6-11 ene 97
1 e Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 1
2 1 Mark Owen Child 8
3 2 Whitney Houston Step by step
4 5 No Doubt Don´t speak 4
5 3 Los del Rio Macarena Christmas 7
13-18 ene
1 Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 2
2 e Nacho Cano La trampa del corazon (remixes) 1
20-25 ene
1 Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 3
2 Blur Beetlebum
3 George Michael Older EP
4 Offspring All I want
27 ene-1 feb
1 Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 4
3 e Ska-P El vals del obrero 1
3-8 feb
1 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
2 Mark Owen Clementine
10-15 feb
1 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
17-22 feb
1 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
24 feb-1 mar
1 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
3-8 mar
1 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
10-15 mar
1 Aerosmith Falling in love
2 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
3 White town Your woman
4 ? ?
5 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
17-22 mar
1 3 White town Your woman
2 5 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
3 1 Aerosmith Falling in love
4 2 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
5 re Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 10
24-29 mar
1 3 Aerosmith Falling in love
2 4 Depeche mode Barrel of a gun
3 2 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
4 1 White town Your woman
5 5 Madonna Don´t cry for me Argentina 11
31 mar-5 abr
1 4 White town Your woman
2 1 Aerosmith Falling in love
3 ? ?
4 3 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
5 ? ?
7-12 abr
1 e Depeche mode It´s no good 1
2 4 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
3 e Texas Say what you want 1
4 2 Aerosmith Falling in love
5 1 White town Your woman
14-19 abr
1 e Robbie Williams Old before I die 1
2 1 Depeche mode It´s no good 2
3 2 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
4 ? ?
5 e No mercy When I die 1
21-26 abr
1 e Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 1
2 1 Robbie Williams Old before I die 2
3 e Ana Belen No se por que te quiero 1
4 2 Depeche mode It´s no good 3
5 3 Toni Braxton Unbreak my heart (remix)
28 abr-3 may
1 1 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 2
2 2 Robbie Williams Old before I die 3
3 e Paul McCartney Young boy 1
4 3 Ana Belen No se por que te quiero 2
5 4 Depeche mode It´s no good 4
5-10 may
1 e Gary Barlow Love won´t wait 1
2 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor
4 e George Michael Star people 1
12-17 may
1 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 4
19-24 may
1 1 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 5
2 2 Gary Barlow Love won´t wait 3
3 3 Robbie Williams Old before I die 3
4 e Ska-P Cannabis 1
5 e No Mercy Please don´t go 1
26-31 may
1 1 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 6
2 e Jon Bon Jovi Midnight in Chelsea 1
3 3 Robbie Williams Old before I die 4
4 2 Gary Barlow Love won´t wait 3
5 4 Ska-P Cannabis 2
2-7 jun
1 2 Jon Bon Jovi Midnight in Chelsea 2
2 e Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 1
3 1 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 7
4 5 Ska-P Cannabis 3
5 e The Smashing pumpkins The end is the beginning is the end 1
9-14 jun
1 1 Jon Bon Jovi Midnight in Chelsea 3
2 2 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 2
3 e Hanson MmmBop 1
4 3 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 8
5 5 The Smashing pumpkins The end is the beginning is the end 2
16-21 jun
1 2 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 3
2 e Worlds apart Yo te doy 1
3 4 Michael Jackson Blood on the dance floor 9
4 1 Jon Bon Jovi Midnight in Chelsea 4
5 e Maria Montell Di da di 1
23-28 jun
1 e Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 1
2 1 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 4
3 e Chilli Tic, tic, tac 1
4 2 Worlds apart Yo te doy 2
5 5 Maria Montell Di da di 2
30 jun-5 jul
1 1 Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 2
2 2 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 5
3 re The Smashing pumpkins The end is the beginning is the end 3
4 3 Chilli Tic, tic, tac 2
5 4 Worlds apart Yo te doy 3
7-12 jul
1 e Oasis D´you know what I mean 1
2 e Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 1
3 1 Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 3
4 2 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 6
5 3 The Smashing pumpkins The end is the beginning is the end 4
14-19 jul
1 e Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 1
2 2 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 2
3 1 Oasis D´you know what I mean 2
4 3 Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 4
5 4 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 7
21-26 jul
