamp thing 2
14 15 Differents Wooden heart 2
15 re Real 2 real I like to move it 16
16 14 Beer´s song hey baby 13
17 13 Johnny Kass Dame mas 10
18 17 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 11
19 e Nikolai Nikolai EP 1
20 re Bandido feat. Piropo I drove all nite 15
19-24 sept
1 1 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 3
2 3 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 12
3 2 D.J. Miki Dance piu 2
4 4 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 3
5 5 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 17
6 10 Big mountain Baby te quiero a ti 18
7 6 Lover´s 7 seconds 5
8 9 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 8
9 12 Status Break the silence 13
10 13 The Grid Swamp thing 3
11 18 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 12
12 17 Johnny Kass Dame mas 11
13 15 Real 2 real I like to move it 17
14 16 Beer´s song hey baby 14
15 re Dr. Alban Away from home 13
16 11 Marusha Over the rainbow 9
17 8 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 7
18 7 Time out Harden my heart (remix) 3
19 e Cabballero Hymn 1
20 14 Differents Wooden heart 3
26 sept-1 oct
1 1 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 4
2 4 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 4
3 2 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 13
4 19 Cabballero Hymn 2
5 5 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 18
6 7 Lover´s 7 seconds 6
7 3 D.J. Miki Dance piu 3
8 10 The Grid Swamp thing 4
9 8 Paco Pil Johnny Techno Ska 9
10 9 Status Break the silence 14
11 16 Marusha Over the rainbow 10
12 6 Big mountain Baby te quiero a ti 19
13 e Sonoro Get up & dance 1
14 15 Dr. Alban Away from home 14
15 11 Alex de la Nuez Dame mas 13
16 14 Beer´s song hey baby 15
17 13 Real 2 real I like to move it 18
18 re Ice MC Think about the way 18
19 e Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 1
20 e Playa Hitty The summer is magic 1
3-8 oct
1 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 5
2 Cabballero Hymn 3
3 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 5
4 Lover´s 7 seconds 7
5 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 2
6 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 14
7 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 19
8 e Wet wet wet Love is all around 1
9 e Sunbeam Outside world EP 1
10 Marusha Over the rainbow 11
11 D.J. Miki Dance piu 4
12 Status Break the silence 15
13 Ice MC Think about the way 19
14 Big mountain Baby te quiero a ti 20
15 Playa Hitty The summer is magic 2
16 Mo-Do Eins, Zwei, Polizei 8
17 Sonoro Get up & dance 2
18 Bitty McLean It keeps rainin´ 3
19 e La Bouche Sweet dreams 1
20 e J. Rapallo Kaña de España 1
10-15 oct
1 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 3
2 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 6
3 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 6
4 Cabballero Hymn 4
5 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 15
6 Lover´s 7 seconds 8
7 Wet wet wet Love is all around 2
8 La Bouche Sweet dreams 2
9 Sunbeam Outside world EP 2
10 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 20
11 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 2
12 e Taleesa I found lux 1
13 The Grid Swamp thing 5
14 Ice MC Think about the way 20
15 D.J. Miki Dance piu 5
16 e Bass bumpers Good fun 1
17 status Break the silence 16
18 Playa Hitty The summer is magic 3
19 Sonoro Get up & dance 3
20 Marusha Over the rainbow 12
17-21 oct
1 Cabballero Hymn 5
2 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 4
3 Sunbeam Outside world EP 3
4 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 7
5 Wet wet wet Love is all around 3
6 Lover´s 7 seconds 9
7 Bass bumpers Good fun 2