1 1 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 2
2 2 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 3
3 3 Oasis D´you know what I mean 3
4 5 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 8
5 4 Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 5
28 jul-2 agos
1 1 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 3
2 3 Oasis D´you know what I mean 4
3 2 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 4
4 4 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 9
5 e Michael Jackson History-Ghosts 1
4-9 agos
1 3 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 5
2 2 Oasis D´you know what I mean 5
3 1 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 4
4 4 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 10
5 5 Michael Jackson History-Ghosts 2
11-16 agos
1 1 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 6
2 2 Oasis D´you know what I mean 6
3 3 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 5
4 5 Michael Jackson History-Ghosts 3
5 re Ana Torroja A contratiempo (bottomless) 6
18-23 agos
1 1 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 7
2 3 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 6
3 2 Oasis D´you know what I mean 7
4 re Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 11
5 4 Michael Jackson History-Ghosts 4
25-30 agos
1 1 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 8
2 2 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 7
3 3 Oasis D´you know what I mean 8
4 4 Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 12
5 5 Michael Jackson History-Ghosts 5
1-6 sept
1 1 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 9
2 e The Verve Bittersweet symphony 1
3 2 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 8
4 e Depeche mode Home 1
5 3 Oasis D´you know what I mean 9
8-13 sept
1 e Bunbury Salome 1
2 1 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 10
3 3 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 9
4 e Mariah Carey Honey 1
5 re Supa T & The Party animals Love & Respect 13
15-20 sept
1 e Elton John Candle in the wind 1
2 1 Bunbury Salome 2
3 e Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 1
4 2 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 11
5 re The Verve Bittersweet symphony 2
6 4 Mariah Carey honey 2
7 re Oasis D´you know what I mean 10
8 3 Backstreet boys Everybody (Backstreet´s back) 10
9 e The Chemical Brothers Elektrobank 1
10 e Greta y Los Garbo Todo 1
22-27 sept
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 2
2 e Aqua Barbie girl 1
3 2 Bunbury Salome 3
4 4 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 12
5 3 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 2
6 5 The Verve Bittersweet symphony 3
7 e The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 1
8 6 Mariah Carey Honey 3
9 e oasis Stand by me 1
10 e Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 1
29 sept-4 oct
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 3
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 2
3 4 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 13
4 3 Bunbury Salome 4
5 7 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 2
6 10 Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 2
7 e U2 Please 1
8 5 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 3
9 6 The Verve Bittersweet symphony 4
10 9 Oasis Stand by me 2
6-11 oct
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 4
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 3
3 3 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 14
4 5 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 3
5 8 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 4
6 e Eros Ramazzotti Cuanto amor me das 1
7 6 Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 3
8 re Mariah Carey honey 4
9 10 Oasis Stand by me 3
10 4 Bunbury Salome 5
13-18 oct
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 5
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 4
3 6 Eros Ramazzotti Cuanto amor me das 2
4 3 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 15
5 e Backstreet boys As long as you love me 1
6 5 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 5
7 4 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 4
8 re U2 Please 2
9 9 oasis Stand by me 4
10 re The Verve Bittersweet symphony 5
20-25 oct
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 6
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 5
3 5 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 2
4 3 Eros Ramazzotti Cuanto amor me das 3
5 4 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 16
6 8 u2 Please 3
7 6 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 6
8 7 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 5
9 e M People Just for you 1
10 9 Oasis Stand by me 5
27 oct-1 nov
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 7
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 6
3 3 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 3
4 5 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 17
5 6 u2 Please 4
6 8 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 6
7 4 Eros Ramazzotti Cuanto amor me das 4
8 10 Oasis Stand by me 6
9 7 Elton John Something about the way you look tonight 7
10 9 M People Just for you 2
3-8 nov
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 8
2 2 aqua Barbie girl 7
3 5 u2 Please 5
4 e Metallica The memory remains 1
5 3 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 4
6 8 Oasis Stand by me 7
7 6 The Rolling stones Anybody seen my baby 7
8 4 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 18
9 re Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 4
10 10 M People Just for you 3
10-15 nov
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 9
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 8
3 4 Metallica The memory remains 2
4 8 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 19
5 3 u2 Please 6
6 e Olive You´re not alone 1
7 5 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 5
8 6 Oasis Stand by me 8
9 9 Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 5
10 e Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 1
17-22 nov
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 10
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 9
3 3 Metallica The memory remains 3
4 e Celine Dion & Barbra Streissand Tell him 1
5 7 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 6
6 4 Puff Daddy & Faith Evans I´ll be missing you 20
7 5 U2 Please 7
8 10 Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 2
9 9 Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 6
10 8 oasis Stand by me 9
24-29 nov
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 11
2 2 Aqua Barbie girl 10
3 3 Metallica The memory remains 4
4 8 Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 3
5 4 Celine Dion & Barbra Streissand Tell him 2
6 7 u2 Please 8
7 e Nek Tu nombre 1
8 5 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 7
9 re Olive You´re not alone 2
10 9 Marilyn Manson Tourniquet 7
1-6 dic
1 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 12
2 e Rosana En navidad 1
3 2 Aqua Barbie girl 11
4 4 Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 4
5 e Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo Remixes 1
6 7 Nek Tu nombre 2
7 3 Metallica The memory remains 5
8 e U2 God will send his angels 1
9 6 U2 Please 9
10 8 Backstreet boys As long as you love me 8
8-13 dic
1 2 Rosana En navidad 2
2 1 Elton John Candle in the wind 13
3 3 aqua Barbie girl 12
4 5 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo Remixes 2
5 8 u2 God will send his angels 2
6 4 Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 5
7 e pedro Guerra/Lluis Llach Pasa/Que tinguem sort 1
8 6 Nek Tu nombre 3
9 9 u2 Please 10
10 e Sting & Police Roxanne I 1
15-20 dic
1 1 Rosana En navidad 3
2 2 Elton John Candle in the wind 14
3 3 Aqua Barbie girl 13
4 4 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo Remixes 3
5 e Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 1
6 7 pedro Guerra/Lluis Llach Pasa/Que tinguem sort 2
7 9 u2 Please 11
8 5 u2 God will send his angels 3
9 e b.s.o. You can leave your hat on 1
10 6 Puff Daddy & The Family Been around the world 6
22-27 dic
1 1 Rosana En navidad 4
2 2 Elton John Candle in the wind 15
3 3 Aqua Barbie girl 14
4 5 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 2
5 4 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo Remixes 4
6 e Bunbury Alicia expulsada al pais de las maravillas 1
7 6 pedro Guerra/Lluis Llach Pasa/Que tinguem sort 3
8 8 u2 God will send his angels 4
9 e Spice girls Too much 1
10 re Backstreet boys As long as you love me 9
29 dic-3 ene 98
1 2 Elton John Candle in the wind 16
2 3 Aqua Barbie girl 15
3 1 Rosana En navidad 5
4 4 Sweetbox Everything´s gonna be alright 3
5 5 Monica Naranjo Monica Naranjo Remixes 5
6 7 pedro Guerra/Lluis Llach Pasa/Que tinguem sort 4
7 e Natalie Imbruglia Torn 1
8 6 Bunbury Alicia expulsada al pais de las maravillas 2
9 8 u2 God will send his angels 5
10 re b.s.o. You can leave your hat on 2
6-11 ene
1 1 Prodigy Breathe 9
2 2 David Pastis & David Buenri Pildo 5
3 3 Free This grove 5
4 4 Devil dj´s One time 4
5 e Nav B-3 Al bosque 1
6 6 EX3 Exres-A-2 7
7 12 Nacho Cano La trampa del corazon 2
8 11 Dj Quicksilver Bellisima-I have a dream 3
9 e Natasha Hagen You & you 1
10 9 Dsigual Dsigual vol 2 10
11 10 Neurosis La rana verde 3
12 e Fast forward Flesh 1
13 8 Dj Skudero & Dr Who Extasia remis 4
14 5 N. Dixcontrol Music for the children 3
15 ve Imperio Return to paradise 5
13-18 ene
1 Prodigy Breathe
5 DJ Skudero & Dr. Who Extasia remix
6 Caroline You and you
9 Providence Sigue asi