8 Taleesa I found lux 2
9 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 7
10 e Piropo Russians 1
11 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 16
12 e Fun 4 me La soledad 1
13 D.J. Miki Dance piu 6
14 The Grid Swamp thing 6
15 Marusha Over the rainbow 13
16 e Snap Welcome to tomorrow 1
17 e 2 Unlimited No one 1
18 La Bouche Sweet dreams 3
19 Status Break the silence 17
20 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 21
24-29 oct
1 Cabballero Hymn 6
2 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 5
3 Bass bumpers Good fun 3
4 Sunbeam Outside world EP 4
5 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 8
6 jens Loops & ting (remixes) 22
7 La Bouche Sweet dreams 4
8 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 8
9 Piropo Russians 2
10 2 Unlimited no one 2
11 Snap Welcome to tomorrow 2
12 Taleesa I found lux 3
13 Fun 4 me La soledad 2
14 Lover´s 7 seconds 10
15 D.J. Miki Dance piu 7
16 Wet wet wet Love is all around 4
17 e Take that Sure 1
18 e Madonna Secret (remix) 1
19 e Scorpia Hypnose 1
20 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 17
31 oct-5 nov
1 19 Scorpia Hypnose 2
2 1 Cabballero Hymn 7
3 e Zentral Baila 1
4 3 Bass bumpers Good fun 4
5 4 Sunbeam Outside world EP 5
6 2 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 6
7 e The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 1
8 11 Snap Welcome to tomorrow 3
9 5 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 9
10 12 Taleesa I found lux 4
11 18 Madonna Secret (remix) 2
12 e Fun 4 me Se fue 1
13 7 La Bouche Sweet dreams 5
14 9 Piropo Russians 3
15 15 D.J. Miki Dance piu 8
16 14 Lover´s 7 seconds 11
17 re J. Rapallo Kaña de España 3
18 20 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 18
19 8 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 9
20 16 Wet wet wet Love is all around 5
7-12 nov
1 1 Scorpia Hypnose 3
2 2 Cabballero Hymn 8
3 7 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 2
4 e Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 1
5 11 Madonna Secret (remix) 3
6 13 La Bouche Sweet dreams 6
7 3 Zentral Baila 2
8 5 Sunbeam Outside world EP 6
9 4 Bass bumpers Good fun 5
10 6 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 7
11 15 D.J. Miki Dance piu 9
12 8 Snap Welcome to tomorrow 4
13 e The King of house Semental 1
14 19 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 10
15 re The Grid Swamp thing 7
16 e The Prodigy No good 1
17 20 Wet wet wet Love is all around 6
18 e Scooter Hyper hyper 1
19 e Quench Dreams 1
20 12 Fun 4 me Se fue 2
14-19 nov
1 1 Scorpia Hypnose 4
2 3 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 3
3 2 Cabballero Hymn 9
4 5 Madonna Secret (remix) 4
5 8 Sunbeam Outside world EP 7
6 4 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 2
7 9 Bass bumpers Good fun 6
8 13 The King of house Semental 2
9 6 La Bouche swwet d 7
10 19 Quench Dreams 2
11 7 Zentral baila 3
12 16 The Prodigy no good 2
13 re J. Rapallo Kaña de España 4
14 re Taleesa I found lux 5
15 11 D.J. Miki Dance piu 10
16 10 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 8
17 12 snap Welcome to tomorrow 5
18 17 Wet wet wet Love is all around 7
19 re The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 10
20 18 Scooter Hyper hyper 2
21-26 nov
1 3 Cabballero Hymn 10
2 8 The King of house Semental 3
3 1 Scorpia Hypnose 5
4 5 Sunbeam Outside world EP 8
5 6 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 3
6 2 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 4
7 4 Madonna Secret (remix) 5
8 10 Quench dreams 3
9 7 Bass bumpers Good fun 7
10 11 Zentral Baila 4
11 re Fun 4 me Se fue 3
12 e K. Boy Generacion X 1
13 12 The Prodigy No good 3
14 15 D.J. Miki Dance piu 11