11 Alexia Number one
12 N. Dixcontrol Music for the children
14 re Spice girls Say you´ll be there 5
20-25 ene
1 Prodigy Breathe
2 Natasha Hagen You & you
3 Cyberia Anonim
4 Nacho Cano La Trampa del corazon (remixes)
5 Fast forward Flesh
27 ene-1 feb
1 Prodigy Breathe
4 DJ Quicksilver Bellisima-I have a dream
7 Lisa and Tori People hold on
8 Alarm Jump all around
3-8 feb
1 U2 Discotheque
9 J & J DJ´s Happy boy
11 Format Nº one Solid session
10-15 feb
1 U2 Discotheque
6 BBE Photo & Flash
12 e Supertrip Dolce vita 1
17-22 feb
1 U2 Discotheque
12 e Penny Lane Sissy´s delight 1
24 feb-1 mar
1 U2 Discotheque
6 Kadoc Rock the bells
7 Daft punk Da funk
8 Gala Let a boy cry
9 DJ Konic Velocity
13 Striking man My house
3-8 mar
1 U2 Discotheque
14 e Spanic Suddenly 1
10-15 mar
1 U2 Discotheque
2 e? Spice girls 2 become 1
3 Zombie Don´t speak
4 Squeezer Sweet kisses
5 Natasha Hagen You & you
6 Kadoc Rock the bells
9 e Rebeca Solo amante 1
10 Composer traks Fall down
11 BBE Photo & flash
12 Gala Let a boy cry
14 e A las diez en casa Enamorada del novio de mi amiga 1
15 e Shortcut Do you really want to hurt me 1
17-22 mar
1 3 Zombie Don´t speak
2 4 Sqeezer Sweet kisses
3 2 Spice girls 2 become 1
4 e Missiego Mueve tu cucu 1
5 1 U2 Discotheque
6 11 BBE Photo & flash
7 re Da Hool Met her at love parade
8 e Skank Garota nacional 1
9 10 Composser traks Fall down
10 5 Natasha Hagen You & you
11 15 Shortcut Do you really want to hurt me 2
12 re Daft punk Da funk
13 12 Gala Let a boy cry
14 e Levy 9 Running up that hill 1
15 6 Kadoc Rock the bells
24-29 mar
1 3 Spice girls 2 become 1
2 2 Squeezer Sweet kisses
3 e The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 1
4 5 u2 Discotheque
5 1 Zombie Don´t speak
6 4 Missiego Mueve tu cucu 2
7 9 Composser traks Fall down
8 8 Skank Garota nacional 2
9 13 gala Let a boy cry
10 re Prodigy Breathe
11 re Dj Quicksilver Bellisima-I have a dream
12 14 Levy 9 Running up that hill 2
13 12 Daft punk Da funk
14 11 Shortcut Do you really want to hurt me 3
15 re Lisa Stansfield Vs The... People hold on
31 mar-5 abr
1 3 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats
2 10 Prodigy Breathe
3 1 Spice girls 2 become 1
4 6 Missiego Mueve tu cucu
5 5 Zombie Don´t speak
6 4 U2 Discotheque
7 2 Squeezer Sweet kisses
8 8 Skank Garota nacional
9 9 Gala Let a boy cry
10 e Hector Seral Babah 1
11 e BBE Photo & flash 1
12 13 Daft punk Da funk
13 ? ?
14 14 Shortcut Do you really want to hurt me 4
15 ? ?
7-12 abr
1 8 Skank Garota nacional 4
2 1 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 3
3 4 Missiego Mueve tu cucu 4
4 7 Sqeezer Sweet kisses
5 e Skudero & Xavi Metralla Pont aeri 3 1
6 3 Spice girls 2 become 1
7 2 Prodigy Breathe
8 5 Zombie Don´t speak
9 6 U2 Discotheque
10 9 Gala Let a boy cry
11 14 Shortcut Do you really want to hurt me 5
12 e Sinus Blob 1
13 10 Hector Seral Babah 2
14 12 Daft punk Da funk
15 11 BBE Photo & flash 2
14-19 abr
1 1 Skank Garota nacional
2 3 Missiego Mueve tu cucu
3 e Dj Richar & Johnny Bass Danger 1
4 7 Prodigy Breathe
5 5 Skudero & Xavi Metralla Pont aeri 3
6 4 Squeezer Sweet kisses
7 e Sash Encore une fois 1
8 U2 Staring at the sun
9 2 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats
10 e Amber This is your night 1
11 12 Sinus blob
12 e Livin´ joy Where can I find love 1
13 ? ?
14 e N-Trance Disco 1
15 e Zentral Attack 1
21-26 abr
1 2 Missiego Mueve tu cucu 5
2 1 Skank Garota nacional 6
3 10 Amber This is your night 2
4 9 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 5
5 e Chasis feat Ricardo F Crazy duck 1
6 4 Prodigy Breathe
7 5 Skudero & Xavi Metralla Pont aeri 3 3
8 7 Sash Encore une fois 2
9 3 Dj Richar & Johnny Bass Danger 2
10 6 Squeezer Sweet kisses
11 11 Sinus blob 3
12 e Sand & the sunshine band Dancing with the radio 1
13 14 N-Trance Disco 2
14 12 Livin´ joy Where can I find love 2
15 3 Zombie Don´t speak
28 abr-3 may
1 5 Chasis feat Ricardo F Crazy duck 1
2 1 Missiego Mueve tu cucu 6
3 2 Skank Garota nacional 7
4 4 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 6
5 8 sash Encore une fois 3
6 3 Amber This is your night 3
7 e Nasty B Hunckback of Notre Dame 1
8 12 Sand & the sunshine band Dancing with the radio 2
9 7 Skudero & Xavi Metralla Pont aeri 3 4
10 re u2 Discotheque
11 10 Sqeezer Sweet kisses
12 15 Zombie Don´t speak
13 e La compañía criolla La fiesta 1
14 e Dith Wemyd Attack 1
15 e Celvin Rotane Back again 1
5-10 may
1 e Pastis & Buenri X que 2 1
6 Squeezer Saturday night
11 Celvin Rotane Back again
12-17 may
1 Skank Garota nacional 9
2 e Basic connection Hablame luna 1
3 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 1
4 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 8
5 Prodigy Breathe
6 e Cyberia Netherworld 1
7 Roy Tavare Los Cueros
8 e Squeezer Saturday night 1
9 La compañía criolla La fiesta 3
10 ? ?
11 Sand & the sunshine band Dancing with the radio 4
12 ? ?
13 ? ?
14 e DJ Benja Fire 1
15 ? ?
19-24 may
1 2 Basic connection Hablame luna 2
2 9 La compañía criolla La fiesta 4
3 1 Skank Garota nacional 10
4 e Alexia Uh la la la 2
5 3 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 2
6 4 The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 9
7 8 Sqeezer Saturday night 2
8 e Dj Bolo 2 Dj Uri X-perience 2 1
9 e Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 1
10 e Porn kings Amour 1
11 e Dj Skryker Shock 1
12 e Jimmy Sommerville Safe 1
13 11 Sand & the sunshine band Dancing with the radio 5
14 5 Prodigy Breathe
15 e Halzoom And the beat goes on 1
26-31 may
1 4 Alexia Uh la la la 3
2 2 La compañía criolla La fiesta 5
3 12 Jimmy Sommerville safe 2
4 5 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 3
5 1 Basic connection Hablame luna 3
6 e 2 Fabiola Freak out 97 remix 1
7 7 Squeezer Saturday night 3
8 3 Skank Garota nacional 11
9 e Sancocho Tumba la casa 1
10 e Batida de coco e-o-tchan 1
11 9 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 2
12 e Fulano de tal Mamacita 1
13 11 Dj Skryker shock 2
14 e Energy 52 Café del mar 1
15 8 Dj Bolo 2 Dj Uri X-perience 2 2
2-7 jun
1 2 La compañía criolla La fiesta 6
2 4 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 4
3 3 Jimmy Sommerville Safe 3
4 1 Alexia Uh la la la 4
5 9 Sancocho Tumba la casa 2
6 6 2 Fabiola Freak out 97 remix 2
7 11 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 3
8 12 Fulano de tal Mamacita 2
9 10 Batida de coco e-o-tchan 2
10 7 Squeezer Saturday night 4
11 e DJ Quicksilver Free 1
12 5 Basic connection Hablame luna 4
13 e Atmosferic Oxygene 1
14 8 Skank Garota nacional 12
15 re The Chemical brothers Block rockin beats 10
9-14 jun
1 3 Jimmy Sommerville safe 4
2 2 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 5
3 4 Alexia Uh la la la 5
4 7 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 4
5 11 DJ Quicksilver free 2
6 e É o Tchan É o Tchan remixes 1
7 5 Sancocho Tumba la casa 3
8 e Free space Donkey pumping 1
9 10 Squeezer Saturday night 5
10 1 La compañía criolla La fiesta 7
11 12 Basic connection Hablame luna 5
12 6 2 Fabiola Freak out 97 remix 3
13 re Energy 52 Café del mar 2
14 e Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 1
15 14 Skank Garota nacional 13
16-21 jun
1 3 Alexia Uh la la la 6
2 2 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 6
3 6 É o Tchan É o Tchan remixes 2
4 e Blueboy Remember me 1
5 1 Jimmy Sommerville safe 5
6 4 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 5
7 7 Sancocho Tumba la casa 4
8 14 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 2
9 5 DJ Quicksilver Free 3
10 e Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 1
11 e Object one Typewriter 1
12 9 Squeezer Saturday night 6
13 10 La compañía criolla La fiesta 8
14 12 2 Fabiola Freak out 97 remix 4
15 e Paradisio Bailando (remix) 1
23-28 jun
1 2 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 7
2 1 Alexia Uh la la la 7
3 6 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 6
4 8 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 3
7 re Free space Donkey pumping 2
8 4 Blueboy Remember me 2
9 11 Object one Typewriter 2
10 e Cocooma Virtual experience 1
11 e S-project Eso es el amor 1
13 5 Jimmy Sommerville Safe 6
14 e Age of love The age of love (The Jam & Spoon remixes) 1
15 10 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 2
30 jun-5 jul
1 13 Jimmy Sommerville Safe 7
2 10 Cocooma Virtual experience 2
3 e Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 1
4 15 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 3
5 7 Free space Donkey pumping 3
6 3 Juan Valdes El baile del sucucucu 7
7 e EX3 Remixes 1
8 4 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 4
9 9 Object one Typewriter 3
10 e Edwin Delgado You know...Elvis 1
11 2 Alexia Uh la la la 8
12 e Sash Ecuador 1
13 8 Blueboy Remember me 3
14 1 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 8
15 11 S-project Eso es el amor 2
7-12 jul
1 3 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 2
2 4 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 4
3 15 S-project Eso es el amor 3
4 8 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 5
5 7 EX3 Remixes 2
6 2 Cocooma Virtual experience 3
7 5 Free space Donkey pumping 4
8 11 Alexia Uh la la la 9
9 re Paradisio Bailando (remix) 2
10 1 Jimmy Sommerville Safe 8