15 14 Taleesa I found lux 6
16 9 La Bouche Sweet dreams 8
17 re Lover´s 7 seconds 12
18 re G.E.M. I feel you tonight 19
19 re Piropo Russians 4
20 19 The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 11
28 nov-3 dic
1 1 Cabballero Hymn 11
2 3 Scorpia Hypnose 6
3 5 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 4
4 2 The King of house Semental 4
5 6 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 5
6 re Ice MC It´s a rainy day 11
7 12 K. Boy Generacion X 2
8 7 Madonna Secret (remix) 6
9 re Scooter Hyper hyper 3
10 10 Zentral baila 5
11 4 Sunbeam Outside world EP 9
12 9 Bass bumpers Good fun 8
13 14 D.J. Miki Dance piu 12
14 8 Quench Dreams 4
15 16 La Bouche Sweet dreams 9
16 15 Taleesa I found lux 7
17 13 The Prodigy No good 4
18 18 G.E.M. I feel you tonight 20
19 11 Fun 4 me Se fue 4
20 re Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 9
5-10 dic
1 2 Scorpia Hypnose 7
2 1 Cabballero Hymn 12
3 4 The King of house Semental 5
4 9 Scooter Hyper hyper 4
5 5 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 6
6 7 K. Boy Generacion X 3
7 8 Madonna Secret (remix) 7
8 e Yoossou N´Dour 7 seconds 1
9 6 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 12
10 11 Sunbeam Outside world EP 10
11 15 La Bouche Sweet dreams 10
12 10 Zentral baila 6
13 3 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 5
14 12 Bass bumpers Good fun 9
15 re J. Rapallo Kaña de España 5
16 19 Fun 4 me Se fue 5
17 re The Outhere brothers Don´t stop 12
18 e Da Blitz Stay with me 1
19 e X-samar La soledad 1
20 20 Dr. Alban Let the beat go on 10
12-17 dic
1 4 Scooter Hyper hyper 5
2 1 Scorpia Hypnose 8
3 5 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 7
4 3 The King of house Semental 6
5 e Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 1
6 2 Cabballero Hymn 13
7 6 K. Boy Generacion X 4
8 15 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 6
9 7 Madonna Secret (remix) 8
10 re Quench dreams 5
11 e Committe Trance line 1
12 10 Sunbeam Outside world EP 11
13 9 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 13
14 e Sunbeam EP of High adventure 1
15 12 Zentral baila 7
16 14 Bass bumpers Good fun 10
17 8 Yoossou N´Dour 7 seconds 2
18 e Boyz in attic Do you love me 1
19 13 Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 6
20 e Cabasa Guitar 1
19-24 dic
1 8 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 7
2 1 Scooter Hyper hyper 6
3 7 K. Boy Generacion X 5
4 5 Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 2
5 12 Sunbeam Outside world EP 12
6 2 Scorpia Hypnose 9
7 11 Committe Trance line 2
8 4 The King of house Semental 7
9 9 Madonna Secret (remix) 9
10 13 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 14
11 3 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 8
12 18 Boyz in attic Do you love me 2
13 14 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 2
14 6 Cabballero Hymn 14
15 17 Yoossou N´Dour 7 seconds 3
16 e I. Woble II Are we out of reality 1
17 e Nexus 6 Tres chic EP 1
18 20 Cabasa Guitar 2
19 10 Quench Dreams 6
20 re Wet wet wet Love is all around 8
26-31 dic
1 3 K. Boy Generacion X 6
2 6 Scorpia Hypnose 10
3 5 Sunbeam Outside world EP 13
4 7 Committe Trance line 3
5 11 The Outhere brothers La la la hey hey 9
6 4 Guns n´roses Sympathy for the devil 3
7 2 Scooter Hyper hyper 7
8 13 Sunbeam EP of High adventure 3
9 14 Cabballero Hymn 15
10 9 Madonna Secret (remix) 10
11 1 J. Rapallo Kaña de España 8
12 10 Ice MC It´s a rainy day 15
13 17 Nexus 6 Tres chic EP 2
14 12 bozz Do you love me 3
15 8 The King of house Semental 8
16 re Bonzai EP The Bonzai EP 7
17 e Ororo Zombie 1
18 e Digilove Touch me 1
19 18 Cabasa Guitar 3
20 e Legend B. Lost in love 1

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