11 9 Object one Typewriter 4
12 e Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 1
13 re Ultra Naté Free 3
14 e Dj Konic Velocity III 1
15 e Korpus Liberty 1
14-19 jul
1 1 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 3
2 4 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 6
3 5 EX3 Remixes 3
4 13 Ultra Naté Free 4
5 12 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 2
7 7 Free space Donkey pumping 5
8 e plastic The secret key of life 1
9 11 Object one Typewriter 5
10 re Edwin Delgado You know...Elvis 2
11 2 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 5
12 6 Cocooma Virtual experience 4
13 8 Alexia Uh la la la 10
14 re 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 9
15 re sash Ecuador 2
21-26 jul
1 1 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 4
2 2 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 7
3 11 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 6
4 5 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 3
5 3 EX3 Remixes 4
6 7 Free space Donkey pumping 6
7 4 Ultra Naté Free 5
8 10 Edwin Delgado You know...Elvis 3
9 re Dj Konic Velocity III 2
10 13 Alexia Uh la la la 11
11 15 sash Ecuador 3
12 9 Object one Typewriter 6
13 8 plastic The secret key of life 2
14 12 Cocooma Virtual experience 5
15 14 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 10
28 jul-2 agos
1 8 Edwin Delgado You know...Elvis 4
2 11 Sash Ecuador 4
3 1 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 5
4 2 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 8
5 3 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 7
6 e Anonim anonim vol. 2 1
7 4 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 4
8 e Dr. Alban The ´97 remixes 1
9 14 Cocooma Virtual experience 3
10 7 Ultra Naté Free 6
11 5 EX3 Remixes 5
12 13 plastic The secret key of life 3
13 10 Alexia Uh la la la 12
14 9 Dj Konic Velocity III 3
15 e Hanson MmmBop 1
4-9 agos
1 6 Anonim anonim vol. 2 2
2 12 plastic The secret key of life 4
3 7 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 5
4 3 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 6
5 9 Cocooma Virtual experience 4
6 15 Hanson MmmBop 2
7 11 EX3 Remixes 6
8 10 Ultra Naté Free 7
9 re Energy 52 Café del Mar 3
10 14 Dj Konic Velocity III 4
11 5 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 8
12 2 Sash Ecuador 5
13 8 Dr. Alban The ´97 remixes 2
14 re Atmosferic Oxygene 2
15 re Object one Typewriter 7
11-16 agos
1 8 Ultra Naté Free 8
2 re Alexia Uh la la la 13
3 6 Hanson MmmBop 3
4 1 Anonim anonim vol. 2 3
5 4 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 7
6 re 2 Eivissa Oh la la la 11
7 e Will Smith Men in black 1
8 15 Object one Typewriter 8
9 9 Energy 52 Café del Mar 4
10 re Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 9
11 11 Arkimed L´Ultimo dei Mohicani 9
12 14 Atmosferic Oxygene 3
13 3 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 6
14 re Free space Donkey pumping 7
15 10 Dj Konic Velocity III 5
18-23 agos
1 1 Ultra Naté free 9
2 2 Alexia Uh la la la 14
3 3 Hanson MmmBop 4
4 7 Will Smith Men in black 2
5 e Monica Naranjo Entender el amor 1
6 4 Anonim anonim vol. 2 4
7 5 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 8
8 8 Object one Typewriter 9
9 e Nalin & Kane Beachball 1
10 13 Two deejays feat. Medieval Greenselves (mangas verdes) 7
11 re Dr. Alban The ´97 remixes 3
12 9 Energy 52 café 5
13 10 Carrilio Samba de Janeiro 10
14 e Just Luis The number one 1
15 14 Free space Donkey pumping 8
25-30 agos
1 1 Ultra Naté Free 10
2 9 Nalin & Kane Beachball 2
3 4 Will Smith Men in black 3
4 3 Hanson MmmBop 6
5 5 Monica Naranjo Entender el amor 2
6 2 Alexia Uh la la la 15
7 e Corona The power of love 1
8 12 Energy 52 café 6
9 11 Dr. Alban The ´97 remixes 4
10 e Prodigy Breathe 9
11 6 Anonim anonim vol. 2 5
12 e Laguna Laguna vol.1 1
13 re Cocooma Virtual experience 7
14 14 Just Luis The number one 2
15 7 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 9
1-6 sept
1 1 Ultra Naté Free 11
2 2 Nalin & Kane Beachball 3
3 e Dr. Alban Mr. Dj 1
4 13 Cocooma Virtual experience 8
5 8 Energy 52 Café del Mar 7
6 4 Hanson MmmBop 7
7 15 Pastis & Buenri Attack vol.1 10
8 11 Anonim anonim vol. 2 6
9 e EX3 Remixes 7
10 3 Will Smith Men in black 4
11 re Object one Typewriter 13
12 7 corona The power of love 2
13 e Brooklyn bounce Take a ride 1
14 10 Prodigy Breathe 10
15 5 Monica Naranjo Entender el amor 3
8-13 sept
1 Nalin & Kane Beachball
2 e N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy 1
3 Ultra Naté free
4 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
5 Energy 52 Café del Mar
6 Cocooma Virtual experience
7 EX3 Remixes
8 Will Smith Men in black
9 Just Luis The number one
10 Object one Typewriter
11 Corona The power of love
12 e Interave Reborn 1
13 Brooklyn bounce Take a ride
14 Anonim anonim vol. 2
15 Monica Naranjo Entender el amor
15-20 sept
1 Nalin & Kane Beachball
2 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
3 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
4 e DJ Ghönsso & J. Rave Kamelot 1
5 Sash Ecuador
6 e Biospheric Rendez vous II 1
7 Ultra Naté Free
8 Cocooma Virtual experience
9 Anonim anonim vol. 2
10 Energy 52 Café del Mar
11 e Explorer Conquest of paradise 1
12 e V. F. R. System Be good 1
13 Brooklyn bounce Take a ride
14 Just Luis The number one
15 Ex3 Remixes
22-27 sept
1 e Janet Jackson Got ´til it´s gone 1
2 Nalin & Kane Beachball
3 e The Chemical brothers Elektrobank 1
4 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
5 Ultra Naté Free
6 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
7 Sash Ecuador
8 e DJ Skryker Tension 1
9 Energy 52 Café del Mar
10 e Jaydee Plastic dream 1
11 Interave reborn
12 e Doom Face in the dark 1
13 Biospheric Rendez vous II
14 e John Wesley Lover why 1
15 Just Luis The number one
29 sept-4 oct
1 e John Wesley World of humanity 1
2 1 Janet Jackson Got ´til it´s gone 2
3 e Sash Stay 1
4 4 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
5 2 Nalin & Kane Beachball
6 5 Ultra Naté Free
7 e No smoking Tubthumping 1
8 6 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
9 14 John Wesley Lover why
10 e Otto drum Black edge 1
11 e Squeezer Blue jeans 1
12 e 2 Fabiola Magic flight 1
13 9 Energy 52 Café del Mar
14 e Icehouse Hey little girl 1
15 e Da hood Met her at love parade (remix) 1
6-11 oct
1 3 Sash Stay
2 5 Nalin & Kane Beachball
3 1 John Wesley World of humanity
4 e PJ Happy days
5 6 Ultra Naté free
6 14 Icehouse Hey little girl
7 2 Janet Jackson Got ´til it´s gone
8 e Mission You´re not alone
9 7 No smoking Tubthumping
10 4 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
11 10 Otto drum Black edge
12 8 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
13 re Interave Reborn
14 e Kubik Hymnotice
15 e Orbital Ocean
13-18 oct
1 e Spice girls Spice up your life
2 3 John Wesley World of humanity
3 1 sash stay
4 e Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
5 2 Nalin & Kane Beachball
6 4 PJ Happy days
7 6 Icehouse Hey little girl
8 9 No smoking Tubthumping
9 11 Otto drum Black edge
10 e Kung fu Bross Steppin´ stones
11 8 Mission You´re not alone
12 10 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
13 e Brooklyn bounce The real bass
14 14 Kubik Hymnotice
15 12 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
20-25 oct
1 1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 4 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
3 3 sash Stay
4 5 Nalin & Kane Beachball
5 2 John Wesley World of humanity
6 e Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
7 12 N-Trance Da ya think I´m sexy
8 10 Kung fu Bross Steppin´ stones
9 e DJ Skudero Fluor
10 8 No smoking Tubthumping
11 15 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
12 e De Bos On the run
13 e Zweety Rumpshaka
14 e Disco blu feat. Baby No more, baby
15 11 Mission You´re not alone
27 oct-1 nov
1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 e B-movie Nowhere girl
3 sash stay
4 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
5 John Wesley World of humanity
6 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
7 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
8 e DJ Juan Cruz Der con TWA
9 e Dario G Sunchyne
10 DJ Skudero fluor
11 e Celvin Rotane Bienvenue
12 Kung fu Bross Steppin´ stones
13 No smoking Tubthumping
14 Nalin & Kane Beachball
15 Disco blu feat. Baby No more, baby
3-8 nov
1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 e Gala Come into my life
3 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
4 Dario G Sunchyne
5 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
6 Kung fu Bross Steppin´ stones
7 e Dj Markos 13 & Oskar Large Plastik-K
8 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
9 John Wesley World of humanity
10 No smoking Tubthumping
11 Zweety Rumpshaka
12 DJ Skudero fluor
13 e Hanson Where is the love
14 sash stay
15 e K-Zero Victory
10-15 nov
1 1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 2 gala Come into my life
3 14 sash stay
4 4 Dario G Sunchyne
5 5 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
6 15 K-Zero Victory
7 re Nalin & Kane Beachball
8 3 Dr. Alban Mr. Dj
9 7 Dj Markos 13 & Oskar Large Plastik-K
10 9 John Wesley World of humanity
11 12 DJ Skudero Fluor
12 6 Kung fu Bross Steppin´ stones
13 10 No smoking Tubthumping
14 8 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
15 e Sistema 3 Chupa
17-22 nov
1 1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 3 sash stay
3 e Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
4 2 Gala Come into my life
5 4 Dario G Sunchyne
6 5 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
7 11 DJ Skudero Fluor
8 10 John Wesley World of humanity
9 e DJ Manga Judgement day
10 6 K-Zero Victory
11 13 No smoking Tubthumping
12 e Jones & Stephenson The first rebirth
13 14 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
14 e Papaya Hero
15 15 Sistema 3 Chupa
24-29 nov
1 1 Spice girls Spice up your life
2 6 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
3 4 gala Come into my life
4 3 Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
5 2 sash Stay
6 5 Dario G Sunchyne
7 13 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
8 e Now Let´s make love
9 8 John Wesley World of humanity
10 10 K-Zero Victory
11 e Prodigy Smack my bitch up
12 e Kuantize Overflow
13 re Dr. Alban Mr. Dj/Guess who´s...
14 e Robert Miles Freedom
15 11 No smoking Tubthumping
1-6 dic
1 e Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3
2 5 sash stay
3 4 Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
4 3 gala Come into my life
5 1 Spice girls Spice up your life
6 6 Dario G Sunchyne
7 8 Now Let´s make love
8 11 Prodigy Smack my bitch up
9 2 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
10 14 Robert Miles Freedom
11 7 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
12 9 John Wesley World of humanity
13 10 K-Zero Victory
14 e K-Psula Final EP
15 15 No smoking Tubthumping
8-13 dic
1 1 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3
2 8 Prodigy Smack my bitch up
3 2 sash stay
4 4 gala Come into my life
5 5 Spice girls Spice up your life
6 6 Dario G Sunchyne
7 9 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
8 3 Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
9 e X. Metralla Metramorphosis
10 10 Robert Miles Freedom
11 7 Now Let´s make love
12 12 John Wesley World of humanity
13 11 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
14 13 K-Zero Victory
15 e EDM Spain vol.1 All stars
15-20 dic
1 2 Prodigy Smack my bitch up
2 7 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
3 1 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3
4 4 gala Come into my life
5 3 sash stay
6 6 Dario G Sunchyne
7 e Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul it´s raining men
8 5 Spice girls Spice up your life
9 10 Robert Miles Freedom
10 e Rame & Trabuio I need your punk
11 12 John Wesley World of humanity
12 13 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
13 8 Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
14 11 Now Let´s make love
15 e X que? Vol.3 I have a dream
22-27 dic
1 1 Prodigy Smack my bitch up
2 5 sash stay
3 4 gala Come into my life
4 3 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3
5 8 Spice girls Spice up your life
6 6 Dario G Sunchyne
7 7 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul it´s raining men
8 12 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
9 2 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
10 14 now Let´s make love
11 re X. Metralla Metramorphosis
12 10 Rame & Trabuio I need your punk
13 9 Robert Miles Freedom
14 re No smoking Tubthumping
15 13 Pastis & Buenri In vino veritas
29 dic-3 ene 98
1 1 Prodigy Smack my bitch up
2 2 sash Stay
3 9 Monica Naranjo Desatame (remix)
4 3 gala Come into my life
5 5 Spice girls Spice up your life
6 7 Martha Wash feat. Ru Paul it´s raining men
7 8 Run DMC Vs Jason Nevins It´s like that
8 4 Dsigual vol.3 Dsigual vol.3
9 6 Dario G Sunchyne
10 11 X. Metralla Metramorphosis
11 10 now Let´s make love
12 e Atomic junkies This is it
13 e Nostrum Brainchild´97
14 13 Robert Miles Freedom
15 e Rebeca Todos los chicos son iguales
hola, faltan canciones, hay espacios en blanco. ¿donde podría consultar las que faltan? y posteriores al 2010? un saludo y gracias.